Chen Jingshen used the force on his hand, but it was not heavy.

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The place he tugged at has a little subtle pain, but it is not unbearable.

The last person who touched Yu Fan’s hair still has to make a detour whenever he see Nancheng No.7 HighSchool.

Yu Fan has few taboos in fighting, but he doesn’t like people touching his head. A stick is fine, but you can’t just touch it. If anyone gives him a slap on the head, he can pick out the person accurately among several people and give it back.

But Yu Fan sat on the sand with his mouth half-opened. He looked at Chen Jingshen without moving for a long time.

He was so tired that he didn’t feel disgusted when he was held by his hair. On the contrary, he was so relaxed that he even leaned on his hand.

Something was affixed to the corner of the mouth.

Yu Fan came back to his senses, and slowly reacted. He removed Chen Jingshen’s hand on him.

Why don’t you teach me?

Who wants to be fucking good?

As sson as his strength suddenly disappeared, the chaos floating in Yu Fan’s mind stopped in an instant.

Chen Jingshen rubbed his hair with his five fingers, and then pulled out his hand.

The schoolbag was casually thrown on top and there was a lot of sand at the bottom. Chen Jingshen didn’t care to squeeze the wrapping paper of the band-aid into a ball. He tore it open and threw away the package.

Yu Fan stared at the blood on his fingers and suddenly didn’t bother to scold him again.

He lost his strength and is leaning against the wall.

“Why do you still have a band-aid with you?” He is lazy to find fault.

‘Who’s always getting hurt?’

Chen Jingshen glanced at him, then quickly put it aside and didn’t say anything.

‘You have a bad attitude.’

Yu Fan reached out and touched Chen Jingshen’s shoes. Something suddenly flashed in his brain.

What time is it?

He immediately took out his cell phone and saw a lot of missed messages. Because he usually doesn’t care about the exam, he forgot.

15:27 .

He quickly said “I’m all right” in the discussion group, but he grabbed Chen Jingshen’s sleeve and pulled it hard.

“what are you doing?” Chen Jing asked deeply.

“what do you think?” Yu Fan said, “exam!”

“the school gate is closed.”

“I have a way to go.” Yu Fan leaned against the wall and glanced back at the man who was still sorting out his schoolbag. He frowned anxiously, “come here.”

“if you are fifteen minutes late, you will not be allowed to enter the examination room.”


Yu Fan vaguely seems to have heard of such a rule.

His eyelids jumped, stood with a cold face, and began to think about how to trick the invigilator out to let Chen Jingshen mix up.

It was easy to go, but Chen Jingshen sat at the first table, which was so conspicuous that the teacher could freak out as soon as he came back.

Or should he tie up the invigilator.

The person next to him carried a school bag and Yu Fan looked at it.

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Chen Jingshen’s school uniform shirt was soiled in the dark alley, the collar was messy, and there was a gray streak on his left sleeve.

Chen Jingshen put his schoolbag on his shoulder, his arm was taken over and his sleeve was pulled up rudely.

He lowered his eyes and found that he had a bruise on his left hand and a blood stain on the side of his wrist. He don’t know which unhygienic punk used his fingernails.

Yu Fan stared at his injury for two seconds, and he could not help but give a “tsk”.

He grabbed Chen Jingshen’s arm and pulled the man.

He didn’t manage to pull.

Chen Jingshen stood firm and said, “where are you going?”

“the hospital.” Yu Fan said, “fix your wound.”

“it’s not that serious.”

“if you want to fight,” Yu Fan said with a frown, “I’ll pay for it, and you’ll be fine. Don’t waste it.”

Chen Jingshen remained motionless and said casually, “No, I hate the smell of disinfectant.”

“Why didn’t you work so hard the last time you took me to the hospital?”

Chen Jingshen lowered his eyes and raised his eyebrows in no mood, as if to ask, “what do you say?”

Yu Fan: “.”

Yu Fan: “then cover your nose and go.”

“I still feel sick with needles.”

Aren’t you a little too fussy?

Yu Fan’s patience is limited, and he would already left him behind at ordinary times.

He confronted Chen Jingshen with a cold face for a while, then gritted his teeth and asked, “Do you want to come to my house?”

The taxi is parked at the gate of the old neighborhood.
Chen Jingshen scanned around the old neighborhood, with telephone poles tangled over, mottled exterior walls of residential buildings, and vendors pushing carts to sell water ponds on both sides of the narrow street.

Yu Fan seldom takes a taxi. He usually takes takes a bus.

After paying the money, he led the man out of the car.

While standing at the gate of the community, he was still holding on Chen Jingshen’s schoolbag with his hand.

Chen Jingshen: “have you lived here since you were a child?”

The man next to him gave a perfunctory sound, but did not move.

Yu Fan raised his head slightly, as if to confirm it.

Chen Jingshen followed his line of sight and looked at a closed window on the second floor.

There was no one at home, so Yu Fan tugged at his schoolbag: “I’m sorry.”

The corridor is so narrow that the two boys are almost touching each other. Yu Fan took out the key to open the lock and pushed the door open with his feet.

A smell of alcohol wafted out of it, smelling worse than the hospital’s disinfectant.

The room is small, there is the sofa, TV, mahjong table, the living room is basically full. There are many empty wine bottles on the table and a plate of leftover peanuts and chicken feet on the table.

Chen Jingshen felt that his schoolbag had been pulled for a while, and he withdrew his sight and let Yu Fan lead him.

The boy looked cold and seemed accustomed to the scene.

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Yu Fan’s room is locked separately, and you have to use a key to go there.

Yu Fan pushed the person in and threw down the sentence “you sit down first”. He turned around and went to the living room.

The windows of the room are wide open, windy, clean and tasteless.

Chen Jingshen stood in the original place, patrolling silently.

The room is small, with a wooden bed, old wardrobe, tables and chairs. There is no other furniture.

The desk was covered with traces of time, dirty stickers, words written with ballpoint pens, but knife marks and holes poked out somehow.

There are awards affixed to the wall at the head of the bed, and the ones affixed below are basically torn to pieces, but he can still tell a few words from above.

Chen Jinshen’s eyes focused on somewhere.

Chen Jingshen was already sitting in the chair, when Yu Fan saw him.

He locked the door, threw the chair he had just found next to Chen Jingshen, and bent down to open the first drawer on the right–.

Chen Jingshen looked at a cabinet full of emergency medicines.

They are actually disinfectant, bandages, band-aids and other things that can handle wounds. There is also an unlabeled transparent glass jar with dark red liquid inside.

Yu Fan picked out a few things to put on the table, lifted his sleeves and said, “give me your hand.”

Chen Jingshen spread out his hand and put it into his hand.

Downstairs came the sound of trumpets for waste collection, occasionally cars sounded. The floor was low, and the sound of mahjong smashing the table downstairs could be heard.

Chen Jingshen sat sloppily in his chair, quietly watching the injured man carefully take cotton swabs to disinfect his small wound.

The cell phone in his pocket vibrated and Chen Jingshen curled his fingers gently.

Yu Fan immediately stopped: “does it hurt?”

Chen Jingshen was silent for two seconds, stretching the corners of his mouth: “it hurts.”

It hurts to be sterilized.

“if you’re afraid of pain, why did you come and fight? Can’t you stay in the classroom and take your test? ” Yu Fan gave up and twisted his eyebrows and started a little lighter.

Chen Jingshen watched his hair spin and suddenly asked, “are all the awards on the wall yours?”


“Dear Yu Fan, congratulations on your outstanding performance and winning the title of the most enthusiastic child in the summer camp for primary and secondary school students.”… ”

Chen Jingshen read it out, “what did you do as a child?”


Yu Fan looked up at the wall and really saw such a certificate.

“who remembers.” Yu Fan said, “if you scrap it again, put the certificate in your mouth.”

Chen Jingshen blinked lightly, inexplicably eager to try.

After cleaning up the wound, Yu Fan opened the glass jar and a thick, choking smell came out.

“is it winde?” Chen Jing asked deeply.

“It is Medicinal wine, left by my grandfather.” Yu Fan’s deskmate was so expensive that the cotton swab dipped in medicinal wine stopped in mid-air. “but it stinks, do you want to wipe it or not?”

Chen Jingshen didn’t say anything, but he raised his hand and put the wine on the cotton swab.

When the medicinal wine was smeared on the skin, Yu Fan threw the cotton swab aside and pressed his thumb gently against it.

While pressing, he said, “hold on, you have to press it in order to seep.”

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He presses the cotton and Yu Fan loosens his hand.

Then he took out a cotton swab and sterilized himself.

Chen Jingshen sat and looked at him: “do you want me to help you?”

Yu Fan skillfully pressed the cotton swab on the wound without wrinkling his eyebrows: “No, my hand is not broken.”

A few minutes later.
The wound is on his back, the cotton swab stretched out his collar, and he tried to find the location of the pain.

Shit, how come there’s a stupid person who dare hurt him on his back?


Chen Jingshen said to him, “I’ll do it.”

Yu Fan: “No.”

The cotton swab in his hand was taken by someone.

Chen Jingshen picked up his chair and glanced into his collar.

The shoulder at the bottom of the neck is black and blue.

Chen Jingshen’s eyes sank, and the cotton swab was just about to land on his skin.

The man sitting in front of him suddenly unbuttoned a school uniform shirt and pulled the collar at random, revealing a large area of skin.

“come on.” Yu Fan pulled Chen Jingshen’s chair over, resting his elbows on the back of the chair, lying on his head and urging him, “just apply it casually.”

Usually, it’s much more convenient for him to take off his coat and wipe the medicine. Today, Chen Jingshen is here, and he somehow didn’t take it off, so he didn’t get it done.

Just pulling the collar .

My ass.

Yu Fan’s neck is very straight and thin. When Chen Jingshen pressed his finger on it to apply medicinal wine, he consciously compared it with his.

Yu Fan took a deep breath.

“Is it painful?” Chen Jingshen asked.

Yu Fan said, “No.”

“Then you are afraid.”

“… who’s afraid?” Yu Fan said slowly, “OK … don’t press it.”

He said he would apply it, but Chen Jingshen held his neck and wouldn’t let him move.
“It hasn’t seep yet.” Chen Jingshen said.

Yu fan regrets.

He should have waited for Chen Jingshen to leave before taking medicine.

With Chen Jingshen’s “OK”, Yu Fan immediately sat up straight and yanked the collar back to fasten it.

He grabbed things and stuffed them back into the cupboard, and the mobile phone on the table buzzed.

Zuo Kuan was very excited at the other end of the phone: “Shit. I escaped from the exam to come out to save you. When I got over the wall, Pang Hu caught me red-handed and punished me to stand in his office! Fuck, are you all right? ?”

Yu Fan leaned against the window edge and said, “It’s nothing.”

“What’s the matter? Are you really blocked? ”


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“How many people come? Why didn’t you call us before you went. ”

“Quite a lot.” Yu Fan, “They found Ding Xiao to cheat me out. I thought he was the only one.”

One-on-one is quick, he can turn Ding Xiao over twice, and he will definitely be back in time for the exam.

He can’t believe that son of a bitch knows someone from their school.

He glanced at him and read, Chen Jingshen also took out his cell phone and sat in his chair in silence. He flipped through the messages.

Zuo Kuan rambled on for a long time before hanging up.

Yu Fan put down his phone and turned around, Chen Jingshen happened to be carrying a schoolbag.

Chen Jingshen threw his mobile phone full of unread messages into his pocket: “I’m going back.”

When he sent someone downstairs, Chen Jingshen stopped a taxi and said.
“you can make a video call at nine o’clock in the evening.”

Yu Fan stood with his hands in his pockets and was stupefied at his words”… Mm-hmm. ”

“Physics tonight.” Chen Jingshen hooked his thumb on the shoulder strap of his schoolbag and turned around. “You got 9 points in the math exam at the end of last term.”

Yu Fan: “?”

“So the absence of this subject is also needed. You can score high in other subjects.”

Yu Fan wanted to make him shut up, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he lost his voice.

Chen Jingshen touched his head briefly, rubbed it casually, and said lightly, “OK, say it in the evening.”

The rear of the car disappeared at the corner of the traffic lights.

Yu Fan stood there, motionless for a long time, until another traffic light passed.

Did Chen Jingshen put his hand on his head again just now? ?

Yu Fan’s hand was still in his pocket. He turned around stiffly, slowly turning back, his expression cold and ferocious.

Chen Jingshen touched him two times today.

He wants to cut Chen Jingshen’s fingers.

How dare Chen Jingshen? Do you even care about your hands?Are they even close?

Yu Fan scratched his hair, and felt that he must give some warning.

As soon as the video opens tonight, throw a knife on the table and ask him to apologize a hundred times first.

In the evening, Yu Fan was absent-minded and played snake.

At nine o’clock, the video played on time. Yu Fan carry that knife he used to cut apples, his facial expression through, just want to say-

“Pull the phone higher.” Chen Jingshen glanced at the screen and said.




Yu Fan frowned, he raises his hand to take the knife ready to scare him.

“All right.” Chen Jingshen opened the title set. “I couldn’t see you just now.”


Yu Fan’s expression confronted his smelly face in the small screen window for a moment, and put down the knife.

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