You went to the Fairy Garden!?”

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“So tacky”

Of course yelling at people in the middle of the street is tacky in the eyes of others.

Really. I wish you’d calm down a little.

“I don’t want to hear from the guy who jumped out of a fountain screaming he was gonna drown.”


I forgot about that old days.

“Really, your sister went to the Fairy Garden, too. You are lucky. Wasn’t it really beautiful over there? There were so many tiny faeries flying around, it was so cute…seriously though, those Fairy Eaters must die. No mercy.”

“Sylph, calm down, the highlights are gone from your eyes, you’re scaring me!”

It seems that Sylph was lightly traumatized by the fact that when she went to the Fairy Garden during her Beta days, she wasn’t leveled up enough and one of the faeries was eaten while she was stuck in the grass and flowers.

…I heard he came out of nowhere when you beat him.

Since then Sylph, who also has the effect of the fairy series she received, has changed her fighting style to focus on speed. The next time a small animal is attacked, she wants to be able to save it.

By the way, when Taku heard this story he muttered while grinning, “…tentacle…swallowed whole…hmm”.

It was creepy. It was even creepier than usual. It was devastatingly creepy. Sylph and I gently kept our distance, and when I looked at him with the eyes of absolute zero, he had a mended face, but I think Taku’s already too late for a lot of things.

“Good afternoon, Ria.”

“Well, hello there. I see you three are together today.

“Yeah, the three of us are going to go to area b……”

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“”No I don’t know you.””

I’ll deny it firmly because I was lumped in with this creepy person who happened to be the same destination by Ria-san.

“Taku, what did you do this time?”

“No, I didn’t do anything serious!”

“This guy was smiling with a creepy grin on his face while I was talking about something serious and sorrowful. He is a pervert no matter how you look at it.”


“Just a minute! Please don’t distance yourself from me, Ria. Sylph and Yu, you need to get in a better mood, I’m sorry!”

Wow…faced with being in the small shop space with a such a creepy face, Ria took as much distance as she could while the stranger is making a lot of noise again.

Huh…, I’m not getting anywhere with the story.

“…[Summon Tina]”




When I summoned Tina in front of Sylph with a pop, she was captured with lightning speed by Sylph who emitting a monstrous sound wave from her mouth!

Sylph has gone from being grumpy to grinning, loving Tina with her cheeks dyed in a dangerous way while going ehehehe.

“…Am I the only one who thinks that Sylph-chan is not good enough for others?”

Taku’s gone quiet, too, so we’ll just ignore him.

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“Ria. We’re going to an area boss fight right now. So can I please keep my money with you?”

“Oh, sure, why not?”

Saying that, Ria took out three pieces of…wood chips? A wooden tag? It’s a flattened piece of wood that’s not even shaped.

“This is?”

“It’s just some scraps that Ren gave me. Can you carve on it the amount you are going to deposit and make a note of it for yourself to remember?”

“I see”

So, all three of us bought a wooden tag with all our money written on it and left town.

Today’s target is the area boss of the mountain: the Stone Golem.

“Everybody come out.”





After I summoned the three who had changed their class, while Sylph was distracted by Mizuki, Tina managed to slip away and started hugging me!

Yup. You know exactly who to turn to. If you go to Boparu, you and Sylph and the three of you will be made to play again.

“There is no experience value or money to make on the way, so I would like to go to the vicinity of the boss while avoiding battle and put up a tent and eat. Is it Ok to gather and fight the boss after dinner?”


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“Well, I guess that’s it for Tina for now, we have one too many people for a party.”

I had Tina return and then joined the party.

“Ah~ My Tina-chan~”

She is not Sylph’s though?

“…sigh. If you want, you can go along with me to level up Tina after the Area Boss fight…”

“I’ll do it! I’ll help! Since it has been decided, let’s go quickly and take down the boss as fast as we can!!”

“Oh! Revenge match! Let’s go all out!”


We climbed to the top of the mountain, led by three close attackers who were motivated for the boss battle!

Of course, there’s a Boparu, so were only attacked by bats a few times. We arrived easily, pitched a tent, and broke up once.

“Well, we’re all here, so let’s get this last meeting against the Stone Golem started.”





After finishing dinner, we reassembled and Taku ordered us to hold a boss strategy meeting.

“The boss’s attack pattern is as I told you beforehand, basically it’s a harder and faster version of the stone shark, but it’s slow enough that even I could dodge it, so Sylph and Vorpal should be able to handle it. As far as resistance goes, strikes work well, stabs don’t work nearly as well, slashes and magic in general are normal, so I’m going to have Sylph use a one-handed sword, since it’s reckless to use a rapier against that thing, durability-wise.”

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“Umm, this might be the first time I have used the beginner gear since the game launched. My skills are better with the rapier and I have used it since in the beta, so I think I’m good…”

“If blows work better, that means Boparu’s kicks work better, right? …let’s see how many minutes the boss can last…”


You going to do it? You are going do it, right? Shush shush with a feeling! And shadow kickboxing? Repeat the kick swing at the speed of leaving the afterimage, Boparu is as dependable as usual.

“Hahaha. Sure, a kick is a blow, but can you expect high damage from a physical skill without weapon compensation? This time, the opponent’s defense is high and the enemy is slow, so you want the destructive power of a single blow rather than a lot of moves.”

“Oh, oh…”

Eh? The kicking skill does less damage than weapon skills? I only use canes, so I didn’t know that Taku’s greatsword and Sylph’s rapier are capable of more firepower than Boparu? That’s scary.

“Okay, we’re aiming to defeat the Stone Golem, let’s go with a bang!!”





We’re gonna give it one last shot, and then we’re gonna take our first step.

The moment we crossed the line Taku had drawn, the rocks in front of us all came together and rose up into a human form.

** Author’s Notes **

Mofu Mofu!

The blow works well … the kick is a blow … ah… (I know)

Stone Golem… stay strong.

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