“Ria, please give me my money!

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Next day Thursday. Today, with only three days left until the fighting tournament. Anyway, I came to Ria’s stall to ask her to return the money I had deposited with her. It’s like I came here to beg for allowance.

“Oh my, welcome. You want your money back? Do you have the wooden tag?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

We exchange the wooden tag to get back all our money, plus the surplus of ant drops I want to sell.

“I got a lot of ore from the stone golem, can I use them for something?”

As I said this, I took the magic ore from my inventory and laid it out on the cart.

[Item: Material] Magic Ore Rarity 2
 An iron ore that has been infused with magic for a long time

  It is used to make weapons and armor.

“Oh, that’s a lot of magic ore. If you make it into armor or a shield, it will give you magic resistance, and if you make it into a weapon, it will give you a small amount of magic correction. Hmm. But wizards don’t really need that…that’s right! I think you should use it for Aigis’s armor.”

“I see. I mean, we don’t use metal things for anything else. Well, then, please do.”

“Yes, alright.”

I sell all the magic ore we have to Ria and leave the stall.

We were told that Aigis’ armor would be ready after the tournament. I’m looking forward to it. Right, Aigis?

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♪Clang Clang ♪

“Oh? There’s a bell on the door.”


We were greeted by the sound of a new bell on the door as we came to the atelier before going to the forest to hunt for treants since we had consumed a lot of anti-poison pills due to the Sylphs.

“Welcome, sir! Oh? Look who it is, it’s Yu! Quick! Hurry and come in!”

Elle, who was unusually in her studio, led me into the workshop. The owner of the workshop is probably Elle, so there’s nothing wrong with her being there, but it’s a fresh look.

“What can I do for you today~? If you’ve come to chat with Elle, I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll treat you to some of my best sweets!”


“Whoa! There’s another girl I’ve never seen before!”

Tina jumped out in response to the word “sweets” and spun around Elle, asking for sweets. She seem to like the candy Sylph gave her.

“Oh, a fairy. Very rare! …hmm, sugar cube?”


Tina took the sugar cube that Elle offered with both hands and ate it from the corner with a big smile on her face.

It is fine if Tina wants it, but I don’t think a sugar cube is a candy.

“I’m here today to restock the poison eraser pills. I used a lot yesterday. Can I get five of those?”

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“I got it! I’m going to go prepare some tea while your waiting for me! Oh, there’s also coffee, but which do you prefer?”

“Oh, then tea please.”

“Copy that!”

Elle, who seemed to want me to listen to her very much, disappeared into the back of the room as if she were skipping.

I’m afraid she is going to spill it…is she going to be alright?

I’m not sure if it’s okay that I didn’t pay for this tea or the candy that Sylph gave me. When the stone golem drops were divided up, the ownership was given to the party that defeated the stone golem, but the candy that was taken out of the inventory was not a problem? I wonder if the low value of the product in the first place caused the quality to deteriorate less?



While I was thinking about something I couldn’t answer, the door leading to the back of the studio opened. Elle, maybe? That was pretty quick…

“…sister. Do you know where I can find my diary? I can’t find it anywhere.”

It was Fia who walked into the atelier.

She must have been getting ready for bed. Fia-chan, wearing pajamas that looked like a stuffed rabbit with her hair down, was looking at me with a surprised expression on her face as she opened the door.

“You look super cute in that outfit! Where did you get it?”

“…oh, it’s you. I was surprised to find a stranger in my house…also, these pajamas are handmade by Fia. They are not for sale.”

After sighing in exasperation at my shout, Fia-chan returns to her usual expressionless self, speaks plainly.

“Handmade!? Seriously! I’d love for you to make one for me!”

“…not for sale.”

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“At least, let me be fluffy!”

“I don’t know what that means.”


Fia is stingy.

…Well, okay. I’m sure Elle will be back soon with some tea. I think I’ll just wait and chat with Fia.

“…so, what can I do for you today?”

“…I was thinking of asking Fia to make some clothes for me.”

“…no, I told you it’s not for sale. I don’t like persistent people.”

“I’m sorry!! I won’t say it again!”

Yeah. The outfit is cute, but I don’t think I want Fia to hate me.

“Actually, I’m here to buy more poison pills. Yesterday, I shoved a bunch of them into the mouths of people I know…”

“…how dreadful…”

Fia clasped her hands in front of her chest and prayed for Sylph’s soul. I guess Fia doesn’t like bitter things? When I first bought the poison pill, she really emphasized the bitterness. In fact, it was bitter.

Sylph is not dead.

“Sorry to keep you waiting~! I hope you rabbits are ok with cookies?”

Thud Kicking down the door, Elle came spinning back into the studio holding a tray in both hands.

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“Oh my goodness! Fia is here too! I’ll get another cup!”

“Oh, yeah”

Just as I thought she had put the tray down on the table, she turned around and ran out of the studio. It was done so fast that Fia didn’t even have time to say a word.

“…you have to promised to listen to my sister. She’s recently picked up a new recipe and she’s dying to tell someone about it. Fia has already been told the same story many times.”

Fia said as she gave the cookies that Elle had brought to Boparu. She had somehow sat down on a chair and placed Boparu on her lap.

By the way, Tina eats without permission and Aigis gets one for Mizuki.

“…it is a pretty long story and one that I’m sure that you, as a non-alchemist, will not understand, but good luck. She just wants to talk to you, so I don’t mind if you answer blankly.”


“…it is a long story.”

“Please, don’t leave me alone with her. I’m not sure I can handle that kind of tension for long.”

I don’t care if it’s just for a short time, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her if she talked about something I couldn’t understand for a long time.

“…huh. I’m pretty sure you were already included in the talk as soon as your she left to get Fia’s cup.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

I feel like I’ve been apologizing to Fia a lot today.

After that, Elle came back immediately burst into machine-gun talk, just as Fia had said. We enjoyed the tea and cookies while making appropriate responses. I heard that this cookie was made by Fia-chan.

…Fia can make clothes and cook, she’s really too feminine.

Even Elle can mix cookies. That is different from the Elle that I know.

I guess by mixing, she means using alchemy to make it, but I’m worried that the concoction might contain some kind of strange medicine.

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