Song Yan woke up early in the morning, the curtains were drawn, and the room was dimly lit.

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Xu Qin was in his arms, she appeared to be deep asleep.

He sat up a little, and when he went to remove his arms around her waist, she opened her eyes: “Where are you going?”

He fell back: “Are you awake?”

“En.” Xu Qin rubbed her eyes, then hugged his waist again afterwards, “I woke up as soon as you moved.”

“That’s my fault.” Song Yan chuckled, turned sideways to reach for the glass on the bedside table, drank half of the glass himself, and handed the remaining half to her, “Here.”

Xu Qin propped up her upper body and took the glass of water. Only then did she realize that her body was so sore that it was about to fall apart. Last night, she was concerned about his injury, and obediently cooperated, letting him have things his way. He, on the other hand, didn’t know how to restrain himself, and almost tormented her to death time and time again. But as she recalled his gaze so deep that she could drown in it, there was a long-lost joy and peace in her heart.

Song Yan stretched out his arms, groped with his fingers on the bedside table, and pressed on the cigarette case.

“You want to smoke?”

“No. Getting my phone.” He finally found his phone, took it, tapped it to check. It was exactly six o’clock in the morning. His eyes moved over, “Are you still smoking?”

“……How do you know?”

“The last time I cleaned your house, there was an ashtray you hid in the drawer of the sink…… You sure are some doctor.”


Xu Qin handed him the water glass, and he put it back.

“Occasionally I smoke one when I’m stressed, but it’s been less recently.” She shrank back under the blankets and said calmly, “Speaking of which, you taught me to smoke, you led me astray.”

“Ha. You’re not embarrassed to bring it up? You wanted to taste it yourself, I couldn’t even stop you.”

He followed her and laid back down, her hands automatically came up around him again, it was rare for her to show a hint of cheating: “Really? Well, I forgot.”

The corners of his mouth curled up.

Xu Qin leaned on his shoulder: “You wake up naturally at six o’clock every day?”

“En, I’m used to it.” He hugged her sideways in his arms, rubbed the tip of his nose against her cheek, and said in a low voice, “How about you?”

“I work shifts, irregularly. If I go to work during the day, it starts at seven o’clock, I’m close to the hospital anyway.”

“Seven o’clock……” Song Yan murmured, rubbing his palms against her waist, and licking her ear with his tongue, “There is still an hour……”

The lust in his voice was too obvious, with his masculine breath brushing past her ears, she couldn’t help but be provoked, her breath trembled inadvertently, and she whispered faintly, “You were too fierce yesterday, it still hurts.”

“Really? Let me feel it.”

“Ah—” She curled up gently.

The blankets were hot, and Xu Qin’s face was flushed red by him, she shoved him weakly: “Do men think about this kind of thing all day long? As soon as they think about it, they immediately become energetic.”

Hearing this, Song Yan buried his head in her fair neck, and laughed, the hearty laughter seemed to be able to penetrate the skin and tremble in her body.

“What are you laughing at?” She pushed him, her face still flushed.

Song Yan pinched her chin, lowered his head and pecked her lips vigorously, and said: “Silly, do you know what a man wants to do most when he is with the woman he loves?”


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“Press her against the bed for twenty-four hours and fuck her up and down in hundreds of positions. Unless the man is impotent.”

“Dirty.” Xu Qin pushed him again.

He pulled her towards him: “Why don’t you take a look, your man is young and healthy, and in his prime.” Song Yan said, sinking down.

To love one another, it was precisely kissing and making love like this. Xu Qin thought,

Not just for men, but for women too. Because of liking him, she was obsessed with the temperature of skin-to-skin contact, intoxicated by the tenderness of deep affection, and greedy for the joy of reaching the top; and because of this intimate love, she relied more on that feeling of liking him.

It was a quarter past seven, Xu Qin got up from the bed, and got ready to go to work.

Song Yan also got out of bed and got dressed.

Pulling on her slippers, Xu Qinju quickly went to the bathroom to wash up. Just after washing her face, she heard her phone ring. She wiped her face with a few tissues, and hurried out of the bathroom, thinking it was a call from the hospital.

When she picked up the phone, she froze for a moment, it was Fu Wenying.

It was like a person who was sleeping in a beautiful dream was suddenly awakened.

She took a quick look at Song Yan, who was standing by the bed and putting on his shirt, seemingly not paying attention. She walked out of the room quickly, closed the door, picked up the phone, and whispered: “Mom.”

“Why is your voice so low? Haven’t gotten up yet?”

“Got up.” She raised her voice slightly, unconsciously scratching the back of her head with her hand, “Getting ready to go to work.”

“Your dad and I saw you on TV.”


“Ah, although I don’t agree with you going to the disaster area first and telling us later, but fortunately you didn’t encounter danger. Now you have made a contribution. Your father is very proud, and so am I. Qin Qin, you did a great job this time. “

“Thank you, Mom. This time…… you don’t object to me being a doctor anymore, do you?”

“Before, I thought this job was too exhausting and would neglect family. Forget it, just do it if you like it. The profession of a doctor is actually creditable when meeting others.”

Xu Qin heard other meanings from these words, wanted to get to the bottom of it, but also worried that Song Yan was inside, so she could only vaguely say: “Mom, let’s not talk about it right now, I’m going to be late for work.”

“Okay. Come home this weekend. Counting the time aiding the disaster area, you haven’t come back for more than half a month. Your father misses you very much. So does Yanchen. I don’t know what he’s been up to, I haven’t seen any sign of him. If you have time, give him a call and ask him.”

Xu Qin was silent.

“Have you been in touch with him lately?”

Xu Qin glanced at the door, walked to the side and whispered: “When I was in the disaster area, he called me several times, but I was too busy to answer. ……I didn’t have time to reply. Later, I forgot.”

Fu Wenying sighed, and didn’t say much: “Remember to come back this weekend.”


Xu Qin put down the phone, feeling her head ache a little.

Walking back into the room, Song Yan stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows, his back facing her.

She rubbed her phone and walked over: “What are you doing?”

Song Yan looked back at her, and raised his chin outward: “Look.”

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Xu Qin walked to his side.

Wow, it snowed heavily last night, and the low houses and alleys in the Wu Fang Street neighborhood were all covered with white snow.

After a night of love, the outside world was covered in silver costume.

“The courtyard must be very beautiful now.” Song Yan said, “When you open the door, you can see the thick snow all over the courtyard, on the roof and on the leaves.”

Xu Qin tilted her head slightly, imagined the scene, and nodded again.

“Do you like courtyard houses?” Song Yan asked.

“Huh?” Xu Qin was unprepared and was taken aback for a moment, “The kind like yours?”

“It’s that kind of house,” Song Yan turned to look at her, “But only one family lives there.”

Xu Qin had not yet figured out the meaning of these words,

“I’m going to be late for work.” Song Yan reminded.

Xu Qin came back to her senses, quickly packed up her things, and headed out together with him. When she went downstairs to the living room, she asked casually; “You’re resting at home today, will you be bored?”

“I’ll be okay, resting at home in the morning, and meeting a friend in the afternoon—” Song Yan changed his words, “Colleague.”

Xu Qin noticed something: “A friend or a colleague?”

“Both.” Song Yan picked up his coat from the sofa and put it on.

“Do I know them?” During the rescue, she met many of his teammates.

“You know. Li Meng.”

Xu Qin was opening the shoe cabinet, looking for shoes casually, and said in a natural tone: “Have work to do?”

“It’s not work,” Song Yan followed her into the entryway, bending over to pick up his shoes, “Last time I violated the order in the disaster area, I will be punished. She is trying to find a way to help me.”

His tone was not unusual, but when Xu Qin heard what he said, there was nothing usual about it.

This was a…… beauty saves the hero?

Xu Qin’s expression was calm, and she was very generous: “Then you have to thank her properly.”

Song Yan was putting on his shoes, and looked up at her: “Don’t worry, I will thank her profusely.”

Xu Qin put on her shoes without saying a word, opened the door and went out.

Behind her, Song Yan glanced at her faintly, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

After entering the elevator, Xu Qin didn’t feel like talking, so she looked down at her phone, as if she was busy with business and needed to check information. But…… early in the morning, no one sent her any messages.

On the other hand, on Song Yan’s side, his phone beeped non-stop. He lowered his head and moved his fingers rapidly on the screen. At a certain moment, he even smiled.

Xu Qin didn’t intend to spy on the screen of his mobile phone, she just stood there, and when he finished his work and walked out of the elevator, she asked normally:

“You use WeChat?”

“For work.” Song Yan said, “It is bound to a mobile phone number.”

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Xu Qin searched out his WeChat account and added him, the avatar looked like a game character. She didn’t look at it carefully, and put the phone back in her pocket, jokingly:

“She likes you?”

He turned his head: “Who?”

“Li Meng.”

Song Yan laughed: “How would I know?”

“Then do you like her?”

He grabbed her neck and pulled her to his side, lowered his head and pecked her lips: “What do you think?”

This kiss was like a light breeze blowing across an already rippling lake, when the wind came, the pool of water was flattened, and when the wind passed, the water was still rippling.

She was in a bad mood.

Song Yan asked: “When will you get off work, I’ll find you for dinner.”

He passed by the previous matter just like that, but Xu Qin obviously hadn’t turned the page yet.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t a man explicitly say that he doesn’t like her, and then coax his girlfriend?

She was not stingy, but she was also argumentative: “I can’t say, if there is an emergency operation, it may be very late.”

Song Yan answered very straightforwardly: “Okay, I won’t bother you, call me after you get off work.”

“……” Xu Qin’s breath was inexplicably depressed in her chest, and she said calmly, “Okay.”

On the way to the hospital, she couldn’t help but think of Li Meng’s shy and gentle stance in front of Song Yan. After a brief closer inspection, she found that Song Yan was a man who was very attractive to the opposite sex.

It was okay for the flowers and plants on the side of the road to be seen and picked by others, but it didn’t feel good when it was those from her own balcony that others were pining over.

People were so strange, before the relationship was confirmed, everything was easy to talk about;

Once there was an agreement, there were requirements and disputes.

After all, they were essentially animals, and the possessiveness and territorial consciousness in their bones were the same for men and women.

Xu Qin glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, there were dark circles under her eyes in the mirror. She was tired previously, and couldn’t recover for the time being. She lifted her face and glanced at her nose and lips again. The tip of her nose was small and her lips were well-shaped, but there was no color.

En, she didn’t bring her lipstick.


All morning, Xu Qin concentrated on her work, but she was a little absent-minded when she was eating at noon— there was not a single message or call on her mobile phone.

The nurses who ate at the same table were constantly texting on their mobile phones, either taking time to chat with their boyfriend, or replying to a message sent by him a few hours ago.

As for her and Song Yan, it was as if what happened yesterday never happened.

Xu Qin didn’t think she was a clingy person, but all kinds of tenderness and affection were in front of her yesterday, and now there was such a gap.

But this thought only flashed in her mind, and she didn’t pay too much attention to it. Considering that he said not to disturb her work, Xu Qin quickly put the matter behind her. After all, work cannot be distracted from.


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Song Yan went to the Shi Li Tai Fire Brigade in the afternoon to look for Li Meng. Li Meng and the others had few duties on the field and worked in the office most of the time.

When Song Yan went, Li Meng’s office was full of documents.

He picked up one and flipped through it, asking: “A pamphlet for the community?”

“It’s winter again, things are dry, and the fire prevention situation is severe.”

“That’s right.” Song Yan nodded, and glanced at the pile of materials, “The Spring Festival is in about a month, and the city will be full of fireworks and firecrackers, which will be even more terrible.”

“Isn’t that right, hey, how is your injury?” Li Meng asked, getting hot water by the water dispenser.

“No problems. Going to work next week.” Song Yan sat down, took the water cup she handed over, lowered his eyebrows and saw the tea leaves stretched out in the cup, then thought of the tea leaves in Xu Qin’s house, and remembered her blooming posture under him last night. Unconsciously, the corners of his lips curled up and he smiled.

Li Meng went around the desk and sat down, wondering: “Why are you staring at the cup of tea and laughing?”

Song Yan shook his head without answering, turned his chair and turned to look at her: “Suo Jun said I’m fine?”

“En. Speaking of which, you never told me about it. I never knew. Maybe I could have helped.”

“It’s better not to owe favors.” Song Yan said.

Li Meng knew his personality, it’s true he would not ask her for help, and said: “Thanks to the boys in your team who jointly signed a letter to explain the situation, the higher-ups will not punish you, and the baby you saved now represents a new hope that was rebuilt from the ruins. It’s too meaningful, so what’s the point of punishing you? Besides, you were also injured, so it was worth the effort.”

Song Yan smiled: “Without hurting an arm or breaking a leg, getting crippled or dying, it’s all useless.”

Li Meng: “……”

“To the outside world, you are a role model in the firefighter team, and you will be commended at the summary meeting. But internally, you still have to write a review report on this matter.”

“Okay.” Song Yan said, “I asked Xiao Ge to write it, and I will hand it over to you next week.”

Li Meng: “……”

“Going.” Song Yan was about to get up.

“Go after finishing your tea.” Li Meng wanted him to stay for a while, but suddenly saw something, “Hey, your neck must have been bitten by a bug, it’s so big and red.” Pulling a drawer, “I have ointment here.”

Song Yan didn’t know the reason and touched his neck: “Where……” After touching it, he realized that it was probably a hickey left by Xu Qin.

Seeing his expression, Li Meng realized it belatedly, and her expression changed immediately.

“You have a girlfriend?”


“Is it that doctor?”


Li Meng had nothing to say for a while. She had unrequited love, and Song Yan had clearly rejected her. He never overstepped the rules when speaking and communicating with her. He never accepted her help, and never gave her any hope or ambiguity. She couldn’t blame him. When things turned out like this, she was sad, and she was also relieved, but there was still a trace of resentment that couldn’t be let go.

“Then I’ll congratulate you. However, since I’ve said this, I’ll also remind you that people value who they love and scorn those who love them. You should be careful. Although you are at the top of my food chain, you are at the bottom of hers. You have been thinking about her for so many years, but you are still being reckless despite usually being so rational. You can’t do without her, put yourself in such a passive position, I’m afraid that if something goes wrong in the end, you’ll be the one who will be hurt the most in this relationship.” After venting, she felt that she had spoken too much, and added in a low voice, “Of course, I still hope that you will be satisfied, really.”

“Thank you.” Song Yan smiled unconcernedly, lowered his head slightly, and scratched his eyebrows with his index finger. When he raised his head again, his eyes were determined, and he said,

“Don’t worry, she’s unable to leave me.”

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