Chen Jingshen estimated the time and sent a message to Yu Fan with his mobile phone.

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[s: can I still make a video call at night? ].

Sent successfully.

He didn’t get blocked.

By the time he got home, the aunt had already cooked dinner. The middle-aged woman wiped the apron with both hands and greeted with a dry smile: “You are back. Dinner is ready. Why don’t you eat it while it’s hot?”

Although she has been cooking in this family for more than a year, the family is cold and gets along in a strange way. So she’s still a little cramped every time she talks.

After all, it was the first time in so many years that she had seen so many monitors in a house it is everywhere except the toilet, so she was trembling during working hours.

Maybe this is a rich family.

“mm-hmm.” The young man glanced at her as usual. “just put it on the table. Go back.”

After dinner, Chen Jingshen took a shower, but there was still no messages from his cell phone when he arrived.

The discussion group is lively and lively.

Zuo Kuan: [How many people will play games at nine o’clock? ].
Wang Luan:? ].

Zuo Kuan: “have you read it right? is this the first game of Nancheng Seven High School in person? Come on. ].

Wang Luan: That’s barely enough time]

[Zuo Kuan: @-where is it? It’s nine o’clock in five minutes. I made an appointment and he disappeared? ]

Yu Fan threw a sentence and didn’t reply It didn’t seem that he really wanted to play a game. He did a job to tell someone that Lao Tzu wouldn’t come at nine o’clock.

Chen Jingshen stared at that sentence several times, opened the drawer and took the notebook.

Yu Fan caught a glimpse of the notebook in the innermost part.

He wipe his hair. After a long time, he got up, picked up the black cloth beside him and threw it on the door easily, skillfully covering the camera above.

Chen Jingshen returned to his desk, took the black notebook and flipped it at will.

With a few pieces of paper.

It is rectangular with rough cut edges and two broken corners.

But compared with the words above, the cut seems to be less dilapidated.

Because the words on it are really ugly.

The handwriting is scraped with pencils and crooked. There are words and pinyin, such as spring worms and autumn snakes, which are the most popular among primary school students.

If ti is shown to other people. It is estimated that ten out of ten people do not understand the word “above”.

But Chen Jingshen can understand.

Because the person who gave “this piece of paper” was kneeling on the ground and chanting words in his mouth.

“strong character, tired sign, do not cry character, brave character …… How do you spell bravery? Chen Jingshen? ”

Chen Jingshen told another wrong pingyin.

“you are wrong, that is bored.The teacher teaches you.”

Just after the fight, the dirty little boy corrected his mistake seriously, then stuffed these pieces of paper into his hand, rubbed his nose and held his head high.

“Don’t cry, isn’t it that protective talisman is torn? Take these with you and it will bless you in the future. ”

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Chen Jingshen didn’t move until after a long time. He gently twisted the paper with his fingers, and pick it up again in silence.

Yu Fan sat on the balcony leaning against the iron fence and drank two cans of cold beer in the wind, his heart still beating heavily.

Chen Jingshen has not made such confession in a while.

How can he make people angry?

He took another sip and stared at the yellow light next door, remembering the setting sun behind Chen Jingshen.

“Brother.” There was a clear and crisp call from downstairs.

Yu Fan cocked his head and looked: “…”

It’s the little girl who lives upstairs, looking up at the stairs and looking at each other.

After eating wonton last time, she was not so afraid.

She asked, “Brother, your face is so red. Are you drunk?”


Yu Fan deadpan: “Yes, I like to beat children when I’m drunk. You wait in front of me.”

The little girl stared in shock, then turned and ran away.

Yu Fan finally went to play games.

He was ready to nott go at nine o’clock, but the three brothers were already waiting on the game line.

Instead of sitting on the balcony enjoying the cool fire, you might as well play the game to vent your anger.

Lying in bed and playing absent-mindedly, he fell to the ground and died, and he regretted it again.

He might as well vent.

He swiped the screen back to see the time, and then looked at Wechat.

No news.

He stared at a portrait and scolded with clenched teeth in his heart.

What do you mean? It’s just a hint, but you really won’t call?

When told you not to confess. Why didn’t you listen?

Selective obedience, right?

You need to learn a lesson.

Yu Fan raised his eyelids and angrily raised his fist at the dog’s avatar, just getting ready to return to the game.

The avatar suddenly jumps to the top of the list, and the Doberman has an extra “1” at the top right.

Chen Jingshen sent a video of the topic.

When Yu Fan went back to the game, his three brothers were still fighting.

When Wang Luan saw him come back, Wang Luan said, “what happened to you just now? You didn’t see the god of heaven kill everything.”… ”

“you guys play, and I’ll leave.”

“?” Zuo Kuan, “did you call the boys to come, play with them and leave?” Why are you going? ”

Yu Fan: “look at the dog.”

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Yu Fan played the game and sat down at the table to open the video.

The moment Chen Jingshen’s voice sounded, Yu Fan unconsciousnly raised the mobile phone a little bit.


Realizing that he would not show his face on the screen. Yu Fan rubbed his nose hard, turned his red ears again awkwardly, and began to read the questions.

At 07:30 on Saturday morning, a group of boys gathered in front of the milk tea shop.

The landlady repeatedly looked at her mobile phone to make sure that today was the day off.

Zuo Kuan smoked desperately to refresh himself: “are you sure you don’t want to smoke?”
Aren’t you sleepy? ”

Yu Fan was lazy while playing with his cell phone: “I don’t smoke.”

“Hurry up, finish smoking this one and go in. ”

Zuo Kuan glanced aside, made a sound, moved his elbow and touched the man next to him. “here comes high achiever.”

Yu Fan looked up fussily.

Nancheng is hot in summer and cool in winter, and the temperature in May is already higher than that in many cities.

Chen Jingshen’s school uniform coat was finally completely removed.

With his long arms and long legs, wearing a summer school uniform he always looks neater than before.

Before Chen Jingshen heard the voice and looked over, Yu Fan had already bowed his head quickly.

Zuo Kuan had a good opinion of high achiever in the past two days and asked, “high achiever, can I copy from you later?”

Chen Jingshen looked at the eyes of the person next to him and said faintly, “No.”

At least he tried his best.

Nothing happened, but Zuo Kuan turned around and said, “Hey, here comes your deskmate.”

Yu Fan: “What does it matter if he comes? Report a fart. ”


Didn’t you have a good time with him before? Why doesn’t it matter overnight? ?

Yu Fan lowered his head back, and didn’t look at Chen Jingshen’s eyes again.

Before, Chen Jingshen dared to use those two words again,he would not allow him to follow him..

The most important thing for a man is to count.

“Grass!” Someone nearby suddenly called out, “Hu Pang is coming!”

A few boys quickly put out their cigarettes!

Hu Pang is not wearing glasses at the moment, so he can’t see what the children are doing.

So he stood at the school gate squinting and scolding, “The exam will start in 20 minutes. Why are you still standing here? ! Hurry up and roll over-you should pay close attention. ”

Following Hu Pang, they went to the laboratory building. Chen Jingshen is walking at the front, while Yu Fan simply falls behind.

So when he entered the classroom, there was only the seat in front of Hu Pang.

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Next to it is Chen Jingshen.

He cursed I’m his mind before sitting with a straight face.

In the examination room, there are dozens of students who rank last and the first grade.

Hu Pang scanned the circle, and his heart was rather generous.

There are still ten minutes before the start of the exam. Holding the test paper in both hands, he put it on the desk and sorted it out.

“This time, your make-up exam paper is different from other students, and the difficulty is a little higher. I didn’t do it. The temporary make-up exam can only be like this. I’ll tell you clearly, don’t sleep during the exam, don’t cheat with your mobile phone, and don’t peek at Chen Jingshen’s test paper. ”

‌  At this time, his eyes turned around Chen Jingshen’s two classmates.

Yu Fan is holding a pen to play with. Who cares to copy from him?

“Director, Ding Xiao won’t come to make-up exam today?” Zuo Kuan sat in the back and asked with malicious intent.‌

“Spit your gum!” Hu Pang added “he asked for a leave because of family matters … Alrihht, this matter will be dealt with, and I will talk it over when I go to school in the next week. Warn you, don’t make any trouble, and leave it to the school. ”

The last few words of Hu Pang are directed at Yu Fan.

Too many pieces of Yu Fan’s disciplinary actions have been approved, and they roughly know this person’s character.

He won’t provoke others unless he is provoked first. If he doesn’t give it back, he probably won’t be able to sleep at night.

He really did not sleep well last night.

But not because of Ding Xiao.

Yu Fan didn’t know what was going on this time. He was quite angry when he was stuck, but then he suddenly forgot about it. If it weren’t for Wang Luan, he would have forgotten this man.

Hu Pang was still in front, Yu Fan yawned, and then unconsciously glanced to the side.

After looking, he is stupefied.

What is he doing?

Yu Fan was just about to look back when he saw Chen Jingshen suddenly reaching for the mineral water bottle at the table and raising his hand to unscrew it.

He twisted it, but didn’t manage to open it.

Chen Jingshen wore a short-sleeved school uniform today, and his hand wound was exposed. Most of the bruises disappeared, the wound didn’t have a band-aid, and there was a dark red scab.

Maybe it’s an injury or something. Chen Jingshen twisted his eyebrows.

The second time, it still didn’t open.

Chen Jingshen was about to try for the third time when the water bottle was taken away.

Looking up, he saw Yu Fan was looking in the other direction with an expressionless face.He twisted the mineral water bottle in his hand, and easily opened the bottle.

Then his deskmate screwed it on again, slammed it on the table, and turned back to his seat.

Half a sudden, someone stood up and scared Hu Pang: “…”

That was your attitude!

Then Chen Jingshen calmly picked up the water, looked up and took a sip.

The Make-up exam begins.

Yu Fan has to admit that Chen Jingshen is really a master of inscription.

He couldn’t understand the questions before, but he actually knew a lot this time. Of course, he still won’t be in the majority, but it’s very, very rare to be able to reach this level in more than a week.

Thirty minutes after the exam, everyone in the classroom started to look at the scenery and play with pens.

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Only two people are still doing it.

Hu Pang was dumbfounded. He passed by Yu Fan several times with his hands on his back, and he was surprised.

The bell rang, Hu Pang commanded, and the paper was passed from back to front.

Zuo Kuan sat behind Yu Fan on the left, and asked in a low voice if he wanted to go to the school next door to catch people.

There are dormitories in the technical school next door, and most of the students come from cities, counties or other places.

Many people live in school during the semester and don’t go home.

On weekends, when nobody cares, those gangsters prefer to hang around.

Yu Fan closed the pen cap, and just got ready, when the chair pulled open from the side.

Chen Jingshen got up and handed the test paper to Hu Pang.

“How’s it going? Is the paper difficult?” Hu Pang asked.

“Not bad.” Chen Jingshen paused, suddenly, “Thank you, Director, for giving this make-up exam opportunity.”

“This is also an exception, this is due to an emergency. You have to remember the lesson, but there are not so many chances to do it again in life. “Hu Pang started, and then he raised his eyebrows.” But you have to thank Yu Fan for being able to make up the exam this time-”


The stack of papers was thrown in front of him and Hu Pang was cut off.

Hu Pang started, t “Yu Fan you are bold and big, aren’t you?”

Haven’t spoken, he saw Yu Fan raise his arm and hook Chen Jingshen’s neck.

“Goodbye, director.”

Throwing this sentence coldly, Yu Fan directly clamped Chen Jingshen and went outside the classroom.

Chen Jingshen is taller than Yu Fan. He bends his head and lets the other side take him away.

Yu Fan walked quickly until he felt that Hu Pang couldn’t catch up with his legs.

Yeah, why is Hu Pang’s mouth so big? How rare is it? Do you want to bring it after the evening?

Almost finished …

Yu Fan had a lingering fear, only to find the person with him became silent .

“Yu Fan.” Chen Jingshen’s voice falls.

Yu Fan scolded two sentences in his mind, and he said, “If you hand in your test paper, hand it in well, and then leave and stay there with Hu Pang.” But he didn’t intend to talk to Chen Jingshen, so he offered a cold glance and looked up to let Chen Jingshen understand himself-

Turning around, he stopped a few centimeters away from Chen Jingshen’s cheek.

Two faces face to face, almost touching each other.

Layers of leaves were cut into pieces by sunlight, and scattered on Chen Jingshen’s hair.

Yu Fan forgot that he was holding his hands, and didn’t realize that they were so close.

Looking at Chen Jingshen’s cold eyebrow eye, he was slightly dazed, and just let go of his hand.

“I was very happy when I knew I could make it to the exam, and they also let you take it. ”

Chen Jingshen’s eyelids drooped, and he talked in a low voice. “Don’t ignore it.”

The wind blows from behind and leaves rustle.

Yu fan holds his breath. Last night, he drank two bottles of wine, played a video game, worked on the questions for three hours, and then went to sleep to calm his heart. Suddenly, the sound of a beating heart rushed back to his ears.

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