Late at night, Meng family mansion.

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Meng Yanchen stood on the steps of the living room, looking in the direction where Xu Qin disappeared, his expression dead.

Fu Wenying’s body trembled for a moment, before she stabilized her emotions: “Yanchen, when did you come back?”

Meng Huaijin heard this and raised his head in amazement.

Meng Yanchen looked at his parents and did not speak. He was so quiet that they were flustered.

Fu Wenying walked towards him: “Yanchen, you listen to your mother——”

“Hypocrite.” Meng Yanchen said.

Fu Wenying’s cheeks twitched, she instantly regained her composure: “What did you say to your parents? What about your upbringing?!”

She thought that Meng Yanchen would also refute, vent, get angry, and quarrel with her.

But no.

The living room was quiet,

Meng Yanchen didn’t say a word, just looked at her so quietly, as if watching his life’s beliefs and principles collapse silently at that moment.


How well they taught him to be a upright gentleman. He thought they were noble too.


His upbringing made him genuinely respected and be filial to them from childhood.

It was also his upbringing that prevented him from overcoming the hurdle of incest and being unable to get close to the person they regarded as their own daughter. No matter how painful it was for him, he couldn’t bear to hurt them and bring shame to them.

In the end, all these years of suffering was just a joke.

And what about him,

He didn’t even have the desire to vent, he didn’t even have the desire to burst, finally on this day, the shackles were broken, and he lost forever the girl he could have fought for and protected.

At this moment, standing in the home where he grew up.

He looked at them and smiled very shallowly, a smile that was shockingly bleak.

He turned and walked out.

Fu Wenying’s heart rose sharply with inexplicable panic, as if she had a sense of foreboding: “You stop right there!” She took a breath, “I’m talking to you!”

“I’m going out.” Meng Yanchen calmly said.

“Don’t go out today. Meng Yanchen, you——”

“Mom,” he turned to look at her, “look at me.”

He took a step forward and looked down at her: “Mom, look at my face. This is your son. These years, he has lived a life of death every day. Can’t you see it at all?”

Fu Wenying looked at him in shock, tears filled her eyes in an instant, red, but she endured it.

“You can’t see it.” Meng Yanchen said. He left.

Fu Wenying shed half a tear and stood for half a moment, wanting to catch up: “Yanchen——”

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“Enough!” Meng Huaijin stood up, “Don’t force him anymore! Must you drive the children crazy to be satisfied?!”

Fu Wenying took a few deep breaths, turned around, and recovered that perfect expression: “Rules are rules. I did not do well in that matter back then, but Meng Huaijin, who did I do this for? For you, for the Meng family. You have your face, and I will do the dirty work. But you are not qualified to lecture me here!”

Meng Huaijin: “I was against what Qin Qin did at the beginning. But they had already separated, that child, why did you have to get rid of him?”

“Because the Meng family doesn’t allow those who want to climb high. Back then, his mother wanted to rely on you to become a noble wife, you were so fascinated that you almost defected from the family. Now her son is still here to continue the disaster!”

Meng Huaijin was stunned: “You——”

Fu Wenying finally tore off her usual calm mask, and said sharply, “You think I don’t know about the shit you did before I married into the Meng family?! You wanted to break off the engagement to me for her sake!”

Meng Huaijin choked, he slowly sat down, for a long time, he shook his head, sighed: “Wenying, I have had no feelings for that woman for a long time, you this——”

“Yeah, she ran off to be Jiang Kecun’s mistress, could you still have feelings for her? What kind of good thing can a son of that kind of vulgar woman who only knew how to sell herself for glory be? It is absolutely impossible for me to accept such a woman as family!”

After Fu Wenying finished speaking, she squatted down and picked up the smashed photo frame from the ground, she pulled out the huge photograph, shook off the glass fragments on it, and took it to the table to spread.

Meng Huaijin originally wanted to say more, but it was obvious from her appearance. Nothing was said after all.


On Shi’an Street, the road was empty and the street lights were bright.

Xu Qin sat crookedly in the taxi with an empty expression.

Just now she wailed loudly in the back seat, but now she was quiet, not a single tear could come out, her mind was empty, only exhaustion remained.

She leaned against the window for an unknown amount of time, remembering to take her mobile phone to look, missed calls and text messages were all from Song Yan, an hour ago:

“Where did you go?”

The party ended at twelve o’clock at night, and it was now eleven fifty-five, the auditorium was in front.

Xu Qin asked the driver for a bottle of water and got out of the car.

She ran to the roadside greenery to unscrew the water bottle and wash the tear stains from her face. When washing her eyes, she remembered Song Yan again.

He didn’t say a word about what her parents did to him.

Perhaps he was too stubborn and crazy, always thinking that it was an unbearable and a humiliating defeat for men; perhaps he loved her too much and was reluctant to let her feel guilty in her heart; perhaps he was too proud to let her approach him because of this; or maybe he didn’t have the heart to let her be disappointed in her parents…

Whatever the reason was, he didn’t want to mention it, and she would pretend not to know.

Almost on the verge of tears again, she tried to hold back.

After washing her face, she wiped the sleeve of her white coat, threw the bottle in the trash, and ran into the venue.

Just as the meeting ended, she ran to the exit on Song Yan’s side, and saw tall men in military uniforms pouring out in groups. She stood on tiptoe and stretched her neck but couldn’t see every face clearly, many people glanced at her and hurried passed.

She was in a hurry, dialed his number, no one answered, the phone was silent.

Just as she was about to drill into the crowd, she was suddenly pulled aside by a hand: “What are you looking for?”

Xu Qin looked up, and immediately threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Song Yan was obviously stunned for a moment, and looked back, the soldiers who walked by looked at them curiously.

Song Yan held the military hat in one hand, gently supported her back with the other, turned around slightly, blocked the sight from the outside with his back, circled her against the wall, looked down and asked, “What’s wrong?”

She didn’t say anything, just hugged him tightly, not letting go like a child.

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Song Yan gently stroked her back: “Is your stomach still uncomfortable?”

She shook her head: “When will you be home?” I miss you so much.”

His heart suddenly softened, he was speechless, he lowered his head, and gently pecked her temples.

She suddenly wanted to cry again, but she cried too much today, even if her eyes were sore at the moment, there were no tears to shed.

The crowd behind him surged and he wrapped her in his arms, after a long time, he asked, “Did something happen?”

She was startled for a moment, annoyed at herself for behaving abnormally, that he was going to find out, she quickly thought of a reason, and raised her head: “Oh, it’s nothing. Xiao Yixiao was in a bad mood for some reason, and called me to chat.”

As expected, Song Yan was successfully distracted, and looked at her with a slightly darker gaze, and said, “How long have you been chatting?”

“Just talked for a while.” She whispered, “He’s probably having relationship trouble lately.”

He put a little more force on his hand, and she pressed into him tighter all of a sudden, smelling the faint scent of laundry powder on his military uniform.

Song Yan asked: “Why does he want to talk to you when his relationship is not going well?… Hey, it seems that I have to have a good chat with him.”

Xu Qin secretly called out that lying was really dangerous, so she hurriedly said: “Next time, we won’t discuss anymore, we won’t discuss anymore.”

“Be good, otherwise I’ll deal with you.”

He glanced at her lightly, not taking it to heart. He looked back, there were fewer and fewer people appearing behind him, they were about to line up.

She understood, but was still a little reluctant: “You have to go?”

“En.” He put his military cap on his head and asked again, “Is your stomach really feeling alright?”

“I’m good. It was only for a bit.” Looking at his unusually handsome face under the military cap, she couldn’t help hugging him tightly again, “It’s the weekend, you should go home early.”

She rubbed his chest and didn’t let go.

She was extremely clingy today, and he had already noticed it. He just didn’t know if she was not feeling well, or she was becoming more and more dependent on him psychologically.

He was silent for a long moment and said, “Wait for me.”

He walked away.

After she stood for a while, he came back, took her hand, and said, “Let’s go home.”

She was stunned: “Aren’t you going to the assembly?”

“Took time off. Tomorrow the second team is on duty, and the training matter has been handed over to Suo Jun.”

She was still stunned: “This…”

He smiled: “I rarely took a leave of absence in these past two or three years, it’s okay.”

“But you…”

“Didn’t you say you wanted me to go home?” He looked down at her, “Telling a lie?”

Xu Qin immediately shook her head and squeezed his hand.

Shouldn’t have gone back to the venue today. The more he spoiled her and indulged her, the more her heart ached.

On the way back, she leaned on his shoulder to sleep, without saying a word all the way, as if she was tired.

Song Yan looked at her from time to time and did not bother.

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Halfway through, he remembered what happened backstage at the commendation meeting.

He got off the stage with the certificate and was looking for Xu Qin, but he ran into Director Chen who was presenting the award to the next batch of soldiers, and was asked if he would like to join the Ministry of Public Security, asked him to think about it first, and don’t rush to reply.

When she kept asking him when he would be home just now, he was going to tell her. But thinking about it, Director Chen’s offer was just a suggestion, what exactly was the job, whether it was appropriate, was still unknown.

At present, there were two promotion paths in front of him, he needed to weigh the pros and cons…

So he held off and didn’t mention it.

After returning home, Xu Qin took advantage of the gap between Song Yan going to take a bath, and quickly collected her emotions, she resolutely would not let him find out.

But when she took out her phone, she saw a missed call, it was Meng Huaijin.

There was also a text message: “Qin Qin, Dad wants to find a time to talk to you. How about tomorrow?”

Xu Qin looked at the phone screen, and felt pain in her heart, but finally replied: “Let’s talk about it later.”

Now she didn’t know how to face them, and she didn’t want to.

Just thinking about it, the heart-piercing pain would spread throughout her body. She was in too much pain, and she didn’t want to delve into their feelings for her anymore, she didn’t want to tear up who owed whom, and she didn’t want to hate them for hurting Song Yan anymore. Whether she was avoiding or being unfilial, she didn’t want to see them now.

The text message replied: “Okay, when you want to talk, then talk to Dad.”

Xu Qin immediately threw the phone away, tears streaming down her face. The sound of the bathroom door opening came from outside, she quickly wiped away her tears, turned off the room light, ran to the bed and patted the pillow to lie down.

Song Yan entered the room and went to bed.

She turned her back to him without turning around, and he took her into his arms from behind.

Xu Qin slightly panicked in her heart, not knowing if he would have sex with her next, she was completely out of the state now, afraid of being discovered.

But he didn’t do anything else, he just stroked her stomach with his ironed palm. After a long time, when he seemed to be about to fall asleep, he asked vaguely, “Are you comfortable?”

“En.” There was no discomfort in her stomach.

“Xu Qin.” He suddenly spoke.


“Wait a little longer, I’ll be home every day soon. Trust me.”

He was mistaken. He thought she kept asking him to go home early tonight because she was worried about his promotion.

She couldn’t explain it, she could only close her eyes and let the tears slip down.

They fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, her mobile phone suddenly vibrated one after another.

Xu Qin woke up suddenly, Song Yan also woke up, breathing heavily, squinting and touching Xu Qin’s mobile phone. The screen showed three o’clock at night, it was Xiao Yixiao.

Song Yan’s expression did not show anything, and he handed the phone to Xu Qin.

When she saw the caller ID, her head exploded: “Xiao Yixiao, you——”

“Meng Yanchen had an accident.” Xiao Yixiao’s tone was very heavy, “Get up quickly, I’ll pick you up at the intersection of Wu Fang Street.”

“What’s wrong?” Xu Qin sat up suddenly, “Tell me first if he’s injured?!”

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Song Yan was quiet for a second and turned on the lamp.

“He’s fine. He’s at the Ba Yan Qiao Police Precinct. Come out first, I’ll talk to you in the car!”

Xu Qin hung up the phone and immediately got out of bed: “Something happened to Meng Yanchen, I have to go and see.”

Song Yan lifted the quilt: “I’ll go with you.”

Xu Qin was stunned, thought for a second, and did not refuse.

The night was silent.

Xiao Yixiao’s car stopped at the intersection, and when he saw Song Yan, he didn’t say much.

Xu Qin got into the car and asked, “What’s going on?”

Xiao Yixiao tossed the phone to the back row: “See for yourself.”

It was a post on the forum, the title was like an eye-catching post on a vulgar website:

“Relay repost: I was raped by X third generation, I want to call the police, and their family wants to kill me. (Evil forces continue to delete posts, netizens relay to turn)“

Xu Qin’s mind was confused.

The person involved was called “Ye Zi”, claimed to be a college student, was brought into a KTV by friends, and met the X third generation. The other party was gentle, elegant and talented. She fell in love with him at first sight and tried to get close to him. He was also interested in her, and the two gradually got to know each other. But after getting along, she found that his mind was not on her, so she resolutely left him. She didn’t want to offend the other party, but she was brutally raped.

The post vividly described her girlish feelings and humbleness when she got along with him, then the miserable mood and disillusionment of being raped, and then the panic and fear of being threatened by his family.

The headlines were terrifying, the content was sensational, and the number of clicks and replies remained high.

Xu Qin couldn’t believe it: “This… talks about Meng Yanchen?”

Xiao Yixiao’s face was livid: “He has been locked up since the incident, your parents just found out, how could they have the time to threaten that bitch!”

Xiao Yixiao had never scolded a woman in his life, he was really anxious. This post had all kinds of conditions that were easy to spread, and it would sweep major websites by tomorrow morning.

“I can’t delete it all, it’s like lighting a fire. Those shitty netizens don’t know anything and just fucking stir up trouble in there.”

Xu Qin trembled lightly and did not speak.

Song Yan took her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

The two of them couldn’t calm down, but Song Yan was the most composed, and asked lightly: “Could it be that someone has a feud with the Meng family, and started with him.”

“I don’t know.” Xiao Yixiao scratched his head vigorously, “Now the entire Meng family is in shock. The point is…Meng Yanchen must have gone crazy, he refuses to see anyone, doesn’t want to see his parents and uncles, he just wants to see Qin Qin.”

Xu Qin was stunned.

Song Yan pursed his lips and did not answer.

“Qin, you should persuade him later to speak earlier. If it drags on like this, nothing good will come out of it, and when public opinion turns white into black, he will be ruined!”

Xiao Yixiao gritted his teeth,

“Meng Yanchen’s fucking brain is flooded or something! The director of Ba Yan Qiao was bought by his father. If he told the police who he was when he was arrested, at least he could keep an eye on the crazy woman in time and take away her cell phone first. But no, he didn’t say a word, he’s locked up as a rapist.”

“Is he going crazy?!”

m a e m: hehe surprise! we’ve decided to speed up some of the schedule as the drama is now confirmed  also, now that we have the drama episodes as well, you have something to concentrate on instead of being left on a cliffhanger.
although we would all have read the book, please do be careful about either book or drama spoilers as we discuss and drool 

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