Prologue: The Man Who Lost Everything

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Karube Gou was intending to splurge all his money that day.

It was the summer of his 2nd year of high school, the time that is said to be the peak of youth. However, Karube Gou spent most of his school year doing part-time work. When looking at such a student, the adults who idolized their youth would all have agreed— what a waste.

However, Gou had not even the slightest regret about his youth.

The place he was going to today, is more important than an athlete wiping their sweat from striving hard in a sport, more dire than flirting with a girl while studying at a library, and more significant than creating something or star-viewing. It was to do an activity that he treasure the most beyond anything — supporting his Oshi.

It is the act of supporting a favorite thing or someone (that certain kind of being henceforth is called an Oshi).

In the current state of society, there are many content creators who dedicate their life to their hobby and creating diverse contents. There is no bound to their passion. Furthermore, not only it became a big thing in Japan, a country known for its pop culture, but it became popular on a world-wide scale.

These content creators are the targets of Gou’s support — Vtubers, streamers based in the virtual world.

Vtubers are content creators in all genders in 2D and/or 3D forms and do video contents and streams. They are people who have the potential to hit the front pages of Youtube with their video contents. Vtubers combines both idolatry and anonymity that matches well with the current stage of society, where having idol-like relationships with fans, albeit loose relationships, is its style. It took the world by storm less than a year after they appeared.

The Oshi that Gou is obsessed with is the Vtuber, Mukanae Noa, an idol who is represented by Hoshigaoka High School. Her freetalk streams show her as a pure and naive person, but the gap when she sings on her singing streams, where she has a strong singing voice, was what captured Gou. It’s been one year since he first saw her in the summer and since then has put all his heart into supporting his Oshi.

From that moment on, Gou was a high-ranking member on Noa’s channel. Whenever she is streaming, Gou will rain her with superchats constantly. As a fan, it is obvious that he would support her on Pixiv Fanbox and pay for paid content on Booth. Not only that, he contributed in creating the unofficial Mukanae Noa fanclub in response to Noa’s desire to value fan connections. It goes without saying that anyone is free to join.

In the Vtuber world, it’s strange that this man who spent so much effort in supporting one Vtuber for several months, even exists.

Karube Gou, who is also known as Karugo, is one of the Noatomo — Mukanae Noa’s fan name. Although he was just a fan of Noa, he was a complete standout in the community: a fan who is known beyond the fan name group, and is a respected individual in the community.

There are many speculations and rumors regarding Karugo identity.

Could he be a scion of a large company? An oil tycoon? Or was he just not a human? Or was it from the start it was a secret society of multiple people under one identity?

He had literally spent that much time and money on the existence called Mukanae Noa.

“Ah….” Gou left the train, and wiped his sweat with an officially sold Noa’s towel. “There is no day as better than this for a legend to kick off.”

It was a late summer boiling hot day in Tokyo. When he looked up, the sun was brilliantly shining.

He was at the 5th platform of the Yamanote Line at JR Ikebukuro Station. The asphalt on the floor was steaming. In the crevices of the aerial wirings, he could see the blue sky, along with hearing instances of the cicada cries —

Tonight, Mukanae Noa’s first solo concert was going to take place.

This solo live was made possible by crowdfunding.

It could also be said that it’s the culmination of the fans’ support for the biggest event. Gou, cladded with Mukanae Noa’s goods, felt the same energy as a military commander about to go to their final decisive battle.

Today was the exact day to showcase his love for his Oshi. He planned to use all his money in this event.

At the very end of it, the human called Karube Gou, even for his part-time work or even his life, has no other way of living other than being a breadwinner for someone else. He wore his heart on his sleeve and passed through the ticket gate proudly.

Gou was the first person at the venue.

He had out his buddies beforehand on the unofficial Discord Fan Server, to meet at the streetlights of Ikebukuro Sunshine City Dori, with phone booths still existing on the narrow stretch of sidewalk.

Even though it was still evening, the sun was still up in the sky, and the cicadas were noisily chorusing.

Soon, when the live reaches its peak, the bugs’ noises will be covered up by the Noatomo’s fan calls. When imagining that, he can imagine that the Noatomo will be no different from the cicadas until they use up all their energy in the one big event of the summer.

“Well, my love for Noa-chan will last for a lifetime though….” Gou said in a wistful voice.

His love with Mukanae Noa will last for an eternity. It’s not a bond that will easily end this summer. Gou, who was overwhelmed by the reverie that is going to start soon—-

At that moment, Gou turned around, feeling someone was looking at him.

There were many trees that were planted at equal distances on the street between stores, and there was a cute girl leaning on a slim tree that was growing in a solitary spot.

She was staring in his direction.

When their eyes met, she immediately started walking toward Gou’s direction with a face with no composure at all.

As she came closer, he could take a closer look at the beautiful being, and could die in peace after looking at her.

She had silky platinum blonde hair, and curly lovely emerald eyes. She was probably a foreigner. She was wearing a mini-flared skirt and a light beige sleeveless knit jumper. It gave a cool and refreshing summer feel. And to top it off, she was carrying a red leather backpack that emphasizes her youthfulness.

With no doubt, he agreed, that she had enough power to kill virgins with her outfit that secretly hides such deadly power.

Just a moment before she started walking in his direction, Gou hoped that the girl just happened to be coming toward his direction. However, instead of passing right by, the girl leaned in close to Gou and tugged on the sleeves of Gou’s arm with her fingers.

She looked up to him with a nervous look on her face.

“Um…” Gou couldn’t get his voice out. Was this a scam, something like the badger game? He had that kind of concern.

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But when he looked closely, she had to have foreign blood in her, he thought. Her pupils were a palish color, and her face was distinctly asymmetrical.

“….You are, Ka- Karugo-san…… right?” The girl asked, with uneven breathing. Her voice was very charming.

“Could it be that you are a Noatomo…?” Gou asked back.

He didn’t notice at the time because of how he was entranced by the fairy-like person, but when he looked at her backpack, there were a lot of Noa’s tin badges pinned onto it. The red backpack was a sign of her love for Noa. She was, without doubt, a bona fide Noatomo.

“I, I am Mina.” The girl gave her name in a shaky manner.

“Eh? Wow, you are serious?”

He didn’t need to ponder over the name, as it was a name he knew just by hearing it.

Mina was a Noatomo that he had exchanged conversations in the past. But the reason why Gou was surprised was for a different reason. Although social media alone doesn’t help in identifying the real person behind the scenes, her icon on social media was a jet-black crow, with bland tweets, and is plainly a mysterious person.

“It’s unbelievable…. And I thought Mina-san was an aggressive, tough old man. You were always curt.”

Gou was averting his gaze from her with a flush in his face. Mina smiled proudly.

“Teehee, it’s because I don’t like to stand out.”

But right now, you are really standing out, Gou secretly thought to himself.

“But that outfit you have, wow. Could be better.”

“Huh? Oh, is that the case? I have thought hard about my outfit, even looking at magazines and asking around as well.”

At a glance it’s fine but when looking at the outfit closely, it’s apparent that something was wrong. It has the feeling of a trendy outfit that came out of a fashion magazine. And those kinds of outfits aren’t good for an idol concert.

And even then, a girl like Mina, who has her weapons with her face and body, would look good in a natural style, not an overdressed fashion. A white shirt and blue jeans are fine, especially on an occasion like this live.

“What day is it?” Gou said elatedly.

“Um…. It’s the day of Noa-chan’s first solo live.” Mina answered bewilderedly, as Gou asked it suddenly.

“Yes, it’s the live. All the Noatomo gather in one place, calling out their love for Noa on this single day. It could be said to be the culmination of all supporters. In other words, the perfect outfit for such a tonight is—”

Gou, with a thud, flipped over his parker.

The hoodie, which had been dutifully taken off, created a breeze that brushed Mina’s silky hair.

On Gou’s shirt, which has been revealed, has a print of Mukanae Noa holding out her hands to guide the fans who have found her. On his arm is a red Hoshigaoka Highschool armband, in which red is Noa’s signature color. On his belt around his waist was an acrylic keychain, and a towel around his neck that shows Noa smiling as she holds a microphone.

The person that is standing there is not Karugo. That person was the incarnation of the ideals held by the Noatomo.

Tonight was the night that Mukanae Noa is the only one in the supporters’ eyes.

“This is how— we supporters should be cladded in for the live.” He crossed both of his light sticks, which were emitting red lights, and in the crevices of it, his eyes could be seen. I got her attention, Gou smiled in satisfaction.

Mina blinked, and then she was mesmerized. From the point of a bystander, it should have been a nonsensical display of a foreign tribesman dancing oddly in front of a naive girl. However, she is, first and foremost, a Noatomo.

“Wow~!” Mina clapped her hands together.

“What do you think of my outfit?”

“Amazing, just amazing. ….. Yep, I am satisfied.” Mina gave a smile.

“Satisfied?” Gou was unable to understand what she meant by “satisfied”, and raised his brow.

“You see… I didn’t really know what kind of person Karugo-san would be. But after meeting you in-person, you are such a nice person, and I was happy about that.”

“I have the same thoughts, Mina-san, too. You are easier to talk to in real life than on the internet.”

“Calling me Mina is fine, by the way.”

“I can’t call you that suddenly.”

“But our ages are near the same though. Maybe even the same age?”

Mina was probably a highschooler too. He didn’t dare to ask the age. Whether young and old, male or female, it was a gathering for all Vtuber fans to come regardless of traits. It was unnecessary to ask about age.

Even then, the main protagonist tonight wasn’t Gou or Mina. It was Mukanae Noa. Although he was instantly fascinated by the beautiful foreign-blood girl, he had not forgotten his true Oshi.

“Here,” Gou threw a penlight.

“Wah!” The penlight direction was toward Mina, who caught it. “Can I really have this?”

“That’s for guiding all the Noatomo! Because you’re already here, help me out!” Gou said, while quickly waving his penlight around. He is seemingly working more than the people working at the venue.

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What Gou was doing was securing part of the road so that the Noatomo who are coming to the lives aren’t obstructing the sidewalk.

“So he really exists in real life….”

Mina, seeing that kind of Gou, again, twinkled her eyes.

But even if she were to guide people with the penlight, are the weird movements even necessary? Mina, afraid to stand out, shirked back. Before every eye of the pedestrians gaze at her, she could only wish the penlight would run out of batteries faster.

When the Noatomos gathered at the secured part of the road, Gou mingled with the Noatomo.

As usual, Mina, the foreign-blood girl did not move away from Gou, and just clutched onto Gou’s arm the whole time. The other Noatomo, recognizing that the strange person as a mute spirit that follows after Karugo didn’t touch on the subject more than necessary.

Karugo then caught his eyes on a man in a baseball cap standing still on the other side of the sidewalk that was the way to the venue. A middle-aged man with a medium build. But there is no way that he couldn’t miss the totebag in his hands. There was a picture of Mukanae Noa on it. Karugo took the initiative and called out.

“What are you doing? Are you also one of the Noatomo?”

“Ye-yes…” The baseball cap man said in a husky voice. Gou felt like he heard this voice before.

“Then you are a buddy. Here, come to this side.”

For Gou, he believed that the fan bonds are important.

That was what Mukanae Noa believed in too, and during her Youtube’s Freetalk streams, she showed that by interacting with her fans.

Gou brought over the man to the side where the other Noatomos were at, and encouraged the baseball man to introduce himself.

“I am….. Cap’n.”

He was a veteran fan that was there since Noa’s early beginnings.

It was basically at the same time when Gou started his oshi activities. So, compared to other fans, Gou felt more of a comradeship with Cap’n.

“I knew you were him, actually. I knew just by the voice alone.” Gou said kindly.

“Karugo-san…. For everything, thank you.”

Cap’n said suddenly. Although Gou did not understand, he could feel that Cap’n wanted to tell his feelings first without missing the opportunity later.

“Wha- What do you mean?”

“I mean, for the gathering of the Noatomo. Everyday, recently, I was having fun waiting for the day, and became even more grateful for being able to meet Noa-chan at that time…… Thank you so much.

The man who felt like he was lonely, immediately bowed his head. Gou, surprised, clasped his hands with him.

“It’s nothing big, it’s just bringing everyone together in their support for their Oshi! I’m not the one who you should be saying thanks to, but please tell it to Noa-chan. And… I feel somewhat sorry. I am not always the perfect person for the job, and there are times that I rely on you to do things.” Gou said to smooth things over. Then, Mina interrupted.

“Actually, Karugo-san, you are amazing.” Noatomos all gathered their eyes and Mina became afraid. But Mina continued on in a trembling voice. “I, too, heard about Noa-chan through Karugo’s event that he planned….”

Cap’n continued after her.

“That’s right. I’m sure that there are many who came to know Noa-chan through Karugo’s activities. Even in Hoshigaoka School, I’m sure that a large amount of Noa-chan’s success comes from Karugo-san contributions.”

“Hahaha…. I’m sure that’s only because of the fans that were there.” Gou was not in the right state of mind, as he flushed with red. His body hit the streetlamp, and couldn’t back up any further. He was caught within all the favorable looks from the Noa-tomos.

Gou, inside of him, secretly felt pressure.

The Vtuber community has the reputation to be a cozy and moderate place, but nowadays listeners that have many different views have increased, in which not only the Vtuber, but also the fans cause troubles and cause flaming.

There are cases where like Vtubers, fans who no longer have support for their oshi will undergo a “Oshi Graduation”, and change their support to a different oshi “Oshi Change”. To prevent trouble among listeners, it is necessary for self-policing.

It isn’t an exaggeration to say that Karugo is the reason for the Noatomo’s stability.

As the time to enter the venue was near, and the waiting line was created by the venue’s staff, Gou started to enter the line.

“Hey, are ya Karugo-san.” Then suddenly, a man in glasses came up to talk to him.

“Who may you be?”

“I’m Necro. NecroMansu.”

“Ahhh—” NecroMansu, in one way, is a famous Noatomo and stands shoulder to shoulder with Karugo.

To be more exact, he is a fan that hates his oshi to interact with other fans. In other words, the refusal to share. It is strange to have that policy when a Vtuber like Noa who works on making bonds with fans. Gou politely greeted and held out his hand.

“I know who you are now. Nice to meet you for the first time.” But Necro had violently whacked his hand away.

“Don’t think you’re a hotshot. There are Vtubers who are annoyed by the fans that stand out. Don’t think about causing problems to Noa-chan. You understand?” Necro blasted at him, and immediately entered the venue.

Mina, who was still holding onto Gou’s arm and wouldn’t let go, looked up with worrisome eyes. However, why is it that she wouldn’t let go of Gou’s arm?

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“Are you ok…?”

“…… Noa-chan, I’m sure she wants all the Noatomo that come to the live to have a fun time. That person, and that person too.”

“You’re very nice after all. I’m sure that there is no one who thinks that Karugo-san’s activities will hurt anyone.” Mina encouraged, but for Gou, the words that were blasted at him earlier were churning in his stomach. There may be a large number of Noatomo that he doesn’t know about that doesn’t like what he’s doing.

“You’ll be fine. You are the biggest fan that everyone believes in…! On top of that, I’m sure that Noachan would be sad if Karugo-san didn’t enjoy her live.”

“That’s right,” Gou nodded. “Yeah, I have to move forward. Let’s enjoy tonight!”

 ── There wasn’t a single moment in his life that he regretted his work in supporting his oshi. It’s because he gave up his youth he was able to come to the first solo live. He didn’t have the time to worry about other people’s jealousy.


“Everyone~~! Thank you so much for coming to the live today!”

The fans raised their voices upon seeing the life-size Mukanae Noa on the live screen.

Noa was standing there, with her ardent red hair tied into small twintails and wearing a white-tone idol dress. She was standing in the middle of the light directions, and the spotlight that led to her made her like a goddess. She had that much god-like presence and beautifulness existing at the same time.

── I want to create a dream with my Noatomos.

That slogan that came with her from the beginning of her activities, and although she had a slow start in the beginning of her activities, and now she was rising on the steps of being a large Vtuber.

Actually, Mukanae Noa Youtube Channel subscribers over the months have increasingly grown.

She has almost 30,000 subscribers. Even though there are other idol-like Vtubers that are close to 50,000 subscribers, she had the momentum to reach the higher levels.

She wasn’t a professional celebrity that had the backing of an entertainment company. In order to reach her dreams, she devoted herself to her Vtuber activities despite being an amateur.

And her efforts produced buds, and now it is going to bloom here.

Gou, who had taken pride in watching Mukanae Noa grow, and during the live he nodded, he felt that he understood what Noa wanted to share, and what she wanted to put into the live.

That kind of thinking is very much like a low-profile fan.

“Karugo-san, please-please look at this…! Noa-chan is trending!”

Mina, who coincidentally sat next to Gou, pulled Gou’s arm happily, and showed the screen of her smartphone.

In Twitter trending, Mukanae Noa’s name was in the ranking. Only the first half of the live was streamed free to Youtube. It seems that was the case to success.

“Yes… Yes…! The subscribers to her channel, 3-3- it passed 30,000!”

Mina was also at her limits. There were many people sending requests to talk on Gou’s social media account. It was most likely to join the unofficial fan server.

Gou, in regards to the dreamy time, was engulfed by the reverie. He had spent his youth supporting his Oshi, and tonight was the night it was all being paid back in full.

“── Um~…. You see, there is one announcement that I want to share with all my fans here.”

In an interval between songs, Noa called out to the fans in the middle of the concert.

“Today, I will sing a special song to everyone! It’s to commemorate Noa’s first solo live, as well as thanking everyone who has helped support this live, a song that will continue to warm your hearts.”

“Oooooooh” Everyone in the venue was excited.

The enthusiastic atmosphere of the fans were already at the zenith.

“Please listen to this song. Noa’s first original song 【Ark!】──!”

“Woooooooooooooooow!” While boisterously dancing, the song started.

It was an original song that had the motif of Noah’s Ark small boat.

That’s probably where Mukanae Noa’s name came from. The boat that carries dreamers and flies towards space. Believing that paradise is on its route, Mukanae Noa will continue to spread her wings in that big world. It was that kind of divine song.

Gou was blinded by the divine song, and tasted the uplifting feelings when his soul reached the enlightenment of going up to space.

The event was a close resemblance to the story where Noah’s Ark brought all the animals to save it from the world that was flooding. Even if Gou’s soul were to be assailed by harm — it will save the Noa’s supporter Karugo, that was the kind of message the song was encompassing.

“It’s so good. I’m sooooo moved! Noa-chaaaaaan! Uwaaaaaaa!”

Gou cried. He was streaming lines of tears from his eyes and choking with tears.

Gou melted into the whirlpool of excitement, and drifted away into the summer night. Muakane Noa, who was dancing on the stage, that scene to Gou’s eyes was like the Goddess of War going on a crusade.

── I want to create a dream with my Noatomo.

That slogan of Mukanae Noa tonight, was achieved in this one legendary event.

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As a summer one-night wonder.


After the end of the live, Gou spent his time with Noatomo at the offline meeting.

So that even the old and young, and the girl and boys can enjoy themselves, he had reserved a little fancy restaurant that has a stand-up buffet system. The lingering feverish feelings from the live that the Noatomo felt, there were many of them making conversations about the live.

Karube Gou, again, felt exhilarated by the event that his head felt dizzy.

There is no summer that is more fun than this one. Whether it’s his classmates that care about their grades and clubs, a sweet and sour love, everything and everything was trivial compared to the live he had experienced. In this one room, from adults to children chattering about the live, everything felt like a fleeting dream. This place was the frontline, the biggest part of his youth.

“Thank you for your hard work on this live! Let’s meet again someday!” Gou said in an explosive tone, and said his goodbyes to his comrade in arms who felt the best sublime experience together today. Holding a lot of items from the live close to his chest, Gou gave a satisfied smile.

By continuing to support Noa, another day will come again like this.

He had thought, even while this night was coming to an end, and held expectations in his heart.

Returning home, Gou headed toward the East Exit of the Ikebukuro Station. He left Sunshine City Street, and while waiting for the stop light to turn green, he looked at his phone thinking back about the experience he had today on the battlefield called a live.

How would he tweet about the live for those who haven’t come to the live? While thinking that, he looked at his twitter icon. There were 20+ notifications on his app.

Probably messages from new members of the Noatomo.

When Gou thought about that, and right when he was about to open the app, at that moment.

“Ka- Karugo-san……..! Wait a moment!”

Hearing the voice from behind, he looked back. Mina was rushing over. Unlike their chance meeting before the live, she had a different expression: she had a timid look on her face.

“Mina-san? What’s up?” Gou had tilted his neck.

“Ha….. Ha….. Noa-chan, she….”

Mina’s face turned pale. It felt solemn.

“…… She was…. Flamed…!” Mina said in a painful tone. Gou took time to understand the truth of what Mina was saying.

“— Huh?”

At that moment, he looked down at his smartphone to see the notifications from Twitter.

If the URL had to be leading to heaven or hell, it had to be the latter without any doubt.

 ── Thump, thump thump.

His heartbeats palpitated harder, and his pulses ran to even his head.

Even though it could be that someone else was flamed, it is the case that the Oshi that Gou had given up his life to, and continues to give up his life to, is there. Even his Oshi’s flaming got “Noa’s fan Karugo” involved.

Gou was already on the thin line of never going back.

── The stoplight had turned green.

The sparkling Ikebukuro. The passerbyers who were going to the train all at once went ahead. The crowd had left Gou standing and moved. The shaking fingertips. His legs were going to collapse. The dead cicada was at his feet, pitiful. The thing that was crushed by the crowd, its eyes were cynically staring at him.

“No… way….. Today was supposed to be the first solo live… On the best…. Night…..”

The tragedy of the flaming in the Vtuber industry, Gou knew what would happen.

Whether it’s going to grow into a big flame or a small flame that is going to settle down, depends on the contents. But this timing was very cruel. The small flame that wasn’t going to settle was a prediction he had, and Mina who knew of the situation, had a serious face on her.

“Hello…. Concerning the previous identity…..” Mina who had turned pale.

“…….. This has to be…. A lie.”

“Concerning the slanders in her private account──”

“A…. lie.”」Gou had covered up his ears, and couldn’t accept what was happening.

The thing that was crushed by the crowd, was stepped over and moved in the middle of the traffic line in front of the train station.

It was shaped like a boat. Noa’s first single 【Ark!】Gou’s soul, who was going to go to the sky, rode on the collapsing boat, and that boat fell apart and lost its way forward.

── That day, the boy had lost everything.

Just like a wandering ghost, he forced himself to dive into the ocean of the internet. As the day and night passed by, the Vtuber’s community power-relation balance had explosively changed. Even the man who made the Vtuber world lively, Noa’s fan Karugo, has disappeared.

His heart, engulfed by darkness, soon changed into the form of a death god. No one would have expected this change in him.

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