Yu Fan wanted to take back his hand, but he Chen Jingshen sticked hard to his hand.

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So he can only hold on to the person and hold the water cup.

The plastic water cup rattled when he pinched it, and the liquid inside shook helplessly from side to side.

A customer entered the convenience store. Feeling surprised and confused Yu Fan scolded himself as a fool.

Yu Fan sat down next to Chen Jingshen while holding his face, then he picked up his schoolbag and put it on the table.

“get up.” He shook the person and pointed to his schoolbag, “sleep here.”

Chen Jingshen half raised his eyelids and said okay.

Before Chen Jingshen fell down, his collar was tugged at again.

Yu Fan’s voice was unhappy: “this, drink before you sleep.”

Chen Jingshen took the cup.

Like the previous cup of sugar water, this honey water is also too sweet.

He is still the same Yu Fan from before.

Forced to drink the honey water, Chen Jingshen put his elbows on his schoolbag and lay quietly on his side.

His eyelids drooped and his drunken eyes stared at the mole on Yu Fan’s cheek.

Yu Fan casually opened a game because he wanted to play. A few seconds later, he said coldly, “turn your head to sleep.”

Chen Jingshen said, “I’m afraid you’ll be upset and leave.”


He shouldn’t have bothered to talk nonsense to the drunkard, Yu Fan points to the gluttonous snake, “I’m still playing.”

As if thinking Chen Jingshen was silent for two seconds.

After thinking about it, he thought he was right so he closed his eyes and slept in his original posture.

After finishing the game, Yu Fan stared at his hand, the right hand was loosened and grasped again, and his finger was pressed have a mark had been touched by his lips

He glanced aside.

The red color of Chen Jingshen’s face had faded, his wet forehead was dishevelled and scattered, his fingers bent over the edge of his schoolbag, and his arched shoulders and backs fluctuated steadily with his breath.

He was long and it is difficult to sleep between the tables and chairs in the convenience store.

Every time during recess after the second class in the afternoon, the whole class lay on their desks to make up for sleep. Only Chen Jingshen sat steadily and occasionally changed his pen.

Raising his arms against his temples is his most relaxing moment.

Such person is now curled up in a convenience store and sleeping on his schoolbag.

His phone buzzed for a few times, which brought Yu Fan back to his senses.

Wang Luan: how is high achiever? Shit, I just took a look. Several of his drinks were foreign wine, and the light was too dim. I didn’t see it clearly. ].

[-: not bad. ]

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[-: should be. ]

[Wang Luan: … Don’t scare me. 】

Wang Luan: why haven’t you come back yet? Did high achiever not go home yet? Zuo Kuan, forced to take advantage of your absence, along with the several people in their class to trap me, come back quickly to save me! ].

The person next to him moved, probably because he felt uncomfortable sleeping, he moved his arms lightly.

Yu Fan paused for two seconds and typed.

[-: I’m not going back. ].

[-: you fend for yourself. ].

Chen Jingshen lay down for more than ten minutes and then woke up.

First he glanced around, as if to make sure he was still there. Then he slowly sat up straight, straightened his collar and opened the schoolbag that he had been pillowing for a long time.

When he heard the noise, Yu Fan didn’t raise his head and said, “Don’t you feel bad?”

“One more thing.” After Chen Jingshen finished, he gave a low cough.


How can he be more delicate after sleeping?

Yu Fan, “Go back to sleep.”

“No more sleep.” Chen Jingshen said, “it’s too late to sleep again.”

How can it be too late? isn’t there more than half of it left?

Yu Fan glanced at the clock and turned his head inexplicably when he saw Chen Jingshen pulling out a math paper from his schoolbag.

Yu Fan frowned: “what are you doing?”

“Today’s homework.”


People passed by the window, and the people dressed brightly, can’t help but be surprised when they saw the papers.

Yu Fan, like the sports student in Class 8, doesn’t want to come to this ktv for the rest of his life.

He was considering whether to change to another seat when Chen Jingshen suddenly stopped his pen and rubbed his eyes.

The light in the corner of the convenience store was a little dim, Chen Jingshen sat lazily, and the handwriting of the draft paper was much more scribbled.

If Chen Jingshen didn’t come tonight, he would have finished these simple homework long ago, and now he may be sitting at a desk with a lamp, doing competition questions that make people dizzy at a glance.

So why did he come?

“Chen Jingshen. ” Yu Fan called lazily.


“I am different from my first year of junior high school self, right?”

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Chen Jingshen tilted his head and looked at him.

Their eye met but Yu Fan does not have any expression on his face.

“I don’t know if you have any special hobbies that you would like to pay attention to a person who can’t even jump well. But now, whether it’s character or anything else, I’ve long change. ”

Chen Jingshen looked at him in silence, as if processing his words.

“I’m pretty bad now, and I’ll only be worse in the future. Remember the time when school started in the milk tea shop? To tell you the truth, you looked at me and I wanted to hit you. ”

“I’m not the one you like, can you understand?”

There is still no response from the person next to him.

Yu Fan felt that his words should have worked. By now normal people would probably be quite frightened to hear these words.

If he were Chen Jingshen, he would have picked up his schoolbag and called the teacher to change seats or even classes.

Yu Fan curled up his fingers, and somehow, he suddenly wanted to smoke.

He just remembered to go to the counter to buy it.

“when so many people at the school gate are looking at you,” Chen Jingshen said faintly, “Why do you just want to hit me?”


What kind of strange concern is this?

“maybe it’s because your face looks like you want to be taught a lesson because you look the most expressionless.”he said.

Chen Jingshen turned his face and turned his pen.

For a moment, Yu Fan seemed to see a tug at the corner of his mouth.


Before he could see it clearly, Chen Jingshen had already turned his head again.

“have you ever checked the fifth floor?” He asked suddenly.

Yu Fan was stupefied for a moment: “what.”

“looking down from the railing outside the gate of the first class, you can see the toilet door on the third floor.” Chen Jingshen said, “you often smoke there.”


“I don’t like speeches, you stood in front of everyone, compiled a self-criticism book with white paper, and said it three times.”

“…” At your level of writing, you really don’t deserve to like speeches.

“later, every time the teacher came to me, I said yes.”


“in the next semester, you played basketball with other classes, and I stood outside the classroom and watched the whole game. After you won, because someone hit Wang Luan with a ball causing him to sprain his foot, you asked that person to the toilet with you and then played another game. ”


Chen Jingshen said faintly, “You are not bad. At the end of the day, I still like– ”

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His mouth was covered even before he could finish speaking.

Yu Fan’s skin began to turn red, extending from the root of his ear to his cheek. He frowned and stared: “are you…Stop it. ”

More people came in looking out of the window. Yu Fan heart beat faster than when he was fighting. His shoulders fluctuated a few times, and he loosened slightly.

Chen Jingshen just moved his lips, when he covered it again.
This time he covered it so hastily that his palm touched Chen Jingshen’s lips. Just now, the image of being held by someone while being kissed in the private room flashed by, and he immediately took it down.

“Don’t you dare go on.” His breath trembled and he said, “or I won’t talk to you for the rest of my life.”

Yu Fan felt foolish for a moment after he finished.

What am I talking about?

Isn’t this kind of speech used by primary school students?

He blushed, clenched his teeth and remedied his words: “I mean I’ll beat you so much that you can’t speak.”

Chen Jingshen was silent.

Yu Fan: “nod if you understand.”

Chen Jingshen twirled his pen and nodded silently.

After Yu Fan stared at him and made sure that Chen Jingshen would not speak any more, he used the paper ans wrote “shut up and write.”

After that, the semi-small bird, Yu Fan, was like a snail huddled in its shell, never raising its head again.

He has never played so badly before.

The snake on the screen was led by him to turn left and right, hit other big snakes, he lose in less than two minutes.

It was not easy for Chen Jingshen to make it to the end of his make-up class, and he was a little grumpy and turned off the game.

“Collect your things.” He said

“come on.”
Chen Jingshen glanced at him, wrote a line on the paper, and moved the draft paper in front of him.

-can I talk now?

He is too naive.

Yu Fan occupied his pocket: “No.”

Yu Fan threw the man and his schoolbag into the taxi.

Before closing the door, he endured it for a moment, but leaned over again and told him coldly: “driver, he’s drunk, drive slowly.”


The scenery outside the window retreated like a lantern.

The taxi drove all the way to the most exaggerated housing estate in Nancheng.

When he reached the destination, the driver couldn’t help taking a look inside. There is an inch of land in this area, and each family owns a villa with its own courtyard.

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The driver turned around and said, “here we are, young man.”

The person behind him sat upright and his face was clear, so he didn’t look drunk.

Chen Jingshen glanced faintly at the mirror and got off at the driver’s stunned line of sight. “Thank you.”

At ten o’clock at night, the dark luxury villa is filled with dense green plants, as if it had been uninhabited for a long time.

The black iron door was slowly pushed open like a pot of blood.

As soon as Chen Jingshen closed the door, the kennel on the right side of the garden immediately uttered several excited sounds: “Woof-woof–”

Chen Jingshen threw his schoolbag on the stone chair and went to the kennel to untie the rope.

The dog immediately jumped on him.


“Keep your voice down. ” Chen Jingshen patted him twice and said, “sit down.”


He used one of his hand to put on top of the dog’s head, and the other just took his phone out of the bag and turned it on.

More than 30 messages pop up in an instant.

Mom: why don’t you go home? ].

Mom: where are you? ].

Mom: Auntie, left dinner in the fridge. ].

Mom: are you home yet? I didn’t see you on the surveillance. ].

Mom: I’ve checked the surveillance these days, and you’ve been coming back from school later than before. ]

Chen Jingshen coldly bent his fingers and prompted the text message to close one by one.

He left the light on, but the garden was dark. He sat in the dark in silence, and no matter how complicated it was, he never opened it again.

He does not know how long later, he took out his phone again, clicked on the software that had just been downloaded, and opened the message with his friends on top.

[s: I’m home. ].

The nickname of “-” disappears instantly and becomes “typing.” .

Two minutes later, it is still “typing”.

Chen Jingshen rubbed Fan-Fan, the action was a little perfunctory, and the dog was immediately dissatisfied giving a whine.

Five minutes later, the word “typing” disappeared and a cold word spit out from the other end of the dialog box–.

[-: scram. ].

Chen Jingshen stared at the word for a few seconds, then suddenly lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth.

Surveillance? WTF is happening ? I feel like CJ’s only light is YF.

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