The car carrying Song Yan away quickly disappeared on the street corner, and the red tail lights of the car burned Xu Qin’s eyes like fire.

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She stood there for a moment, gently wiped the wet mist from her eyes, and walked towards the hospital.

Late at night, the town was depressed and desolate, she walked on the ruined and bloodstained streets like walking in a cold wasteland.

The north wind was blowing, and it was bone-chilling.

It was so cold that her whole body seemed to be frozen, and her body could not react other than trembling. Apart from the coldness in the bottom of her heart, she couldn’t perceive any other sensations.

No sadness, no pain. Like this town of misfortune, people lost their loved ones every day, and people watched the homes and people they once guarded every day be destroyed into dirt.

Destiny was so powerful that everything that people had seemed so small and powerless.

Neither sorrow nor tears were worth mentioning.

Xu Qin couldn’t shed a single tear, there was nothing more to shed.


When she walked through a dead street, and heard the north wind howling through the road on the ruins, she whined and mourned, as if the heavens were giving her sorrow and mercy,

Without warning, she suddenly bowed down and cried.

No need to hide it, no need to suppress it, she was just scared to death, scared to death. No one knows where she was, and no one would hear her heart-rending cries.

Only the north wind, hovering above the ruins, whistled.



When Xu Qin returned to the medical center, her tears were dry.

Song Yan had already been sent to the operating room.

Xu Qin leaned against the wall of the corridor, her face pale and expressionless. After the catharsis, the mind was empty, there were no emotions, only the most primitive perception of the body – tired, the ultimate tired.

She didn’t close her eyes for two nights and one day, and her thoughts were numb.

For a moment, Xu Qin thought about what she would do if Song Yan died.

Her heart suddenly ached, the pain was so painful that it pierced again and stirred up tears.

She immediately looked up at the ceiling and blinked fiercely away the mist from her eyes.

Until the moment the verdict is announced, she will not think about it.

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She quickly turned her head to look at the hall.

White light shone through the plastic doors into the corridor, and the crowded hall was silent. Slightly injured patients, relatives of the seriously injured were waiting in the hall.

It was late at night, everyone was dirty, and some people were sitting in chairs and looking up at the sky and falling asleep; Some people were worried about their loved ones, looking at them with tears in their eyes, refusing to sleep, but they were too tired to cry.

Wives awaited their husbands, parents watched over their children, there was a faint and oppressive silence in the crowd.

After practicing medicine for so many years, Xu Qin had never paid as much attention to the patients and families as she did at this moment.

At this moment, looking at the haggard face under the miserable white light, she suddenly realized that she was inadvertently grabbed by an invisible big hand.

That hand stripped her from the doctor’s white coat and threw her cruelly and mercilessly to the other side of the operating room door, among the poor and hopeless crowd. This was the other side of her consistent disregard.

It was like some kind of silent warning and punishment.

Her ebb and flow fell silent at that moment.

Xu Qin lowered her head, covered her face with her hands, and did not lift it again for a long time.

“Doctor!” A shrill cry for help came from outside the hall.

Xu Qin immediately raised her head from her palm, her gaze instantly became calm, and she pulled out her feet and ran out.

The soldiers brought a teenager who had been buried under the rubble for 37 hours, and just after being rescued, his arm was broken by an aftershock, and blood suddenly flowed out.

Xu Qin quickly tied his arm with strips of rags and ordered the nurse: “Prepare a blood bag!”

The brief silence of the medical center was broken, and in an instant the surroundings became busy again, and the teenager was quickly taken to the operating table. Xu Qin changed her clothes extremely quickly and methodically, disinfected, wore gloves and masks, the nurses were busy behind her to assist in preparation.

When Xu Qin picked up the scalpel and turned to face the critically ill on the operating table, the cold and tears, sadness and exhaustion of not long ago all disappeared.

There was no Song Yan. Nor herself.

Facing the unconscious teenager on the table, she only had one thought left in her mind: to save this person with what she had learned.

Perhaps, with what she had learned, to preserve his human dignity as a human being.

That operation lasted more than five hours. Xu Qin stood by the operating table, not distracted for half a moment. Occasionally, the nurses walk around, and occasionally, a slight aftershock shook the room, and she was distracted.

Time passed minute by minute, night passed again, and the sky broke dawn again.

After the operation was successfully completed, when Xu Qin changed her clothes, her arms were so swollen and painful that she could hardly lift them up, her legs were as heavy as lead.

The moment she walked out the door, it was like unsealing the seal, and all the memories of Song Yan came to her face. She immediately rushed to find him.

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Bad news always came by surprise. She just ran to the door of the operating room, and the door was pushed open, the person with the white cloth was pushed out.

Xu Qin trembled all over, almost threw herself in front of the hospital bed, grabbed the white cloth and lifted it, in the next second, when the scream in her throat was about to overflow, she was stunned.

Not Song Yan.

She stared at the face, panting fiercely.

The doctor said, “I couldn’t save them they were just sent in, and I haven’t made it to the operating table yet.”

Xu Qin looked up: “What about the previous injured person? The one with internal bleeding!”

“Just sent to the ward, eh-“

Xu Qin turned her head and ran away.

Rushed to the military ward, and saw Song Yan at a glance.

The environment was simple, he and three other seriously injured people were crammed into a hospital room, with several hanging bottles hanging in front of the bed and needles on the back of his wrists and hands.

Xu Qin took several breaths at the door before gently walking over and squatting down next to his bed. His eyes were closed, his sockets were deeply sunken, there was still no blood on his lips, but green stubble appeared on his chin, and his whole face was unusually haggard.

She crouched on the edge of the bed and slowly took one of his hands, which were cleaned and knotted and covered with scars. She held it a little harder, his hand hard but cold, and there was no warmth. She took his hand, one finger slowly touching his wrist, and gently pressed it.

Suddenly, suddenly,

His pulse beat in her fingertips.

It was as if at this moment that she truly felt that he was still alive.

She lowered her head and buried her head in the palm of his hand, tears flowing silently and seeping into his fingers.

Song Yan, I was wrong.

I was wrong, okay?



When Song Yan woke up, it was afternoon, and next to the infusion on his left hand laid a glass bottle, the water in the bottle was warm and pressed against the infusion tube.

After he woke up, the doctor came to examine him, asked the nurse to change the medicine, and told him to rest well and not move.

Considering the actual situation, the road out of the mountain was too bumpy, and the doctor did not recommend sending him back to Di City, and thought that it was better for him to return after a few days of recuperation in place, but the conditions would be a little rougher.

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“Huh? Who put this bottle?” The doctor asked.

“I don’t know.” The nurse replied, “Maybe the family members have hand warmers.”

Between their speeches, Song Yan noticed a familiar figure walking past the door. Shortly after the doctor and nurse left, the figure folded back.

It was Xu Qin.

She walked in, holding a glucose bottle in her hand, and asked, “The anesthetic is gone?”

Song Yan inadvertently clenched his teeth: “En.”

“Does it hurt?”

“It’s fine.”

Xu Qin didn’t have much to say to comfort him, and the two had nothing to say.

Xu Qin stood for a while, remembered something, and said again: “By the way, your team members are fine.”

Song Yan nodded, she knew what he was worried about.

Xu Qin stood for a while before realizing that she was still holding something in her hand. She put the bottle on the bed, next to him, took the old bottle away and put it back in her pocket.

The new bottle was filled with boiling water, next to Song Yan’s hand, scalding.

Song Yan looked down at the bottle, raised a finger to touch it, and said, “Thank you.”

Xu Qin shook her head.

Song Yan raised his eyes to observe her, and saw that her eyes were full of red blood, and there were also heavy dark circles under her eyes.

He asked in a hoarse voice, “How long have you not slept?”

Xu Qin turned her shoulders and rubbed her sore eyes, and said, “I’ve been busy.”

Song Yan paused for half a second, and said, “Pretty good at explaining to me.”

“…” Xu Qin looked back at him, “I will rest for ten minutes when I find a gap……. Besides, it’s not dangerous for me to do this. If you were buried a little deeper last night and couldn’t be dug out, your life would be gone. ”

Song Yan: “I-“

Xu Qin suddenly interrupted: “Didn’t I tell you to pay attention to safety?”

The eyes were facing each other, and there was silence.

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Song Yan’s black eyes were fixed on her face.

Xu Qin also looked straight at him, not avoiding or dodging.

Her lips pursed and her eyebrows furrowed lightly.

It was such a face, when aftershocks occurred and the beams collapsed, it was such a face that crossed his eyes.

Song Yan was silent for a while, but he didn’t ask her what position she used to control him.

His hand unconsciously touched the ironed glass bottle, and gradually, it was held in the palm of his hand.

He explained calmly: “The aftershocks came too suddenly, and one of my team members under the age of 19 was under the dilapidated building, and I had to pull him out.”

Xu Qin was silent.

Song Yan looked at her and said, “I’ll pay attention next time.”

Xu Qin’s heart suddenly thumped.

At this time, someone came in from outside and went straight to the unconscious soldier on the hospital bed next to Song Yan. The man just walked to the hospital bed, he seemed to have seen something out of the corner of his eye, and looked back at Song Yan suspiciously, suddenly, the man’s eyes widened.

Song Yan noticed it, looked over, and was also stunned.

Lu Jie took a step forward, stopped, and stared at Song Yan’s face in disbelief. He pointed at Song Yan, opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word for a long time. In a few seconds, Lu Jie’s face was shocked, excited, dazed, excited, all emotions were mixed together, his words were extremely chaotic, and his voice trembled:

“Song Yan? Are you Song Yan? It’s impossible to look this similar. It must be! You haven’t forgotten, do you remember me? Do you remember me? It’s you, right?”

“Yes.” Song Yan stared at him, not as out of control as he was, but there was also a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Getting the definite answer, Lu Jie’s face was shocked with ecstasy: “You are not dead?!!”

Song Yan was stunned, quickly glanced at Xu Qin, and said to Lu Jie: “Well, the rescue was timely.”

Xu Qin frowned, feeling that this person was extremely rude. This Major, why did he appear anywhere, and said something inappropriate.

Lu Jie followed Song Yan’s gaze to Xu Qin, the reunion with his “deceased” comrades made him too excited to think calmly, and immediately asked: “This, this is sister-in-law, right?”

“…” Song Yan immediately looked at him with restrained eyes.

But Lu Jie didn’t notice, he looked at Xu Qin: “Sister-in-law, I’ve seen you a long time ago. Hello, hello, I am Lu Jie, Song Yan’s comrade-in-arms.”

Xu Qin’s expression was flat, but her eyebrows frowned deeper.

This man’s behavior was exaggerated, and his speech was incoherent. How did he become a Major?

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