Chapter 213 – Majolica – Part twenty-three

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“I see I see… So that information fee will be five platinum coins? It would be hard to pay it all at once, so can it be in installments? And it will be via card, so is the alchemist guild card all right? The guild won’t really meddle, and if anyone complains, I will make sure they stop.”

He looks pretty serious, but I don’t know the market price, so I don’t know if it’s reasonable or not.

Will nods when I turn to him, so I assume it’s right. I don’t even know if they can copy the way I make potions to begin with.

“Can we talk here, or should we go to another room?”

I ask Bozen, and he says it’s fine here. Did anyone see me make potions in the dungeon? I don’t really remember.

“Well, first I start with…”

I take potions from Bozen and show him how I combine them. I really am just mixing three potions together. Did no one ever try to do this?

I look at Bozen, and he looks really surprised, but not for the reason I was expecting.

“H-how did that work!?”

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Apparently they did try this, it just never worked. Not a single person has managed to do this.

“Well first, judging from how I make them…”

I take out three full potions I made before and put them on a table.

Their qualities vary, and so their colors also vary in how thick they are. Two of them have average colors, but there are still subtle differences.

“First, you should use good quality potions. I tried using light colored ones before with ones with a thicker color, but that resulted in a poor success rate. I tried four times, but it only worked once, this one.”

I point to the full potion that has the lightest color of the three.

“Also, this is just conjecture… But it might be best if the same person makes the three potions that will be used.”

“What do you mean?”

“At the very least, I’ve never failed when I made full potions with potions I’ve made. Incidentally, I use good quality medicinal herbs to make potions.

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Unfortunately, I don’t have any potions on me, so I can’t show them to you, but I think that if the color looks thick, their quality isn’t bad.”

Casting Appraisal tells me their effect is big and their quality is good.

“I see I see. This might be worth looking into.”

“Yes. Also, sorry, but I’m going to have to ask for five medicinal herbs, magic energy herbs, and vitality herbs.”

“Are you going to make something?”

“Yes… It looks like only I can make petrification cures that work on Casey, the one who’s petrification hasn’t healed yet. I want to make a few so she can take them when she needs them, but I don’t think I can make a lot.”

I also tell him the recipe to my petrification cure, and of course, he frowns when he hears the materials. I figure I might as well ask if he knows about a certain item, and he says he doesn’t, but he will see if he can get information about it.

“I understand. Hm, this was productive. Well then… I’m going to raid the merchant guild right away. I will deliver the medicinal herbs… Not tomorrow, but soon. And we need you in the guild to make your card, so I want you to drop by.”

He says very quickly before running out.

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“Was that good?”

“Yes, I’m sure there won’t be any problems. As far as the potions go, it will all work out if the guild can make them. They seem useful, but I don’t think there will be a big demand for them.”

“Interesting. Why do you think so?”

Asks Jake, who has been quiet this whole time, and I tell him what I think.

“I see. So they seem like they would be good in an emergency, but they would probably not be viable normally. I guess it also depends on the price.”

“I’m thinking of taking that idea and making something else. And I want to try mixing two potions, not three. That would probably sell better.”

I imagine there will be more people who need something that replenishes HP and MP, or HP and SP.

Jake listens to me quietly, and asks questions from time to time.

Ash was actually right, I think my impression of him has changed a little. Maybe I’ve been getting used to this environment, or maybe it’s something else, but he feels less menacing than when I bumped into him in the guild.

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I’m looking at him while I think about this, and I think he noticed that.

“Sorry, I came off kind of, no, pretty bad the first time we met.”

“Ah, don’t worry, Ash told me all about it. And I get wanting to trust your partners like that.”

“Thanks for understanding. If there’s anything I can help with, don’t be afraid to ask.”

“I see. Well, like I told Bozen, I want laurel tree fruit. And… If you have high quality magic stones, can you share some?”

Jake awkwardly smiles, like he wasn’t expecting me to say that. Was he expecting me to say something more unreasonable or something?

“I’ll talk to the adventurer guild and the merchant guild. It can only be an inconvenience if a great… Adventurer? Can’t work.”

Jake says before bowing and leaving.

I really feel like he’s different now.


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