After he was done saying that, Yu Fan turned to leave but he then suddenly remembered something and turned back. He took off the hat and coldly gave it back, “Take it.”

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Chen Jingshen looked at the hair that was sticking up on his head and silently received the hat.With his hand now empty, Yu Fan’s expression turned even colder. He turned to leave but just as he took his first step, his T-shirt was lightly tugged again.Yu Fan felt that his poor mood was because he didn’t sleep well. He was in a state where he was about to explode. He turned back angrily, “Are you fucking addicted to pull….”The hair that was sticking up was pressed back down and the hat was placed back onto his head.After he was done doing that, Chen Jingshen walked in front of him and said, “Let’s go.”Yu Fan wasn’t able to keep up with him. His head followed him as he moved, “Where?”Chen Jingshen, “Going with you to the internet cafe.”Yu Fan didn’t move. He frowned, “Weren’t you going to eat with your former deskmate?”“No.” Chen Jingshen said, “Where did you hear that from?”“Yesterd….It’s nothing.” Yu Fan stopped himself in time and hesitated for a couple of seconds, “Did I say that I would bring you along with me to an internet cafe?”“No.” Chen Jingshen looked down at him with lowered eyes, “But I want to go with you.”“……”“You can’t go. You’re going to be watching Hu Pang next to me again. It’s too embarrassing.”Yu Fan was only able to squeeze out this line after a moment of silence. He then lowered his head and brushed past him as he followed the directions on his phone.His refusal was blunt and his tone contained disdain.But Chen Jingshen’s hat was still on his head.And he also walked slowly, like he was dragging his feet.Chen Jingshen watched his leaving figure for several seconds and couldn’t help but lower his head, the corners of his lips rising slightly. He then silently followed behind him.The two of them walked for a while, one at the front and the other behind, before they were soon walking side by side.The sunlight that was mostly blocked by the trees filtered through, falling onto their figures.Chen Jingshen raised his hand and held out the juice, “I saw you so I bought an extra cup.”“….Chen Jingshen, you’re so annoying.”

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With a grumpy expression, Yu Fan walked a few more steps before taking his hand out of his pocket and receiving the cup of watermelon juice.It was very cool and refreshing.The two didn’t walk very fast. They passed by a mother and daughter pair.“So how did you go in the exam?”The girl who was eating responded vaguely, “Botched it.”“I knew it.” Her mother said cooly, “And I even had to get up early to bring you here for the exam…..Can’t you eat a little slower? Have some manners.”“I can’t. After doing the exam for almost three hours, my brain is completely exhausted----and so is my stomach. And in order not to be sleepy today, I didn’t have breakfast this morning.”“There are many people who have skipped breakfast for this exam but I don’t see them devouring their food like you.”………Yu Fan lazily listened to this exchange as he sipped his watermelon juice. He glanced at the person next to him.Did Chen Jingshen have breakfast before the exam?Probably not. He wouldn’t have invited him to lunch as soon as he saw him otherwise.Yu Fan retracted his gaze and thought to himself indifferently: Just starve then. Let’s see if you’ll become shorter from starving.When they reached the internet cafe, Chen Jingshen reached out to push the door but his sleeve was lightly tugged by the person next to him.“I’m hungry.” Yu Fan mumbled, “Let’s eat something first.”Chen Jingshen glanced at him and let go of the door handle, “Okay.”The two weren’t picky. There was a Sichuan restaurant next door.The layout of the place was rather simple but it was clean. There weren’t many people there at noon, only a few scattered across the tables. All of them had tacitly sat away from each other so that they didn’t disturb the other parties.Yu Fan picked out a seat by the window.After he sat down, he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. It was a voice call from Wang Lu’an.

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Yu Fan accepted it, “What is it?”“….What do you think?” The other party was confused by this question of his, “The four of us have been chatting awkwardly on the LOL chat interface for half an hour and you ask me why I’m calling? Zhu Xu said he didn’t even have to wait this long when he waited for his girlfriend during his dates. If you didn’t answer my calls for another two minutes, I was going to call the police.”“……..”Yu Fan moved his phone away from his ear and glanced at the screen. He only now realised that the words he had typed out earlier still hadn’t been sent.He had forgotten about it when Chen Jingshen grabbed him.Wang Lu’an, “So where on earth are you? What is taking you so long? Isn’t there an internet cafe downstairs from your place?”“I’ll hire someone to play with you.” Yu Fan said.“?” Wang Lu’an was confused, “What do you mean?”“The internet cafe outside my place was full. I’m now in Yu He…”“The fuck. Isn’t Yu He half an hour from your place? Why did you go so far? Are the internet cafes in Yu He built out of gold?”Chen Jingshen who was in the middle of wiping his hands with a hot towel looked up when he heard this.Yu Fan closed his eyes and cupped his hand around his cheap phone that was leaking out sound and warned, “You fucking…..Keep your voice down.”Wang Lu’an let out an ‘oh’: Then hurry up. Zuo Kuan said that there are a lot of internet cafes in Yu He.”Yu Fan said, “I’m having lunch right now.”“……..”After ending the call, Yu Fan downloaded an app and hired an expensive player to play with them.“I’ve ordered a few dishes. Take a look and see what else you want to add.” The orders were done online through the phone in this store. Chen Jingshen passed him his phone.Just as Yu Fan wanted to say that he was fine with anything, he glanced at the screen and saw the numbers 373 yuan on the bottom.Yu Fan’s brows twitched. He received the phone, wanting to check and see how this person managed to order almost 400 yuan worth of food when each dish cost no more than 10 or 20 yuan.At this moment, Chen Jingshen’s phone vibrated.He tapped open the menu ------ Buzz.He scrolled down ------ Buzz.

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Chen Jingshen was using WeChat to view the menu so there were no notifications that appeared.After his phone vibrated five times consecutively, Yu Fan became inexplicably angry again. The grip on the phone tightened several degrees, making the unfortunate phone screen creak, “Your former deskmate is looking for you.”“My former deskmate……..” Chen Jingshen paused for a moment, “Why is he looking for me?”Yu Fan spoke quickly and coldly, “How should I know? Am I the one chatting with him? You……”Buzz. The phone vibrated again. Yu Fan subconsciously looked down at the screen.This time a notification appeared on the screen. Two message previews appeared-----[Unknown number: Chen Jingshen, it’s Miao Chen. We didn’t have the chance to compare our answers earlier, I just wanted to ask what you chose for the second last multiple choi…….][Unknown number: Also, um, my friend request that I sent to you yesterday still hasn’t been accepted. Did I add the wrong person?]Yu Fan was still sporting a frown on his face. He was only able to speak up when the two messages disappeared from the screen, “….To. Compare answers.”Chen Jingshen, “Didn’t note it down.”“...Oh.”Yu Fan opened the text messages and saw that Miao Chen had sent Chen Jingshen several messages yesterday, both long and short ones. He didn’t look and just quickly replied with a ‘don’t know’ before closing the interface and returning back to the menu.A few seconds later, he suddenly realised ---- Wait a minute. Why am I helping Chen Jingshen reply to his messages?Also…….Yu Fan was puzzled, “You didn’t add him on WeChat?”Chen Jingshen let out an ‘en’.“Then who were you chatting with last night?”“My mother.”“………..”Yu Fan blinked a few times and subconsciously let out a sigh of relief. He felt a little better.

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The next moment, that breath he let out went back inside.Why the hell am I feeling better??“Speaking of which,” Chen Jingshen looked over at him and asked lightly, “Were you angry last nigh----”“No.” Yu Fan answered like he was being poked in a sore spot, “Why would I be angry when nothing particular happened?”Chen Jingshen raised a brow, “I don’t know. Earlier, you were also..”“No.” Yu Fan expressionlessly cut him off and threw his phone back. He forcefully ended this topic, “I’m done.”Chen Jingshen picked up his phone and fell silent for several seconds when he looked at his phone, “You….”Yu Fan, “I said I wasn’t angry! I won’t get angry no matter who you talk to! How many times do you fucking want to ask me this?!”“……”“I just wanted to say,” Chen Jingshen turned his phone around and showed him the empty order interface, “Why did you delete all the dishes?”“………”Yu Fan snatched his phone from him and expressionlessly re-ordered.There weren’t many people in the store so the food was served very quickly. When the server brought over the dishes, they couldn’t help but glance at the person on the left several more times.Yu Fan had already put back on the baseball hat he had taken off earlier when he entered the restaurant.The brim was pushed very low, covering more than half his face. All that could be seen were the two bright red ears that looked even brighter than the peppers in their food.Yu Fan fiddled with his phone with his head down, his face very hot. He cursed at himself tens of thousands of times inside.Yu Fan liked to eat staple food when he ate. It filled him up and making one bowl at home was enough for him to last a whole day.When the bowl of hot noodles was served, Yu Fan picked up the seasoning next to him and poured a bunch in.Chen Jingshen glanced at him and lightly commented, “You like to eat vinegar?”“En.” Yu Fan responded without thinking.A few seconds later, Yu Fan finally realised that something didn’t seem right. He raised his head and saw Chen Jingshen with his head already turned away, looking like he couldn’t hold it in.“Chen Jingshen, you fucking….” As he said this, his hand shook and a large amount of black vinegar poured out.Yu Fan stared at the table with a bright red face. He debated over whether he should pour the vinegar on Chen Jingshen’s face or dump the noodles onto Chen Jingshen’s head.KKnotes: Eating vinegar in Chinese also means ‘to be jealous’

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