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The stone golem stands up with less than 50% HP stands up and a dull aura rising from its body.

Now that I think of it, the Lars Bear gave off a red aura when his HP was went down to half. Maybe all the area bosses are like that.


The rocks and stones around the stone golem fly towards it as if they are sucked in by a magnet, and when they stick to the stone golem’s body, they are absorbed and the stone golem’s HP is slightly restored.

“That’s it, skills unlocked! Time to go all out!”




Even if the foursome with high firepower seriously put out, they’re still too slow to surround the Stone Golem, activate their skills, and beat it to a pulp.

“…Aigis, you and I are going to destroy the stone golem’s recovery.”


I beat the stone that floated softly with my cane and causing the stone to drop.

Hitting the stone deals no damage, but if a stone hits the stone golem, it will recover, and there’s no way to get in the way of stones flying at you from behind during battle.





“Oooooooooh! yes yes yes yes!”






…I don’t know what’s going on here.

In the center of the area, a fierce battle with the boss is going on, and we’re doing the same monotonous work as a street sweeper…no, I know it’s necessary. Aigis’s and my attack power wouldn’t be able to do any damage at all to the powered-up stone golem.

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It is important to set up the field so that the attacker can focus on attacking…how would you say…plain.


Boporu spun like a drill and pierced the stone golem from the foot, gorging the stone golem as it was and went through to the other side.

“Gogogogogogo! Gogo…Go…”

Ah, stone golem sank shortly after a great struggle.

Yeah. I knew you were significantly weaker than Lars Baer. So that’s what you’d get if you had 6 class changed people.

<< The player has leveled up, please increase any status >>
<< Summoned monster: Beaupal has leveled up, please increase any status >>
<< Summoned monster: Mizuki has leveled up, please increase any status >>
<< Summoned monster: Aigis has leveled up, please increase any status >>

Yu High-Summoner
Level 15 -> 16
STA 13
STR 13
AGI 15 -> 16
DEX 14
MAG 22 -> 23
SPI 22


Cane 6 -> 7
Kick 16
Summon Magic 13 -> 15
Fire Magic 11
Water Magic 12
Appraisal 10 -> 11
Dash 10 -> 11
Evasion 5
Defense 5
Cold Resistant 7
Heat Resistance 1

<< You have earned 2 skill points. SP 8 -> 10 >>

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Boporu Kicking Rabbit
Level 15 -> 16
STA 10
STR 23 -> 24
AGI 23 -> 24
DEX 12


Enemy Search
Sense of Presence
Tame Kick
Three-Dimensional Mobility
Sky Walking
Evasion (New)

Mizuki Magical Owl
Level 15 -> 16
STA 12
STR 11
AGI 19 -> 20
DEX 10
MAG 17 -> 18
SPI 10


Surprise Attack
Night Vision
Fast Flying
Wind Magic
High-Speed Casting
Evasion (New)

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Aegis Hardened Goat
Level 11 -> 12
STA 21 -> 22
STR 12 -> 13
AGI 12
DEX 13
SPI 10

Sense Danger
Traversing Rough Roads
Defense (New)

<< The area boss has been defeated >>
<< A new area has been released >>

Looks like all the summoned monsters have learned a new skill. I didn’t end up leveling up my skills. What a shame.

“Hey Yu! It’s over!”

“I’m tired~”



Sitting around a pile of rocks made of what used to be a rattling, crumbling stone golem, Aigis and I get up and head towards Taku and the others who are waving at us.

I had heard it took Taku and the others half a day to fight it, and they gave up because they couldn’t cut it down, but just now it took us less than an hour. In fact, it’s even taking more time to move it than it did to fight it.


Boporu, which had pierced the stone golem’s body and was half buried in the ground, jumped out of the hole looking for praise as I approached. Time for hugs.

Oh, there there. You’ve done well today. You’re doing great! So soft. So fluffy.



Mizuki, who was looking at me mushy-eyed on a rocky hill, charged headfirst into the gap between my arms where I was hugging Boporu.

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With her wings folded up and her heard buried, Mizuki fits completely in my arms and all I can see of her is her fluffy butt.

“Hey hey, there’s blood on your head, right?”


After squeezing Mizuki’s upside down buttocks to pull her out and I flip her around so that I am holding her right side up again.

Mizuki’s cute too, looking into my eyes with her shining eyes and tilting her head. There there.

“Me-“”It’s fluffy heaven!!””-eh!?”

Aigis was about to walk up to us, but Sylph jumped out first.

Sylph literally jumped up and flew straight into us with a flying press.

“Weehee, it’s so fluffy…rub, rub, rub… hahaha.”

“Whoa! Sylph! No! Hey! Come to your senses!”



Boporu and Mizuki, who are sandwiched between me and Sylph, make sounds as though they are suffering as Sylph rubs cheek-to-cheek with so much friction it is likely to start a fire. But, Sylph doesn’t seem to hear them at all, and I am left waving my arms while making noise in protest.

“Well w let drftgy fujiko lp”

“Hey! Sylph is broken! Taku, help me!”

Scary. Sylph is so scary! It’s no longer a human language, it’s not even a language from this planet!! This is scary! I’m so scared I’m gonna chew my lines!

Aigis is kicking pebbles and messing around a little too far away from us and Taku is the only one we can count on right now!

“Oh. Hold on a second!!”

Taku looks like a savior as he navigates his way through the menu, looking shinier than ever.

I never thought I’d see the day when I’d appreciate Taku so much. You never really know what’s going to happen in life. I’ll buy you an ice cream next time.

“Damn! My album’s full!?”

“…don’t you dare take a s-s-screenshot goraaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Later, I’m going to strangle Taku, who was useless after all and I’m going to twist a bunch of poison pills into the mouth of a huffing Sylph, and escape while Sylph is in agony.

…I did this on the spur of the moment, but this might be surprisingly good. The player has basically blocked out the sense of pain. I’ll use it next time Tak is annoying me.

It is going to be expensive, so nevermind.

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