“Time can’t come back, but the hurt is still there.” Zhai Miao said, “Ge, how could you forgive them so easily?”

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Song Yan smiled very faintly: “Zhai Miao, you are wrong, I did not forgive them. To the point of, I don’t want them to apologize at all, because even if they apologize, I will not forgive them.”

Zhai Miao was stunned.

“However, I don’t have any grievances, and I don’t even have the intention to take revenge.” Song Yan looked at her and said calmly, “I’m not asking you to save anyone, but to do something that should be done. No thank yous, no apologies need to be exchanged.”

“As for me, I’m living a good life like this now, and the future will only be better. As for the past, it’s over, there’s no need to remember it.”

Zhai Miao stood there for a long time without saying a word. At the end, she wiped her eyes carelessly, and said angrily:

“If you say it’s fine then it’s fine, I’m not the one who wasted ten years.” She walked over and pulled the security door, “I will hand over the evidence, but before that, don’t bother me about what I’m going to do.”

She was about to pull the door, but Song Yan pressed down on the handle, knowing that he couldn’t stop her, so he just said:

“No matter what you want to do, remember one thing, I will marry Xu Qin, she is your sister-in-law.”

“You don’t need to explain this to me.” Zhai Miao glared at him.

Song Yan bent his lower lip lightly and let go.

Zhai Miao opened the door and rushed out, but unexpectedly saw a figure flashing around the corner.


Zhai Miao walked all the way to the Meng family’s side, but did not see Fu Wenying and Meng Huaijin, the elders were not there, only a few juniors.

Xu Qin was surprised: “Why are you here?”

Zhai Miao said: “I’m here with my classmates, by the way, where are your parents?”

Xu Qin: “I just went over there to talk about things.” Looking behind Zhai Miao, “Here they are.”

Zhai Miao turned her head and saw that Fu Wenying, Meng Huaijin and several elders came back.

Zhai Miao took a step forward, second aunt had already recognized her, and asked politely: “You’re one of those students, right? Coming here now……what conditions do you want to talk about?”

Zhai Miao said: “Auntie, it’s like this. My classmates were deceived by Ye Zi and believed her lies. But I saw the truth with my own eyes. Meng Yanchen didn’t take advantage of Ye Zi at all. It was Ye Zi who wanted to take the opportunity to do something, but was driven away by him. Maybe she was angry, so she framed him. She really did have sex with someone, but it wasn’t Meng Yanchen. But, I saw it all, and even took pictures with my mobile phone. ……Look.”

She opened the phone album, which was full of photos and short videos.

Everyone immediately felt amnesty, and Fu Wenying was about to step forward.

Zhai Miao put away her phone and didn’t beat around the bush: “I won’t help you so easily.”

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The elders all knew that if she wanted to help, she would have handed it over to the police from the beginning, and there was no need to wait until now.

Fu Wenying knew that she was Song Yan’s younger cousin, so her expression was not very good: “What do you want?”

Second aunt stepped forward and discussed in a low voice: “If you want a reward, you can state your price.”

“Thank you auntie, but I can earn money in the future, so I don’t need to ask you for it.” Zhai Miao looked at Fu Wenying, “I want to talk to this auntie……” With a quick glance, she judged that Meng Huaijin beside her was her husband, “and this uncle alone.”

“Okay.” Fu Wenying answered.

Xu Qin was a little puzzled, and was about to step forward when Zhai Miao said, “Qin jie, this matter has nothing to do with you, you can stay here.”


The three of them went to the end of the corridor. Fu Wenying looked at her watch. It was already five o’clock in the morning. She was worried about Meng Yanchen, and she was anxious, but she didn’t show it. Her tone couldn’t be called kind, but she was not hostile either: “Just say what you want.”

Meng Huaijin also said calmly: “Let’s have a good talk and resolve the matter as soon as possible.”

Zhai Miao looked at the two of them: “Uncle and aunt are so good-tempered, I thought you would scold me first. It seems— it was really you who eavesdropped on me and my ge outside the door just now.”

Meng Huaijin looked a little stiff, lowered his head slightly, and said in shame: “We just passed by on accident. What happened back then—” He said this, a little sad, and nodded vigorously, “It was indeed our family who made a mistake. If we can compensate, feel free to speak up.”

Zhai Miao fell silent suddenly. Even if she was eloquent, she had nothing to say. She instantly understood what Song Yan’s words meant. He didn’t want apologies, and he didn’t want to make up, because it was useless.

Not useful at all. Too powerless.

At this moment, she was even more aggrieved, like a huge stone suddenly got stuck in her heart.

Since there would be no forgiveness, an apology was just another wound.

And the many words she had prepared to scold them with could not be said for a while. It was no different than punching cotton.

She was quiet and didn’t speak for a long time.

Fu Wenying couldn’t wait any longer, and said: “If you want to take revenge, come after me, Meng Yanchen is innocent. You don’t know him, but he is a very good boy. Now your classmate deliberately distorted the truth and framed him, and let him be called a rapist. As a parent, how I feel right now……”

“How can I not understand your feelings?” Zhai Miao said softly, “Auntie, when you framed my brother, did you ever think about how his family was feeling? Your emotions for just a few hours, our family experienced for half a month. You framed a soldier for treason, which is much more serious than someone else framing your son for rape. One is going to jail, the other is a capital crime. ……You stabbed me ten times, I gave you a slap, can this be called revenge?”

Fu Wenying’s face turned pale. This was karmic retribution.

“My parents, my brother, are kind-hearted. They didn’t even think about telling Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin your true colors. If it were me, I would have exposed it long ago! They won’t pursue it, but I can’t swallow it.”

The two were startled, and when they learned that they didn’t know that Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin hadn’t known about it, their faces became even more bleak.

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Fu Wenying took a breath, lowered her voice, and asked, “However you want to resolve this, I will cooperate. As long as you can—” She glanced at her phone.

There was no sense of punishment on Zhai Miao’s face. She was silent for a second, and said: “My father kneeled down before. Auntie, if you really want to apologize, just return that kneel.”

Meng Huaijin and Fu Wenying were startled at the same time: “This—”

Zhai Miao said quietly: “I’m not very old, I’m afraid my lifespan will be shortened. But if it’s to represent my ge, my family, even if it’s ten years I can afford it.”

Fu Wenying stared at her, pursed her lips tightly, her face slowly turned red with shame, but she didn’t say a single unnecessary word, she nodded, and was about to kneel down; Meng Huaijin stopped her abruptly, his expression was very steady and calm, caressing the back of her hand, he didn’t know whether to comfort or feel sorry for his wife, he said, “I’ll do it.”

As he spoke, he bent his knees.

“No!” Fu Wenying sobbed, tears welled up in her eyes, she hugged him tightly, refusing to let him kneel down, she hurriedly went to kneel——

“Okay!” Zhai Miao said suddenly, and stretched out her mobile phone in front of them, “Take it.”

Fu Wenying was shocked, there were still tears in her eyes.

Zhai Miao said: “Xu Qin is my sister-in-law, and you are her parents. If I really accepted this kneel, how can she get along with me in the future?”

She didn’t look at them, and put the mobile phone in their hands coldly: “Give it to the police.”

Meng Huaijin nodded immediately: “Thank you—”

“Don’t thank me. After picking up this phone, you promise me one condition.” Zhai Miao said, “My brother and my sister-in-law will definitely be together. If you object, it’s up to you, and I don’t care.”

“But if one day you accept him as a son-in-law, everyone will have to become part of one family. Then——”

“In this lifetime, you are not allowed to mention the past in front of my brother, and you are absolutely not allowed to apologize to him.”


The evidence was handed over, and the case ushered in a turning point.

The group of students from the University A Student Union learned the truth, and were very angry at Ye Zi’s behavior. They felt their good intentions had been taken advantage of, and were both angry and regretful about posting things, feeling very guilty. They were severely reprimanded by the police, and hurried to clarify and apologize, and promised to follow what they said before, “If they wronged a good person, they would publish an apology in the newspaper.”

The police were also putting together the evidence, trying to clear Meng Yanchen’s name as soon as possible.

As for Ye Zi, she was under criminal detention on suspicion of defamation, false accusation, and other crimes. The specific sentencing would have to wait for later evidence collection and trial.

Everyone got busy, Meng Yanchen was still getting his statement taken.

Song Yan went to the hall to look for Xu Qin. She was sitting in the corner, leaning on the back of the chair, he wondered what she was thinking. Seeing him, her eyes lit up, and she sat up a little bit straighter: “Where did you go just now?”

“Went over there to smoke a few cigarettes.” Song Yan sat down beside her.

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Xu Qin took advantage of the situation and leaned on his shoulder, a little tired, sighed, and said to herself: “Fortunately, the matter is resolved, this evening was like a nightmare.”

Song Yan glanced down at her head on his shoulder and said: “Don’t blame Zhai Miao for not showing the proof immediately.”

Xu Qin was taken aback: “Huh?”

“She is ignorant, and has a childish temper. Maybe it was because your parents objected to us being together, and she was upset, so she made a fuss.”

“No. How could I blame her? Everyone in the family is grateful to her.” Xu Qin said, feeling pain in her heart. She could guess the reason why Zhai Miao refused to share the evidence for so long.

Song Yan glanced at his watch, it was half past five.

“Let’s go,” he said, standing up.

She didn’t react in time, she raised her head: “Go? Go where?”

Song Yan glanced at her lightly: “What? Waiting for Meng Yanchen to come out to  comfort him for a while? Or give him a warm hug?”

“……” The hairs on Xu Qin’s back stood up all of a sudden, and she shook her head immediately: “No. It’s all settled, nothing left to do with me.” She quickly got up and took his arm, “Take me home.”

Song Yan: “Why are you holding on so tightly?”

Xu Qin: “I feel that if I don’t hold onto you tight enough, you’re going to leave me behind here.”

Song Yan walked out, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked upwards.

After leaving the public security compound, the sky had still not lightened, but there was faint white.

The night passed like this.

“Sleepy?” Song Yan asked in a low voice.

Beside him, Xu Qin didn’t answer, with a blank expression.

She was still thinking about what had just happened.

Now it seems that during the time when Song Yan disappeared, he must have gone to persuade Zhai Miao. She didn’t know what the two cousins talked about, but they must have brought up the past and exposed his scars. And it must be for her that he had let go of the past.

She was a little sad, lowered her head and rubbed her eyes.

Without saying a word, Song Yan untied her hand and walked aside.

She froze for a moment, then looked up at him, not knowing why.

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Song Yan took out the cigarette and lighter, lit the cigarette, and turned to look at her sideways: “You’re out of your mind, still thinking about what happened inside?” He pointed to the public security building with his chin.

Xu Qin opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer. She couldn’t tell the truth, and couldn’t tell lies.

Song Yan squinted his eyes and looked at her for a few seconds, his expression was not very good, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said: “I’ll give you ten minutes.”

Xu Qin: “Ah?”

Song Yan: “I’ll give you ten minutes to feel bad. After ten minutes, if you’re still thinking about it, I will get angry.”

Xu Qin stared slightly, and for some reason, suddenly burst out laughing: “Are you jealous?”

Song Yan frowned: “Bullshit!”

She couldn’t stop, giggled, and rushed towards him. He avoided the cigarette in his hand, she hugged him and looked up: “Don’t need ten minutes, just ten seconds.”

Song Yan grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her away from her body: “Go aside.”

She took a step back, looked at him with a smile, and began to count: “One, two, three, four, five, six seven eight nine ten! Okay!”

She threw herself forward with open arms and hugged him tightly.

She bumped into him and shook him.

He ignored it, he wasn’t that easy to coax, and he still had the same indifferent look on his face.

Xu Qin stood on tiptoe and raised her neck to kiss him, but Song Yan turned his face away. She jumped up to kiss, he frowned and hid, she kissed his chin, sideways.

She kept jumping up and down, pecking his cheeks with her soft lips.

Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, threw the cigarette, grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her against the tree, lowered his head to kiss her lips, sucked and bit her hard, with all his strength.

She shrank her neck in pain and whimpered.

He didn’t let go, he pressed her against the tree trunk, and kissed her more and more violently, as if he wanted to melt her and suck her into his body to show his dominance towards her. His breath was ironed and sprayed on her cheeks, she was obsessed with his breath, her whole body was numb, and she was about to melt, obviously the root of her tongue hurt from being sucked, but she couldn’t help but get closer to him, her fingers subconsciously grasped him tighter, and her lips also submissively catered to him, hooking his lips and his tongue. 

Bewitched, there was only one consciousness left in her mind: she belonged to him, and only to him.

“Woo—” she groaned softly in her intoxication.

He slowly let go of her lips and looked down at her.

She looked at him, panting slightly, her eyes were moist and clear, her small lips were red and swollen.

Song Yan stroked her lips gently with his thumb, and said: “Yes, I am jealous. ……Next time, you dare make me jealous again.”

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