Song Yan finished smoking a cigarette and looked back at the store, Xu Qin had finished the chili oil noodles and sesame balls, and was eating soy milk and youtiao.

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She learned how to eat like the locals, soaking the cut pieces of youtiao in the soy milk, scooping them up with a spoon and putting them in her mouth when they were soft. The youtiao were crispy on one side and soft on the inside, and were filled with fragrant soy milk. She licked her lips after eating, seemed satisfied with the taste, picked up the next piece of youtiao with chopsticks, and continued to dip in the bowl of soy milk.

She ate in the same way as the people around her, and she looked like an ordinary girl, her hair was tied low, a gray coat, jeans, small booties, and a small school bag on her back. The environment was not incompatible, and the other girls around were not much different, except that she was more beautiful, the look and temperament were indifferent, and the whole person was calm.

Just by watching, Xu Qin inside seemed to feel his gaze, raised her eyes to look at him, their eyes had not yet met, he had quickly turned away and looked at the busy street.

There were more people coming and going.

Song Yan lit the second cigarette.

Since reuniting with Xu Qin, Song Yan hadn’t taken a serious look at her face up close, and every time his eyes couldn’t stay on her face for too long.

But her appearance was clear in his mind. She had not changed much from back then, except for the baby fat, her face had become smaller and whiter. The nose was still small and high, and the eyes were still dark, faintly without emotion.

Xu Qin was beautiful, Song Yan was very clear. But back then, the first time he liked her was not because of her beauty.

At school, Song Yan sat in the back row of the classroom and laughed with his classmates. The class gathered in groups to chat, and students ran by in pairs outside the classroom.

At some point, he inadvertently looked out the window, and a girl who was left alone passed by. She held her school bag, lowered her head, and walked very slowly.

He didn’t see her face clearly, only felt that her thin figure was unusually laid.

Someone next to him spoke to him, he replied, and when he looked again, the girl outside the window was gone.

He continued to laugh with people. At this time, the friend on the opposite side poked his chin, looked behind him, and said, “Eh, you are blocking the way of your new classmate.”

At that time, Song Yan was sitting on the table, stepping on another table, and his long legs blocked the passage. He was talking to a friend when he jumped off the table and stood up to get out of the way.

In the narrow aisle, the girl holding her schoolbag passed by him and rubbed his chest.

He recognized her, and halfway through his words, he stared at her. But she was a head shorter than him, thin and small, and he only saw her long flaxen hair and her fingers clutching her school bag, which she held as if she were holding herself, and her back was very weak.

At that moment, without warning, he suddenly wanted to protect her.

He didn’t want to jump into it, but it was a pit. Where did she need his protection?

Song Yan was halfway through smoking, and his mobile phone rang, pulling Wu Fang Street in front of him back from many years ago.

It was Zhai Miao who called.

Song Yan frowned inadvertently, it stands to reason that she should have arrived at school now and prepared for class.


“Ge!” The voice on the other end was eager, with a crying voice, and said a series of inarticulate words, mixed with the sound of men’s lectures.

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Song Yan squeezed the cigarette out of his mouth: “Calm down and tell me what happened?”

“I…” Zhai Miao stopped talking, “Ge, I’m at the police station, come and rescue me. Don’t tell my parents.”

She hurriedly called him, and didn’t say much else, Song Yan only asked which police station she was in, and hung up: “Wait, I’ll come right away.”

He put down the phone, extinguished the cigarette, walked to the counter to settle the bill, and returned to the table after settling the bill, Xu Qin had just finish eating.

Song Yan put his hands in his pocket, straddled the stool, and asked, “Have you finished eating?”

Xu Qin nodded.

Song Yan said, “Let’s go then.”

Xu Qin asked, “Where are you going?”

She saw him answer the phone.

Song Yan said, “Something to do.”

Xu Qin asked, “What’s going on?”

Song Yan said, “Zhai Miao is at the police station.”

Xu Qin frowned, unable to think of anything she could cause as a student.

Song Yan saw that she wanted to ask, and continued: “Either she bump into a car on the road, or she was pushing and shoving with someone. Her character is unreasonable.”

“I’ll leave first.” Song Yan got up and walked out.

Xu Qin also followed: “I’ll take you.”

Song Yan glanced back at her, and Xu Qin said, “Now during rush hour, you can’t get a taxi. Zhai Miao is waiting in the police station, we should hurry.”

“Thanks.” Song Yan took up her offer, it seemed he was really anxious to rush over there.

After Xu Qin’s car was blistered last time, Meng Huai Jin bought her a white BMW, exactly the same model as before.

Not long after the car was bought, the seats were piled up with deodorized charcoal packets. Xu Qin sat in the driver’s seat and the charcoal bag in the passenger seat she picked up and threw it into the back seat.

Song Yan sat in the car, and when he pulled the seat belt, he found that the plastic film on the safety buckle had not been torn off. He casually asked: “Changed to the exact same one?”

Xu Qin inserted the car keys, her mind did not turn for a while, and asked: “Have you seen my previous car?”

Song Yan forcefully buckled the seat belt and clicked the ground.

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After Xu Qin said that sentence, she found that she was wrong, and immediately changed her words: “Wrong, you saw my car on the day of the rainstorm.”

Song Yan let out a “hmm” lightly and heavily, a little absent-mindedly.

Xu Qin thought he was worried about Zhai Miao and asked, “Which police station?”

Song Yan: “Qi Ye Tai.”

Xu Qin pondered in her heart, and before she said anything, Song Yan said: “I don’t need your help. Don’t bother with that favor to find a reason to call.”

Xu Qin was stunned and did not speak for a while.

Song Yan still said: “Thank you.”

For her, life was unusually simple and relaxed, which was a good thing.

He had no right to deprive her; but you couldn’t take it for granted to borrow or enjoy it.

Xu Qin stepped on the accelerator slightly, and the car drove out of the underground garage.

This was a commercial district, which was at rush hour, and the road from west to east was blocked by water, but from the east the road out to the west was unobstructed.

On the opposite lane, traffic jammed the parking lot; Xu Qin’s side was open.

She glanced at the road conditions in the exterior rearview mirror, and then glanced at the rearview mirror inside the car, and happened to see Song Yan’s side face. He wrinkled his eyebrows slightly, looking out the window, his face a little solemn.

Xu Qin asked, “Where is Zhai Miao studying now?”

Song Yan didn’t look back: “University A1.”

Xu Qin was slightly surprised: “Her grades are that good? – I remember that she was very playful and never studied.”

Song Yan sighed: “But she’s smart.”

Xu Qin: “Why sigh?”

Song Yan turned his head to look at her and said, “It is easier for her to succeed than others, and she has no awe for some conventional laws when she comes and goes. Moreover, people who are too confident in their own abilities are also prone to use and trick others to do things that cross the line.”

Xu Qin pondered these two sentences, and suddenly said: “You are quite suitable for being a parent.”


Soon after arriving at the Qi Ye Tai Police Station, Zhai Miao pulled her head and sat inside, and when she saw Song Yan coming, she immediately got up: “Ge!”

The policeman in front of her was taking notes, and he wanted to tell her to sit down, but the policeman was young and kind, so he didn’t think about the little girl.

Xu Qin followed behind Song Yan and unexpectedly found that the girl sitting next to Zhai Miao was very familiar, but it was the hostess Ye Zi that Meng Yan Chen ordered in the Wan Liu clubhouse.

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Song Yan saw Zhai Miao at a glance safe and secure, but also heartbroken. Striding over, he asked, “What’s going on? Nobody fought, right?”

Said and glanced at Ye Zi, but Zhai Miao’s school bag was placed at the foot of Ye Zi, obviously the two were together.

“What kind of fight, I…” Zhai Miao’s face was anxious, just about to say something, seeing Xu Qin behind him, she was not happy, “Why did you follow-”

Song Yan frowned and interrupted: “Zhai Miao, have you figured out where you are now? Still throwing tantrums, huh?”

Zhai Miao glared at Xu Qin and snorted, not thinking about her for the time being. The expression was not convinced.

The police asked, “Are you her ge?”

Song Yan said, “Yes. What happened to her?”

The police said: “Selling fakes. The person making the dispute just went out.”

Song Yan’s eyebrows trembled, incredulous: “Selling fakes? She is a student-” Looking back at Zhai Miao, his face changed, and his tone changed, “What’s going on?”

Zhai Miao was afraid of him, did not dare to speak, supported for a long time, stomped her foot, grabbed his sleeve: “Ge, you have to listen to me, I am working part-time at school to buy things, I was deceived, I didn’t know.”

“Didn’t lie?” The officer picked up a large bag of things and put it on the table, “You really don’t know if these are fake? And a college student, selling fakes. Such a serious integrity problem, your teachers did not teach you? ”

The officer was still sighing: “You have a higher education, and you know the law and break the law. If you smart people go crooked, it will be a great disaster for society in the future.”

Song Yan glanced at the pile of cosmetics and bags, and the last trace of worry and anxiety in his eyes was completely removed. Zhai Miao knew that something was wrong, and was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her hand.

Xu Qin looked at the pack and all kinds of Dior, Armani lipstick, powder, foundation, liquid, and understood in her heart. I’m afraid that Song Yan knew very well that Zhai Miao was lying.

Ye Zi was obviously much calmer than Zhai Miao, sitting there expressionlessly, and did not react when she heard Zhai Miao’s defense, but looked a little impatient and contemptuous, holding the phone in her hand, wanting to call. As soon as Ye Zi looked up and saw Xu Qin looking at her, she also recognized Xu Qin, slightly surprised, and then returned to calm in an instant.

Zhai Miao was still pleading with the police: “I really didn’t know, how would I know it’s fake. Many of my classmates are doing the same for part-time jobs, why did you arrest me? Besides, I can’t afford to use these famous brands as a poor student, how would I know if they are real or not?”

The police seemed to find it credible, and Zhai Miao pulled Song Yan: “Ge, help me talk-” Seeing that Song Yan’s face was very bad, she was not convinced: “What’s wrong?”

Song Yan’s eyes were cold: “You still feel wronged, right?” He picked up a tube of lipstick and asked, “How much did you sell this for?” ”

Zhai Miao shrunk and muttered.

Song Yan said in a deep voice: “Speak up!”

Zhai Miao shook and whispered: “Bought for fifty, selling for three hundred.”

“The original price of this thing-” Song Yan paused, turned back and asked Xu Qin, “How much is the original price?”

Xu Qin, who was called, was stunned and replied, “More than six hundred.”

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Song Yan asked Zhai Miao: “Part-time? Do you have a hole in your head and did not know that you were selling fakes? —You still won’t admit your mistake, thinking that playing a little clever and saying that I don’t know can shirk responsibility, and the police officer is a fool?”

The officer was stunned and quickly nodded in agreement.

Zhai Miao was about to go crazy: “Don’t fan the flames, can you?! I called you to save me.”

Song Yan said, “I fucking thought you were beaten. The trouble you caused, think about how to solve it with your own brain?”

Zhai Miao: “How do I know how to solve it?”

Song Yan asked directly: “Who is the person who shipped you the stuff?”

Zhai Miao was stunned and shut up.

The policeman knocked on the ballpoint pen in his hand and said, “I asked, she said that there was no contact information, and the other party came directly to the dormitory to find her. I want to ask her roommate for confirmation, but she refuses to say which school she belongs to.”

Zhai Miao cried: “Officer gege, raise your noble hand, I am still a student. If you go to my school, how can I go back to school?”

The officer’s tone slowed down: “Now you know it’s wrong?”

Song Yan stared at Zhai Miao coldly, and his eyes swept towards Ye Zi again. Ye Zi met his judgmental gaze and quickly looked away.

Zhai Miao didn’t look at Song Yan, and continued to ask the police, and said pitifully: “I really don’t know how to contact the boss. Next time she goes to me, I hold her and hit 110 okay?” She looked like she was about to cry, “You also see my ge, he will only discipline me, I promise to go back and reflect on it, okay?”

The police hesitated for a moment, but also a little embarrassed, poked the pen: “Your situation is a victim of deception came to complain, according to our regulations, we must notify your school.”

Zhai Miao leaned on his desk and whimpered: “If I am notified of criticism, it will be recorded in the student file! Officer gege, please.”

The police officer asked, “You really don’t know?”

Zhai Miao’s head shook like a rattle and raised her hand: “I really don’t know.”

The police hesitated for a moment again, sighed, and can see that they want to believe it.

Song Yan, who had been watching coldly, spoke, and said, “Zhai Miao, ask you again, who is the person who shipped them to you?”

Zhai Miao turned her head stunned, her eyes shook, and she whispered: “I really don’t know.”

Song Yan said to the police: “Notify the school.”

Zhai Miao and Ye Zi were startled at the same time.

Even the police slowed down before asking, “Which school?”

Zhai Miao collapsed with a look of despair, and Song Yan was about to speak-

Xu Qin called: “Song Yan.”

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