Ktv box.

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Yu Fan sat on the sofa with a cold face, staring at Jay Chou’s face on the TV screen, while thinking in his heart.

It must be because he drank the wine and reacted slowly that he was unable to get rid of him before Chen Jingshen withdrew his hand.

Wang Luan booked the box late and only got one box. Everyone on the sofa sat up next to each other, and five or six boys stood on the sofa as the atmosphere group.

The girl who sits on the left side of Yu Fan wears a short skirt, to avoid touching her, he can only lean on the other side.

He doesn’t not know how many times he ran into something behind, Yu Fan could not bear to poke his elbow and poke the person next to him: “what are you doing with your schoolbag?”

“I just went to the library.” Chen Jingshen picked up his schoolbag and put it on his lap and hugged it in one hand,”Is it like this?”


Yu Fan picked up the bag with one hand and put it on the table behind the sofa.

Then continue to sit and stare at Jay Chou.

After losing the dice again, Wang Luan drank up the wine swearingly, then put down the glass and turned around: “high achiever, welcome. What songs do you like to sing? I’ll order it for you. ”

“No,” Chen Jingshen handed him something he had just brought from his schoolbag. “Happy birthday.”

“Fuck, I have a present? Thank you, what is this? ” Wang Luan froze as he looked at the bag.

“question bank.” Chen Jingshen leaned on the sofa and said, “After you finish the previous ones, you can take these and do them down.”

Yu Fan: “…”

Wang Luan: “…… Thank you. I love it. ”

The box door was pushed open and another girl came in.

Seeing the crowded sofa, the girl stood at the door, a little cramped.

Wang Luan immediately stood up and commanded, “Brother Zuo over there, move to the karaoke table and make room for my sister.”

Zuo Kuan wine cup was squeezed out of temper: “in the end you invited a small number of people ah?”

Wang Luan laughed: “didn’t I think I could get a big box?”

Another girl on the sofa subconsciously looked at the person next to her. Yu Fan is bowing his head to play with his mobile phone, and there is a “little” gap between them.

From time to time, the light swept from the boy’s cold, loose eyebrows and eyes, makes her blush and heartbeat accelerate.

For a while, she could not help saying, “in fact, you can sit over here. There is a little more room

Yu Fan shook his head: “No, no.”… ”

“high achiever, can you go to Yu Fan’s place?” Wang Luan asked at the other end.


With the sound of a deep voice, Yu Fan felt that Chen Jingshen was leaning on him.

Suddenly there was no sound, and the girl was stunned: “Hmm?”

Yu Fan pinched his cell phone and finished saying, “Don’t squeeze.”

He wants to move his legs, but he really have no place to move. He can only rigidly stick with Chen Jingshen.

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“come, high achiever, I’d like to propose a toast to you. Thank you for inculcating and never giving up on me these days.” Wang Luan said after a pause. “by the way, high achiever, can you drink? Why don’t I pour you a glass of watermelon juice. ”


Not wanting to spoil the joy of the birthday boy, Chen Jingshen casually took a glass from the table. He touched it lightly with the birthday boy, and drank it up.

“hiss.” Zhang Xianjing looked in the distance and could not help whispering, “Why is Chen Jingshen so handsome when drinking wine?”

“where is ge handsome?”

“neck and Adam’s apple– I said you don’t understand, don’t ask.”

“…” Mom.

Wang Luan didn’t expect the meeting to be stuffy, so he couldn’t help but stare at their shoulder and say, “Yes, high achiever, after drinking this glass of wine, we will be real brothers. I’ll take care of you at school in the future. If you need anything, feel free to ask me and Yu Fan– ”

“Don’t pull me in.” Yu Fan spoke coldly.

“are you listening? I thought you were focused on your cell phone. ”

Yu Fan didn’t raise his head and said, “you can be heard in the box next door.”

“Wang Luan, do you want to play?” Another head, take the dice cup and they already waited for a long time.

Just now several boys have called a truce, Zhang Xianjing is holding the song “the microphone is waiting for her”, and now only the two of them are playing.

Wang Luan: “have fun, I will drink you down tonight! Come on! ”

“wait a minute,” Zuo Kuan paused. “it’s no fun for two people to shake. Call a few more.”

“there’s no one left.”

“how many men are there? Just grab one. ” Zuo Kuan raised his chin toward the karaoke machine.

“come on, there’s no room for anyone here.”

“can’t you just find someone who doesn’t play dice and change places?”

Zuo Kuan said, his eyes drifted straight to Chen Jingshen.

“high achiever,” he said with a smile, “do you play dice? If you don’t play games, change places with my friend? It’s more convenient this way. ”

Wang Luan thought, “Ok, there are more mixed people in the school here. Chen Jingshen is not comfortable sitting here.”

“then high achiever, why don’t you.” Wang Luan turned around and became dumb.

Chen Jingshen reached out his hand, hooked a dice cup from the table, pinched it in his hand, raised his eyes and said faintly, ” How do you play? ”

“high achiever, don’t play with us. We are all veterans, so you can’t beat us. ” Zhang Xianjing persuaded.

“Hey, don’t be so enthusiastic about bullying.” Zuo Kuan’s wide eyes rolled around and thought of something. “how about this, I have a pair of big dare cards here, and if you lose, you can choose one for drinking and another for dare, okay?”

The deck of cards was thrown on the table.

Chen Jingshen turned his eyes and nodded: “OK.”

Yu Fan was fighting a fierce battle with the other snake, the most of the game, when he heard the sound of “bang” next to him, and his hands shook with him and were eaten by others.

Yu Fan looked up angrily and saw Zuo Kuan smashed the dice cup on the table, grinning arrogantly, and was looking at this side: “Ha! It’s six! Give it to him! ”

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When he twisted my eyebrow, he was just about to ask who he was fighting with.

He saw the person raise his hand and pick up the glass from the table and fill it with wine.

Wang Luan can’t watch any more: “high achiever, can you drink it? Why don’t you choose a dare? I have played this deck of cards before, and the worst thing it can do is to let you blend into the box next door and finish a song. ” .

Zhang Xianjing: “……”

“it’s all right.” In the dim light, Chen Jingshen looked expressionless and looked normal.

If he hadn’t staggered on his shoulder three times in the process of drinking, Yu Fan couldn’t see what was wrong with him.

“Yes, it’s crisp enough.” Zuo Kuan said, “do you want to continue?”

Wang Luan immediately said, “I won’t play anymore.”

Chen Jingshen: “I will continue.”

Wang Luan: “……”

Inexplicably, the game became a match between Chen Jingshen and Zuo Kuan.

Yu Fan put down his cell phone and watched Chen Jingshen shake the dice quietly.

Chen Jingshen put his fingers around the dice cup, shook it loosely, and then gently picked it up.

Dude, each of the five dice has its own, there is no repetition.

Yu Fan knew in an instant that it was not surprising that Chen Jingshen lost his luck at night.

Chen Jingshen opened his mouth and called, “five 4s.”

Yu Fan: “?”

Does your mother have four?
Yu Fan never regained his mind, and Chen Jingshen had already picked up his glass and drank it.

In the next game, Chen Jingshen shook his hands and called 6.

Yu Fan wants to cry, you can call me with this hand, and call it up hard.

Zuo Kuan: “six sixes.”

Chen Jingshen: “Open.”

Yu Fan: “?”

After a few games, Yu Fan understood.

Chen Jingshen is either unlucky or pure clumsy and can’t play.

But… When they met at the wine table before, they didn’t know how to play, so they either didn’t play, or they put in water.

But look at Chen Jingshen, he drink from cup to cup, and never stop.

Sensing the eyes of the people around him, Chen Jingshen picked up the dice cup and looked at his eyes and casually said, “four ones.”

“Open!” Zuo Kuan said excitedly, “It doesn’t have it! Drink! ”

Chen Jingshen picked up his glass and drank it up, then bowed his head and coughed softly.

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Zuo Kuan: “continue?”


Chen Jingshen just shook the dice and the dice cup was snatched by someone.
Immediately after that, he felt that the person beside him had moved and leaned towards him.

It clattered.

Yu Fan half-leaned over and covered the dice cup on the wine table.

He looked at Zuo Kuan without expression: “you like to play, don’t you?” I’ll play with you. ”

Zuo Kuan said, “No, I just want to play with high achiever.”

“you’re too timid.” Zhang Xianjing raised her legs and said, “I don’t think you dare play with Yu Fan.”

“bullshit!” Zuo Kuan twisted his eyebrow, “I’m going to drink with high achiever. What’s the point of suddenly changing ?”

Yu Fan nodded: “then don’t play… ”

“I’ll drink.” Chen Jingshen said suddenly.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at him.

“if you lose, I’ll drink.” Chen Jingshen said faintly, “is this all right?”

“come on!” Zuo Kuan rolled up his sleeves and got up from the sofa. “I’m going to knock down your Class Seven today.”

In ten minutes.

Yu Fan opened the dice cup and showed the number.

“all right!” Wang Luan was happy and quickly served Zuo Kuan with wine. “Congratulations to the guest officer on coming back for a drink!”

In the past ten minutes, he had never lost in the game.
In fact, in the game of dice, almost all the points on his hand are written on his face. Only a rookie like Chen Jingshen can be poured like this.

When Zuo Kuan drank, Yu Fan couldn’t help looking at the rookie’s side.

Then he found that the rookie was watching.

Chen Jingshen leaned back on the sofa, his facial features were hidden in the gloom, his eyes were dark after drinking, and he stared lazily at the same place.

Just watch, but don’t talk. Yu Fan had some doubts that the wine was on his head.

Banging, Zuo Kuan put the empty wine glass on the table, wiped his mouth and said, “come!” Go on! ”

Yu Fan returned to his mind, turned his head and continued to shake cup.

Wang Luan did not want to see this bloody struggle, and now he has gone to sing.

Zhang Xianjing sat down smoothly next to Chen Jingshen.

While several boys around her were watching the shaker, she leaned aside, pinched her throat and gently said, “high achiever, if you really feel bad, why don’t we go first?”

Before he finished, Chen Jingshen quietly distanced himself from her and said quickly and coldly, “Thank you.”

Zuo Kuan looked at the number of his eyes, laughed wildly, covered it and shouted, “six 1s!”

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Yu Fan opened the dice cup and looked at the eye. This game is rotten, straight, and it counts as 0.

If you open it, you will lose. If you shout up, the left width will be 80% wide and you will lose.

Yu Fan gambled: “with one.”

Sure enough, Zuo Kuan didn’t think: “Open!”

It won’t hurt if you lose the game. Yu Fan picked up the wine on the table and was ready to drink it.

The wine was about to be drink when he was caught in the wrist.

Chen Jingshen sat up and whispered, “I’ll drink.”

Zuo Kuan lost foolishly, and only then did he come to his senses: “Ah, that’s right. Didn’t you say if you lost high achiever would dirnk? Don’t cheat– by the way, high achiever, you need two drinks instead of one, someone else plays. Why don’t you get two drinks? ”

Chen Jingshen said, “all right.”

Chen Jingshen bumped into Yu Fan four or five times with the “process” of taking the wine cup, and when he saw that he was about to touch the glass, he held on to his clothes.

“if you don’t drink, choose the dare card.” Yu Fan scratched his sleeves and said, “can you take a dare for me. ”

Chen Jingshen: “……”

Zuo Kuan: “?”

Zuo Kuan: “you can do this.”

“of course. Didn’t we say yes in advance?” Wang Luan stopped singing and came back to open the cards neatly and spread them on the table. “high achiever, come on, pick a card.”

Chen Jingshen was silent for a few seconds before reaching out to touch the card on the table.

The nearest card is turned over, and the words written below-

“Kiss with someone around you. ”

The box was as quiet as if Hu Pang is at the scene.


In the next few seconds, almost everyone present looked at Chen Jingshen-and beside her is Zhang Xianjing.

Zuo Kuan felt like ashes. He doesn’t know what it means to hold on for such a long time.

Zhang Xianjing said, “this is a warm kiss for me. High achiever has no reason not to kiss me.” then it makes sense to “fall in love”, it is not impossible!

Yu Fan–.

didn’t have time to think about it.

In full view of the public, Chen Jingshen loosened his finger and put the card safely on the wine table.

Lean back, and his Adam’s apple rolls gently.

Then he turned his head heavily and silently and looked at his side.

Yu Fan: “?”

Why are you looking at me?

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