Song Yan’s liking for Xu Qin originated from that inexplicable desire to protect.

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He couldn’t explain why, but he just wanted to watch her do her own thing quietly, whether it was walking around the campus alone with her schoolbag in her arms, or tidying up her desk during class, messing it up and arranging it neatly, and typing it up again after it was neatly arranged. Putting it in another way, it was fine not to communicate with anyone, as long as she liked it.

What he wanted to do was to keep her from being disturbed, discussed, ridiculed, and bullied because of this strangeness and quietness.

His friends couldn’t understand how he could like Xu Qin. Call her beautiful, there were too many beautiful girls; call her excellent, her grades could only be regarded as upper-middle; call her gentle, really didn’t see where gentleness was; call her generous, it was not even close to the top, the difference is hundreds of thousands of miles .

A person like Song Yan, a person worthy of him was a big-hearted girl, she may not be lively, cheerful, or a show off, but she was sexy and wanton inside, and her gestures domineering.

But Xu Qin did not like to speak, lacked expression, always lowered her head, and did not make eye contact with people. If you really looked at her, you would see the darkness of the void, as if looking at you and not looking at you.


But Song Yan just liked her, whoever says she was not good at all, he would beat that person up.

His friends were puzzled, what he liked about her, and asked if there was any communication, but this woman didn’t like to talk, and she didn’t necessarily talk to Song Yan much, so why did he like such a boring gourd.

At first Song Yan couldn’t understand it himself, but this was not a business, he didn’t need to understand, he was just happy and willing.

He wrote his name on his school uniform, handed it to her, and said, “Put it on.” She took it and put it on obediently, not caring that the clothes were big enough to be a dress.

After wearing it for a long time, she carefully washed the clothes, waited to see him enter the classroom, then silently walked over to him with the clothes in her hands. He thought she was going to return it, and was about to take the clothes and put them in the drawer, but she held them tightly with her little hands.

She pointed to the clothes, and it turned out that the handwriting on the back had faded. Song Yan was stunned, only then did he understand that she wanted him to write his name again.

He wrote it again, and when he raised his eyes, he saw her pursing her lips, with a tiny trace of peace at the corner of her mouth.

It seemed that at that moment, Song Yan’s heart was clearly touched.

She waited for him to finish writing, put her clothes on, and went back to her seat to read. This time, she didn’t hang her head low.

That peace of mind was naturally revealed many times later.

He took her out to play, and three or two punks walked by on the way, and she couldn’t help but approach him, grabbing the corners of his clothes before breathing a sigh of relief.

He took her home to hangout, but she was a little cautious in front of his uncle and aunt, and just ran after him, like a little tail. He entered the main room and she followed him into the main room, he entered the side room and she followed him into the side room, he walked through the corridor and she followed him through the corridor, he walked to the corner, she followed to the corner,

He turned around and smiled: “You’d also follow when I go to the toilet?”

He took her roller skating and said, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll watch over you.”

Without saying a word, she ran forward.

He took her to play with the trampoline and said, “Don’t be afraid, if you want to lose control, just call, I’ll come and hug you right away.”

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Without fear, she jumped onto the trampoline.

He took her to the billiard room to play, he was playing billiards, she came and pulled the corner of his clothes, pointed to a group of boys playing not far away, and complained to him: “That man poked me in the palm with a cue.”

He touched her hand, took out his phone and keys from his pocket and gave it to her: “Hold it for me.”

Went over to fight.

The billiard room was in chaos. Xu Qin held the mobile phone key and ran to see, also helped to smash people with billiards, was pulled up by Song Yan and they ran together.

Running out of the ball room, the group laughed.

Song Yan smoked, squinted at her, and settled the score afterwards: “You. Come here. ”

Xu Qin walked over to him.

He asked: “Men fight, why did you get involved?”

She turned her head away and didn’t say anything.

Song Yan frowned: “Speak.With your small body, still want to beat people? Do you know how much you weigh? Huh?”

She lifted her head and said, “It’s all about participation.”

Song Yan: “…”

The group of friends around laughed.

Song Yan poked her forehead with his finger and said, “Do you think the most important thing is to participate in the competition? Fists and feet don’t have eyes, what should you do if you bump into them?”

She said, “With you here, why would I bump into it?”

Song Yan: “…”

He took her to skip class to play in the countryside and said, “I kidnapped you and sold you for money.”

She said, “Can you sell me to a better family? ”

He clicked his tongue, “I don’t know any good family.”

She didn’t even think about it: “Your home.”

He climbed through the walls of the house late at night and climbed to her window to smuggle her out to see the stars.

She was not afraid of the dark and windy night, so quickly got out of bed, put on her clothes and sneaked out the door. Hand in hand with him running wildly on the empty streets in the middle of the night, laughing.

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She and he slipped up to Jingshan Mountain to see the stars in the sky. She was not afraid when he kissed her; she was not afraid when he put his hand into her clothes.

Everything was like spring rain moistening the land, and the treetops were green, gentle and silent. Looking back suddenly one day, the silk rain had gathered into a stream, and the forest had become lush.

One night, he took her out of her school dormitory and took her to a bar to watch a band perform. The young boys and girls shouted freely along with the song, and she watched without blinking, not integrated enough but not disgusted.

Seeing halfway, she got up and left.

Song Yan asked, “Where are you going?”

Xu Qin replied: “Going to the toilet.”

He got up to accompany her, and Xu Qin said, “No need. ”

He insisted: “I’ll wait for you outside.”

On the way to the bathroom, the boys smoking were like wolves lurking in the night. There were boys and girls hugging and kissing, boy’s hands running up and down the girl, and the girl making humming sounds.

Xu Qin stared.

He leaned down into her ear, “What are you looking at?” Turned her head around.

When Xu Qin reached the bathroom door, just as Xu Qin opened the door, a boy was standing by the sink with bare buttocks, and a girl was sitting on the table, with bare legs wrapped around the boy’s waist. The two moved strangely and with great momentum.

Xu Qin tilted her head to look.

Song Yan was ready to wait for her outside, he was lowering his head to light a cigarette, when he turned his head and saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out, he immediately stepped forward to cover her eyes, and dragged her back: “Children can’t watch this.”

Xu Qin grabbed his hand: “Why can’t I see it?”

Song Yan scolded: “Damn it, what’s there to see in other men’s butts? Are you looking for trouble?”

Xu Qin: “Then whose can I see?”

Song Yan: “Mine.”

Xu Qin was silent.

He covered her eyes, took her in his arms, and walked out of the bar.

It was pouring rain outside, and he ran with her down the street, drenched.

Back at Wu Fang Street, it was already late at night.

He took her by the hand, hid her behind him, and sneaked into the house.

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Uncle and the others had just fallen asleep, and he tiptoed across the yard with her in his arms. Just as he opened the door, his aunt’s voice came from her room: “Song Yan is back?”

Song Yan: “Eh! ”

Aunt: “You brat, what time is it?!”

Song Yan raised an eyebrow at Xu Qin and pushed her into the room: “Half past eleven.”

“…,” Aunt reprimanded, “Aren’t you going to bed yet?!”

Song Yan entered the room and turned on the light. Xu Qin stood in front of him, drenched and shivering slightly because of the cold.

Song Yan rummaged through the pile of clothes, found a T-shirt and threw it to her, saying, “Go take a shower first.”

Xu Qin whispered: “What if someone comes to the toilet halfway through the wash? – Then I will be discovered.”

Song Yan turned his head to look at her, and after looking at her for a few seconds, his face became very unnatural.


Song Yan opened the door and scanned the courtyard first, the main house and the east wing were quiet, and the rain was murmuring outside the corridor.

Song Yan looked back at Xu Qin, who slipped up the corridor holding her clothes, hid behind him, and quickly entered the bathroom with him and locked the door.

There was not much space in the bathroom, Song Yan avoided looking at Xu Qin since entering the door. He closed the toilet lid, sat on the toilet, faced the direction of the door, and said, “You wash, I’ll smoke a cigarette.”

He looked down and lit a cigarette, and she went behind him to undress and take a shower.

Neither of them spoke, seemingly deliberately avoiding each other.

The sound of water pattering, his breathing became deep and slow inadvertently. After smoking a cigarette, he lowered his head and threw the cigarette butt. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her in the mirror, standing naked under the shower, with a slender and fair body.

He was clearly drenched, but Song Yan felt uncomfortably hot. It must be the steam from the shower.

His gaze was straight and deep, staring at the girl in the mirror; in the mirror, she also happened to meet his gaze. But no one avoided it, as if there was some kind of unspeakable tacit understanding.

Their eyes crossed on the sink.

He took a deep breath, his chest heaving. Finally, with a restrained frown, he stood up, pulled his bath towel from the shelf, wrapped it around her body, and rubbed it up and down.

Xu Qin was dangling in his hand. Even through the bath towel, the girl’s body is unusually soft. He wiped her clean, turned his back and lit another cigarette, but remained silent.

The breathing inadvertently became heavier.

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The bathroom was quiet. He was enduring.

Xu Qin didn’t get dressed for a long time, and suddenly asked: “Did you see it just now?”

Song Yan knew what she was referring to and said, “I did.”

In the shower, a few drops of water dripped on the floor.

Xu Qin asked again: “What were they doing?”

Song Yan said: “Communicating. ”

Xu Qin: “Oh. ”

Song Yan looked into the mirror again, this time, the girl’s body was facing him, and so were her eyes.

Song Yan’s eyes were dark, and he asked, “Want to try?”

Xu Qin pursed her lips and asked, “Does it hurt?”

Song Yan said, “It will a little bit.”

Xu Qin thought for a while, but didn’t answer.

Song Yan suddenly threw a cigarette, walked towards her, picked her up, and put her on the sink. Xu Qin was caught off guard and exclaimed in a low voice: “Ah——”

“Shh – keep your voice down.” He leaned closer to her ear, panting slightly.

She immediately covered her mouth with her hand, only showing her black eyes.

He put her ears in his mouth and stroked her back; her whole body was trembling in his hands.

Outside, the rain trembled; inside, the heat was steaming, covering the walls and glass little by little.

She was teased and fascinated by him, but she still remembered his advice, bit her lips tightly, and did not make a sound.

He was against her there, teasing enough, and he was about to break the city.

 “Are you afraid?” he asked.

She shook her head and said softly, “I’m not afraid.”

“Good.” He coaxed softly, his voice changed. In the next second, he sprinted in.

“Woo—” A sob escaped from between her teeth, and he sealed it with a kiss.

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