Xu Qin slept peacefully all night, but was slowly woken up by the man beside her in the morning.

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Song Yan hugged her from behind, rubbing his palms on her body up and down.

Xu Qin slightly opened her eyes. The curtains were drawn, the light was dim, and it was difficult to distinguish the scene outside.

She turned around and lay down flat and asked softly, “What time is it?”

“I don’t know…” he said in a dark voice, burying his head in her neck, rubbing harder and harder.

She gasped and rolled over to face him again, accidentally touching there. She asked, “How did you get it when you were in the barracks?”

“Huh?” He didn’t react.

“You wake up every morning and then it… wakes up too…”

Song Yan let out a low laugh, leaned towards her cheek, closed his eyes and muttered: “Don’t care about it, it will soften on its own.”

Xu Qin thought about it and asked rhetorically: “Then why doesn’t it go soft every morning when he is with me?”

Song Yan slowly opened his eyes and asked, “What did you say?”

Xu Qin couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

He hugged her, moved his body, squeezed her head, and his sexy low voice sighed in her ear:

“Ahhh… Wifey, I want you again…”

Her ears were itchy, her neck was so itchy that her whole body went numb from his words so easily, and she couldn’t help leaning closer to him.

On a winter day, there were fireworks in the heart.


On the floor under the curtains, a narrow gap reflected the sky light outside the window.

After hanging out on the bed for an hour or two, he still hugged her, clung to her and refused to let go.

It was already eleven o’clock in the morning, but he had no intention of getting up, and whispered in her neck:

“Oh no, I don’t want to get up.”

“I just want to hold you in bed all day.”

She snickered in her heart, but her mouth was mean: “You’re a soldier, don’t have the slightest bit of self-control.”

“Addicted to women, addicted to women, I kind of understand what this means.” 

Song Yan said, “Fortunately, I don’t have a palace, so it’s much more comfortable to go to my wife than to go to court.”

She listened to his words and couldn’t help but push him: “Indecent!”

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He buried himself in her chest and laughed muffledly.

She let him too, she didn’t think of it.

On a lonely winter day, what to do so early, lying in his arms was much more comfortable.

But after arguing with him for a while, she restrained herself, she had some scruples after all, and said in a low voice: “Really, it’s shameful not to get up again, uncle and aunt will say something.”

He was stunned, and then laughed: “Don’t worry. If we get up late, they’ll be happy instead.”

Xu Qin didn’t know why.

She craned her neck and glanced, and through the gap in the curtain, she saw that the sky was bright outside.

She didn’t know what happened last night, naturally she didn’t know how worried her uncle and aunt were.

In the courtyard, inside the main house, by the wooden window,

“I don’t know what happened to those two children? You said that Qin Qin drank yesterday, shouldn’t it be a quarrel?” Uncle sat at the desk drawing furniture, put down his pen, and sighed.

“It’s okay.”  Aunt sat opposite and took a ruler to measure the size, and said with a smile, “I just took a look at the window, and they haven’t gotten up yet.”

The uncle was stunned and lowered his voice: “Not up yet?”

Aunt was beaming: “No. The relationship between the two is very good….Before they were unhappy, they probably didn’t see each other, so they panicked.”

Uncle was relieved and said, “That Zhai Miao, don’t know what she has been doing recently, she hasn’t come home.”

“It’s the final exam, so probably cramming. It’s fine if she doesn’t come back, so she doesn’t disturb them.” When aunt said this, she whispered, “I was thinking, when will they get their marriage certificate.”

“How long have they been together, how can it be so fast?”

“That’s because I’m anxious, and I want to hold my grandson.” Aunt laughed and looked at the drawings again, “Tsk, this cabinet is really beautiful.”

A smile appeared on uncle’s face: “It also needs to be said that the carpentry I do is better than those that are sold in any furniture store.”

“Of course, the carpenter skills of the Zhai family have been passed down for many years.” Aunt praised her husband proudly, and said, “Qin Qin will definitely like it. Tsk, our Yan Yan is really… Putting everything into it.”

As she spoke, Xu Qin’s exclamation came from outside the window: “It’s snowing?!”

The two immediately went to the window to look outside, Xu Qin stood in the corridor looking at the sky with a happy face, and Song Yan stood behind her, pulling her hair out of her neckline.

The two looked at each other and were very satisfied: Oh, the two children got up and were in a good mood.

Xu Qin crossed the threshold and walked out of the room, and saw that the courtyard was covered with a white layer of snow. The steps, corridors, railings, and vines on the trees were all silver, and the roofs were white.

Looking up, the sky was clear and blue in all directions.

The air was so cold that she took a breath and poured it into her lungs, as if carrying the fragrance of snowflakes.

The snow color was reflected in Xu Qin’s eyes, transparent and translucent.

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She squatted down, grabbed a handful of snow on the steps, turned back to Song Yan and said, “Sure enough, this place is even more beautiful.”

“The snow is not too heavy today,” Song Yan said, “and in two or three weeks, it will fall even thicker.”

Xu Qin rolled her eyes, twisted the snow in her hand into a small ball, stood up, and he was still talking:

“When the time comes, I’ll build a snowman for you to play with.”

Before the words finished, Xu Qin turned around suddenly, and Song Yan quickly grabbed her wrist one second earlier. She froze suddenly, and he smiled, “You squat on the ground, and I can see what your plan is just by looking at the back of your head.”

While speaking, the other hand grabbed the snow ball in her palm and stuffed it into her neck.

Xu Qin was so stimulated that she jumped up and down, she snatched half of the snowball from his hand. Then she grabbed his trouser waistband with one hand, and burrowed into his trousers with the other.


Song Yan felt refreshed all over, and immediately rushed into the bathroom to shake his pants. Xu Qin followed and ran to the door to see the results of the battle, and giggled when she saw how embarrassed he was.

Song Yan gritted her teeth and loosened his belt, shaking off the snow in his trousers. Seeing Xu Qin laughing at the door so hard that she couldn’t stand up straight, he went up and pulled her in, and locked the door.

Xu Qin exclaimed, as he had lifted her up and threw her on the sink.

“You want to die, don’t you? You want to die? Huh?” He ripped open her underwear like a doll.

Xu Qin was protecting her pants and blocking his hand, but the disparity in strength was huge. She had no ability to resist, but she was still not convinced, and raised her chin: “I want to die, what are you going to do about it?”

“Heh.” He raised his eyebrows and nodded, “Got guts! Don’t beg me today.”

With a smile on her face and anxiety, she struggled wildly and was about to slip off the sink, but he hooked her waist and hugged her back, and slapped her buttocks: “Where are you going?”

A “pop” of her butt bloomed.

She blushed suddenly and shouted in a low voice, “Hush your voice! There are people outside!”

“Ashamed?” He was amused, and poked her cheek, “Weren’t you just unruly? Huh?”

She was no match for his strength, so she couldn’t break free anyway. He picked her chin for a while, she opened his hand, he hooked her waist again, she opened it again, and he touched her legs again. Teasing up and down like this, she ignored the other and grabbed back and forth to block it. He teased her like a cat.

She couldn’t run away, couldn’t beat him, and she didn’t know whether he was teasing her or for real. She slapped his hand, crackling, and didn’t know what the outsiders thought when they heard it. She was also a little anxious, kicked him lightly, and finally twisted her body to beg for mercy: “Don’t do it, if you do it again, uncle and aunt will have a psychological trauma with this bathroom.”

Song Yan was stunned, took her into his arms, hugged her tightly, and laughed loudly.

Xu Qin was wrapped in his arms, her body trembled with his laughter, and she couldn’t help it, the smile at the corner of her mouth became bigger and bigger.

It seemed to be for no reason, as if there was nothing, but she was so happy.

In the afternoon, the snow on the rooftops and treetops began to melt a bit. The snow dripped and fell to the ground.

Song Yan stayed in his uncle’s study for a while and chose several wooden floor materials. After walking back to the room, he opened the door and looked in, but he didn’t see Xu Qin.

He heard the sound of water at the end of the corridor, and when he looked over, Xu Qin was squatting by the open-air faucet washing rags.

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Song Yan immediately rushed over, picked her up, grabbed the rag with one hand, and asked, “What are you doing?”

Xu Qin was taken aback by him: “I’m free, I want to wipe the table.”

“How cold this water is.” Song Yan frowned and shook her cold hand, “Go back.”

She was blasted back into the house by him.

He changed the bucket to warm water and wiped the table with a rag, and she was going to help.

He stopped and said, “Go do your laundry.” 

“Oh.” Xu Qin threw the change of clothes in the basket into the washing machine, poured the laundry detergent, pressed the button, and the work was completed. No technical content.

And after he wiped the table, he mopped the floor with a mop.

Xu Qin hugged herself and sat on the sofa, turned her head and saw that the quilt on the bed was folded at some point, neatly stacked into tofu blocks, and her clothes and shoes were all packed.

She tilted her head to look at him mopping the floor, looked at him for a while, and said softly: “Song Yan.”


“You spoil me too much,” she said with a smile.

He couldn’t help but laughed a little and asked casually: “Are you happy then?”

She pursed her mouth and didn’t make a sound, but her smile expanded.

Song Yan said: “I used to do all kinds of work in the army, and I got used to it.”

“Oh.” She nodded, her feet cocking.

He added: “You haven’t done this since you were a child. If you’re with me, and you still have to do this, so why be with me?”

Xu Qin poked her heart suddenly, and instantly remembered her childhood.

At that time, she was squatting in the yard and shaving wood flowers.

He said:

“I promise, I will wholeheartedly cherish you in this life.”

It turned out that what he said was true.

At that time, what he said was true.


In the afternoon, Xu Qin followed uncle to learn carpentry in the yard, and Song Yan played with her for a while, then went back to his room to read.

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Halfway through, the sky began to fall with snow and the carpentry class ended.

Xu Qin calculated that there was still a long time in the afternoon and wanted to go back to the west side to see her parents.

Song Yan wanted to accompany her.

Xu Qin disagreed at first, she knew that Fu Wenying would never allow Song Yan to enter the door.

But Song Yan didn’t want to intensify the conflict, and he didn’t want to see Fu Wenying.

He waited outside.

He just wanted to send her and pick her up. He didn’t want her to ride back and forth in the car alone.

On the way there, Xu Qin leaned in Song Yan’s arms and looked at the snowflakes outside the window, feeling very peaceful and clear: he knew that no matter whether she went home or left home, there would be some depression along the way. He was reluctant, so he wanted to accompany her.

Maybe with him by her side, the road was not so long, as if it was faster than usual.

When they arrived at the gate of the compound, Song Yan didn’t go in, but said he would walk around the museum across the street and to call him when she was done.

The two separated briefly.

When Xu Qin walked into the courtyard, she was inexplicably a little sad, as if she had abandoned him. After walking a few steps and looking back, she saw that Song Yan walked towards the museum, and she was slightly relieved.

The compound was also covered with snow, but the roads were swept and wet.

When she got home, entered the house, and asked the maid, she said that Meng Huaijin and Fu Wenying were both at home, in the study on the second floor.

Xu Qin changed her shoes unhurriedly, no matter how calm she was, her heart was still a little apprehensive. For some reason, when entering this house, people seem to be two or three points shorter.

The hallway was particularly quiet, with slippers stepping on the carpet and footsteps absorbed.

She breathed slightly and walked to the door of the study.

The door was open, thankfully.

Meng Huaijin and Fu Wenying were reading books inside, and there were refreshments on the table.

She knocked on the door and whispered: “Dad, mom…”

When the two looked over, Fu Wenying’s expression suddenly turned cold, and she lowered her head and continued to read, ignoring her; Meng Huaijin looked at Xu Qin for a while, frowned and sighed deeply, shook his head, looked very distressed, but did not speak.

Xu Qin neither advanced nor retreat. She stood at the door at a loss for what to do, and actually stood there for five minutes.

The house was still silent. They ignored her, didn’t look at her.

Xu Qin kept looking at them, her face turning white.

At the end of the corridor, Meng Yanchen came down from upstairs, and when he turned back inadvertently, he saw Xu Qin standing at the door of the study with her shoulders bowed and her head lowered.

Meng Yanchen looked at her silently for a few seconds and went downstairs.

But only two or three steps down, he stopped again. He closed his eyes, pursed his lips, exhaled a long breath, and turned to Xu Qin.

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