Hu Pang’s office is in the teaching building. the people inside speak louder, and the classroom next door can hear.

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In the evening, the story has spread to all the class groups in Nancheng No. 7 High School.

Wang Luan: it’s too late to be so fast! At the moment when Ding Xiao’s mother rushed up, high achiever reacted quickly! He hit off the woman’s bag planning to hit Yu Fan, and then ruthlessly ask his deskmate to not move.” ].

Zhang Xianjing: then what? ].

Wang Luan: then Ding Xiao’s mother questioned high achiever, and Yu Fan, who did not open his mouth, suddenly stood up excitedly! He pointed to Chen Jingshen and Ding Xiao’s fucking nose, arrogantly– “he is my bottom line. You can scold me, but not my deskmate. My deskmate is the best in the world, he is better than your son. ” ]

[-: Scram. Who made up the story? ].

Yu Fan sat at the table and replied while wiping his hair. The phone screen vibrated pitifully because it was poked too much.

Wang Luan: that’s right. It was Class 12 next to Hu Pang’s office who listened with their own ears, and then the group told Class 9, Class 9 told Class 8, and Zuo Kuan told me. ].

[Zuo Kuan: so is this really true? I ask you in the afternoon, but you didn’t want to talk about it. ].

This is not bullshit?

Did he even say, “you can scold me, but you can’t scold my deskmate”?

[-: dropped out of the group. ].

Wang Luan: Oh, no. Let’s talk about hanging out tomorrow. ].

Zhang Xianjing: high achiever is not even bubbling. There is nothing to discuss. ].

Wang Luan: I asked in private. High achiever is fine whatever we arrange. ].

The towel leaned back over his shoulders and he watched them lively discuss tomorrow’s itinerary.

The cell phone buzzed.

At nine o’clock, Chen Jingshen sent a video to solve the problem on time.

Yu Fan stared at the exposed hand on the preview interface for a few seconds and typed–

[don’t send it again, don’t learn].

After the fight, he left his fingers floating on the send button and it floated for two minutes.

Feeling hesitant, until two voice messages came from the opposite face.

“the topic you picked recently is more difficult, can you try to keep up with it? Yu Fan, for the next monthly exam, let’s rush to the top 600 of the lower grade. ”

Who wants to go to the top 600?

Who told you “we”.

Yu Fan, write down the message.

“I bought the evolutionary version of flying bird and I’ll bring it to you tomorrow?”


They would go out and he would bring tutoring books?

“Scram.” Yu Fan pressed the button: “Just and try to bring it, I’ll let you sit by the side of the road and finish it.”

When he woke up the next day, Yu Fan went slowly to see the itinerary they discussed last night.

Both Zuo Kuan and Zhang Xianjing are coming. After chatting about hundreds of messages, they finally decided to go to the secret room with a good reputation, and then get up for dinner.

The meeting place is set in that theme secret room.

Because of that voice, Yu Fan check Chen Jingshen first. He checked to see if he had anything suspicious in his hand.

Luckily, empty-handed.

“Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road.” Chen Jingshen.
“it’s alright. We just made an appointment at three o’clock. It’s not the right time yet.” Wang Luan immediately asked, “come on, high achiever, do you want to play? The themes here are all very interesting. ”

Yu Fan leaned against the counter to play gluttonous snakes and felt the faint mint smell getting closer and closer to him.

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Chen Jingshen is wearing white and black trousers today, and his overall outfit made his legs very long. Usually at school, everyone wears loose school uniforms, so you can’t see it. His shoulders are thin but broad. When he stands there, both Zuo Kuan and Wang Luan look short.

Chen Jingshen naturally went to Yu Fan and stood still and glanced at the secret room in Wang Luan ‘s hand: “I can do anything.”

Wang Luan looked at Yu Fan, who did not raise his head: “Whatever.”

He has no interest in these things.

“that’s the most exciting thing to play!” Zhang Xianjing pointed to the poster occupying position C on the wall. “that’s it!”

Yu Fan took a look at his eyes. In the middle of the poster is a gloomy woman sitting on the wedding bed in a red cap, with several big red characters written next to it-“Ghost Marriage”.

The boss snapped his fingers: “good vision ah beauty, this is our most terrifying theme, heavy fear of chase”, but also happens to be a five-person secret room! Those who come to visit the store are all courageoud, and they are absolutely exciting and fun! ”

Wang Luan ‘s legs felt soft: “No, in fact, I think the fairy tale warm decryption next to it is quite a good secret room. The prince who is lost in the forest and can’t find the sleeping beauty should go and follow, it all depends on our adventure to break the game.”… ”

“find it for the useless prince yourself.” Zhang Xianjing rolled her eyes. “well, if they are casual, then the three of us will vote, and now it’s 1 to 1. Zuo Kuan, how do you feel? Which one do you want to play? ”

Wang Luan thought it funny because they secretly played “Midnight Bell” on the computer in the class. Zuo Kuan stood outside the window, shouting louder than him. After watching it for a long time, it was as if they were bound. They had to go back together every time they went to the bathroom, and sometimes they had to drag Yu Fan–

“do you have to ask?” Zuo Kuan walked to the poster and took the picture of “Ghost Marriage”, wiping his thumb and watching Zhang Xianjing. “only dogs play fairy tales, real men must play the fiercest. I certainly chose the same thing as you. ”
Wang Luan:“……”

The five were thus taken to the entrance to the secret room.

The staff asked them to put on blindfolds and go in.

Yu Fan walked in the first place, he was led around the left, outside and right, and entered the house.

After the radio told them to take off the blindfold, they found that it was dark all around, and there were only four of them in the antique house.

“aah! aah!” Zuo Kuan’s screams came vaguely, sounding quite far away from them, “help! I can’t! I don’t want you to play this music. I’m going to faint. ”

His voice is so loud that the staff outside use walkie-talkies to communicate with them: “well, one of us is going to be alone in this session. Do you need to change roles?”

Wang Kuan put his hand on his lips and replied loudly, “Zuo Kuan– it’s not that your brother won’t help you– it’s really that your brother is afraid–”

“We won’t change,” Zhang Xianjing answered, picking up the walkie-talkie. “that man likes to pretend to push, big brother, you try your best to scare him.”

Disrelish for the noise, Yu Fan rolled his eyes. Just as he was about to let him pass, the corner of his clothes was suddenly pulled down by the person behind him.

Chen Jingshen stood in the dark. Yu Fan could only see his vague outline when he looked back.

“Yu Fan.” Chen Jingshen looked at him. “I’m scared, too.”


Yu Fan frowned: “I’m afraid you didn’t feel bad just now.”

Chen Jingshen: “I don’t want to lose face in front of you.”

” You are even more humiliated now. ”

“I can’t help it,” said Chen Jingshen, clutching the corner of his clothes without any ups and downs on his voice. “it’s terrible.”


A mournful scream came from Zuo Kuan outside.

Yu Fan looked at the person behind him with his eyes for a few seconds before he remembered that Chen Jingshen might not be able used to such environment.

“Coward.” He withdrew his steps and rattled.

Chen Jingshen murmured, “I am.”


Zhang Xianjing was about to ask what the two of them are whispering, but the door was kicked open by npc in the secret room.

The man, dressed in an ancient robe and covered with blue and white mouth with red blood, stumbled in and tried to hit each player in the face: “she’s going to kill me! She tried to kill me– ”

Yu Fan felt that his clothes were pulled more tightly, and Chen Jingshen seemed to be scared back.

“this npc is shorter than you. Are you afraid of it?” Yu Fan stretched his hand back, patted Chen Jingshen on the wrist and signaled him to move his hand away.

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The clothes are isn’t being pulled anymore.

Yu Fan was about to withdraw his hand when the hand behind him suddenly went up along his finger and suddenly grasped him.

Chen Jingshen’s palms were slightly cold and his grip was a little tight.

Npc heard his words and rushed to Yu Fan’s face and screamed, “be polite– Ah, she’s going to kill me!”

Yu Fan looked at the grimace without expression, his fingers were a little numb. He shook Chen Jingshen’s hand: “Chen Jingshen, you step back.”

Chen Jingshen also shook his hand: “I can’t retreat, I dare not open my eyes.”


In such an instant, Yu Fan suspected that Chen Jingshen was faking.

How can someone be afraid and hold someone’s hands?

But npc walked away, and the indoor lights came on.

Wang Luan held Zhang Xianjing, his face buried on her shoulder. Zhang Xianjing patted him on the back with a look of disgust: “It’s gone. Let’s go…. It’s really gone. Why would I lie to you? ”

Wang Luan: “Woo-woo.”

Yu Fan: “…”

He shook Chen Jingshen’s hand and said coldly, “relax, don’t hold on so tight.”

In the middle of playing in the secret room, Zuo Kuan joined them.

His face turned white, and he still felt scared when he hugged Wang Luan ‘s arm. He turned around and asked another good brother, “Yu Fan, why don’t we hold hands, too?”

Yu Fan dragged Chen Jingshen and held the lamp in the other hand, which reflected his face ferociously from the bottom up: “Scram.”

Zuo Kuan: “…”

The Npc gasped back to the control room and lifted the charm on his face, he was surprised to see the boss who had just received them outside.

While watching the surveillance, the boss explained to the scary staff who would go out.

“they are going to do an one-person mission soon. come on, I’ll analyze it with you.” He pointed to the screen. “this woman and this fierce-looking one don’t need to be frightened, both of them are bold. The main thing is to scare the remaining three… Especially the most awkward one, he hid behind another man.Try and scared him to death. ”

One-person mission. Each player is required to go to the end of the corridor alone to pick up something, and the rest of the players can only wait inside the house.

When the others were done, even Zuo Kuan stumbled back, leaving only the last coward–

Standing at the door, Chen Jingshen suddenly turned around and asked, “if I don’t come back, will you go out and look for me?”

Yu Fan: “No.”

“can you just talk to me directly? I’m afraid if I can’t hear the sound. ”


“will you wait for me at the door?”

“you’re playing a fucking game, not going to war.” Yu Fan couldn’t stand it. “are you going? No, I’ll kick you! ”

Chen Jingshen has gone.

The boss stared at the monitoring and excitedly called the staff: “come on!” Scare him! First scare him back and force him to come back again! ”

Chen Jingshen was just about to encounter the task props when the ghost npc, dressed in a maiden suit, suddenly appeared and crawled towards him like a spider, screaming sadly: “Ah–”

The person in front of him didn’t respond.

Female ghost npc thought she didn’t play well, so she screamed, “Ah–”

The boy picked up the object and looked at her coldly.

And then turned around and left.

As she left, she looked down at the floor, walked around and he just bypassed her.

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Female ghost npc: “?”
Boss: “???”

When he came to the corner, Chen Jingshen suddenly turned around and said, “Hello, can you scream again?”

Female ghost npc: “. Ah– ”

In the room.
Zuo Kuan covered his ears in pain: “Why the fuck do you scream?”

“Why hasn’t high achiever come back yet? I haven’t heard anything yet. ”

Zhang Xianjing said, “you can’t really be taken away.”

Yu Fan stood at the door and waited for a few seconds, then ruffled impatiently: “I’ll find him.”


The sound of hasty footsteps came from the end of the corridor.

Yu Fan tentatively shouted, “Chen Jingshen?”

“it’s me.”

On the other side of the corridor, Chen Jingshen ran back. Yu Fan stood at the door and subconsciously stretched out his hand to him.

Chen Jingshen jumped directly and hugged him. It’s just like when he ran three thousand meters.

Yu Fan was slightly stupefied, but he had not responded.

Zuo Kuan: “high achiever, did that woman jump on you, too? Are you scared? ”

Chen Jingshen put his things on the table and glanced at him faintly. “mm-hmm. It scared me to death. ”

The boss who watched the whole process in the monitor: “? ? ? ?”

Are you scared to death? Really? ? ?

In the past, only girls were afraid to not stick to their boyfriends. Aren’t you a big man? You should pretend to jump on that beautiful woman. Why jump on a man? ?

Yu Fan didn’t think it through either.

He was extremely tired of playing in the secret room, holding a coward’s egg in his hand, and those npc’s who didn’t admit defeat kept licking his face.

The final task, it is necessary to take turns to cross over the female ghost in pairs. Only one person can stay in the room and wait to win.

Well, this one was finally given to Zuo Kuan.

Yu Fan took Chen Jingshen to the ancestral hall to meet the female ghost.

On the road, the surrounding lights are a little brighter, at least people can see the faces of their teammates clearly.

In the narrow man-made alley, Yu Fan turned his head and looked into his eyes. Chen Jingshen still had his usual paralyzed face.
He was suddenly a little curious. What was the look on Chen Jingshen’s face when he was scared?

A few seconds later, Yu Fan withdrew his sight and shook Chen Jingshen’s hand: “there is no one here. Let go. My palms are sweaty.”

Chen Jingshen glanced at him and let go.

When turning the corner, Yu Fan slowed down a bit and deliberately fell behind Chen Jingshen.
Then he held out his hand and poked Chen Jingshen on the waist–.

Almost at the same time, the screams of the female ghost suddenly sounded. Yu Fan was stunned, looked at the female ghost rushing towards them in front of him, and thought


He didn’t have time to think about it.

Before the lights dimmed, he saw Chen Jingshen turn around.

Yu Fan tried to grab his hand and run, then his feet suddenly rose into the air.

He was, hugged, picked up, and he run.

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It’s still the kind of princess carry.

Yu Fan was blinded in an instant and shouted several times: “Chen Jingshen!” Chen Jingshen! ”

Chen Jingshen didn’t answer. He ran very fast and the road was narrow. Yu Fan’s swearing words had piled up in his mouth, and his sense of confusion and desire for survival made him subconsciously turn around Chen Jingshen’s neck.

He looked back and looked directly at the ghost npc for a few seconds.

When hanging in the air, people’s psychology will become more fragile than usual.

So he scratched Chen Jingshen’s neck and said, “run faster, haven’t you eaten?” Wait, where are you going? this is not the way back to the house– ”

Yu Fan looked forward and found a red sedan chair with a curtain drawn in the courtyard scene in front of him.

Yu Fan was stupified.
No what kind of idiot dares to enter a place like this, is it? When you go in, aren’t you just staying inside and wait for people to scare?

The next few seconds, Yu Fan was carried in.

Yu Fan: “…”

The space in the sedan chair was narrower than he had expected.

With two boys both higher than 180cm, there is almost no extra room.

Yu Fan half curled up, his shoes on the side of the sedan chair, his whole back glued to it.

Yu Fan breathed a sigh of relief and gritted his teeth: “Chen Jingshen, you -”

“A ghost touched me just now.” Chen Jingshen asked in a hoarse voice, “you’re not scared, are you?”

“…” Yu Fanqian lost his temper.

No, it’s just a poke, so it’s not so scary, is it?

Just as Yu Fan was about to curl, the sedan chair was gently shaken. The sedan was scratched outside with fingernails.

He had to keep his mouth shut and cooperate with the performance of the outsiders.

In case npc rushed in to frighten people, Yu Fan stared straight at the sedan curtain.

A moment later, he frowned and seemed to look up.

The sedan chair was so dark that nothing could hardly be seen.

Except for the strange dark red sedan curtain reflected by the lights, and Chen Jingshen’s dark eyes.

Chen Jingshen put his hand on his knee and his other hand on his back. It separated him from the sedan body, and he looked at him in silence in the dark.

Holding someone in his arms, Chen Jingshen’s breath was a little heavy. His hot breath was felt in Yu Fan’s ears. Their bodies were close to each other, and he could feel Chen Jingshen’s every breath.

Yu Fan felt surrounded by the aroma of peppermint.

His heart was beating so fast that Yu Fan unconsciously curled up his fingers and said, “look at the sedan curtain, they must rush in there.”

“I dare not look.” Chen Jingshen.

” Who told you to run here? ”

Chen Jingshen took the blame: “I’m too scared.”

There’s something going on outside. Yu Fan stiffly twisted his head to the edge and continued to stare at the sedan curtain.

A few seconds later, he raised his hand unbearably, found Chen Jingshen’s eyes in the dark, and bolted it: “Don’t look at me.”

Chen Jingshen snorted, his breath rubbing against his hand.

The whole skin is numb and scalded from the neck to the root of the ear. He clenched his lower teeth, raised his other hand and pinched Chen Jingshen’s nose, “Don’t breathe. ”

Chen Jingshen: “……”


CJ is such a drama queen I cannot.

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