Chapter 44 – To the holy city – Part one

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“Oh, are you going out?”

“We’re thinking about going to see the holy city.”

“Are you walking?”

“They’re full, so I couldn’t get reservations. This is the only way.”

“But are you going to be all right?”

The gatekeeper’s eyes are on Hikari.

“Leave it to me. I will protect master.”

Hikari says while puffing out her chest, and the gatekeeper’s eyes turn lukewarm.

“She’s raring to go too, and we’ll walk slowly and without pushing ourselves too much.”

“I see. You should be safe if you stay close to the main road, but you never know what might happen, so don’t forget to be careful.”

Warns the gatekeeper, and we’re off.

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There are a lot of adventurers here, probably since it’s early in the morning.

Some people are peeking this way.

I’m not an adventurer, so I didn’t go to the adventurer guild, but maybe I should have gone just to try to get some information about monsters.

We walk for about an hour, take a break, and walk for another hour. It’s still kind of early, but we’re going to stop to have lunch.

I start making preparations to camp not too far but not too close to the road. I use Earth Magic to make a simple cooking spot, and start cooking.

Hikari is just staring and not helping one bit. I get the feeling she’s fidgeting too.

Today’s lunch is soup with mostly vegetables, with some wolf meat sprinkled in. Hikari would get sad if there was no meat at all.

A few merchant caravans pass by us while we eat. They’re only going a bit faster than walking speed, so the adventurers escorting them are walking while positioned around the wagons.

I check my stats while resting after we ate.

Name – (Sora Fujimiya ) / Job – (Scout) / Race – Otherworlder / No Level

HP – 490/490 / MP – 490/490 / SP – 490/490 (+100)

Strength…480 (+0) / Stamina…480 (+0) / Agility…480 (+100)

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Magic power…480 (+0) / Dexterity…480 (+0) / Luck…480 (+100)

Skill – (Walking Lv49) – Effect – (User won’t get tired no matter how much they walk) – (Get one experience point with each step)

Experience points – 20719/49000

Skill points – 4

Skills learned

(Appraisal LvMAX) / (People Appraisal Lv4) / (Appraisal Obstruction Lv5) / (Parallel Thinking Lv6)

(Sword Master Lv6) / (Physical Strengthening Lv7) / (Presence Detection LvMAX) / (Magic Energy Detection Lv4) / (Natural Recovery Boost Lv7) / ( Status Ailment Resistance Lv5) / (Presence Concealment Lv6) / (Throw – Shooting Lv4)

(Magic Energy Control Lv8) / (Basic Daily Life Magic Lv7) / (Fire Magic Lv4) / (Water Magic Lv3) (Spatial Magic Lv8) / (Alchemy Lv8)

(Cooking Lv6)


(Wind Magic Lv2) / (Earth Magic Lv2) / (Light Magic Lv4) / (Holy Magic Lv3)

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The four new skills I learned are Wind Magic, Earth Magic, Light Magic, and Holy Magic.

That means I can now use those three types of elemental magic, and as for holy magic, first it allowed me to use healing magic, and then cure status ailments when it leveled up. Apparently how much it heals improves as the skill levels up.

And as I use magic, I’ve been learning some things.

Painting a mental picture is everything when it comes to magic. Although I should also point out that this might be exclusive to otherworlders like me.

When I saw Chris cast spells, she always chanted something and said the name of the spell. I don’t have to do that, I basically just say the name. Actually, I don’t even have to do that, it’s just that saying the name of the spell helps me picture it.

Also, magic isn’t just the magic learned through skills, there is more. It’s not really something to be used in battle, and more like an enhanced version of Basic Daily Life Magic.

I can start a fire to cook, make a simple cooking spot with Earth Magic and make the environment more comfortable to camp in, use Light Magic to light the road at night, etc.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that’s the whole reason why I even learned Earth Magic and Light Magic. I figured I didn’t actually need to learn skills to use them, and could just picture them, but strangely enough, I can’t use magic without skills. Strong magic, to be more precise.

I tried using them with Basic Daily Life Magic, but I just didn’t have enough MP no matter how much I tried. Maybe drinking a bunch of mana potions would change that?

Also, I used skill points to bring Status Ailment Resistance to level five. After becoming immune to Paralysis, its proficiency wouldn’t increase even if I was cut with the knife with the paralysis effect. I’m assuming I’m going to have more opportunities to level up Status Ailment Resistance with skill points from now on.

Incidentally, at level five I got petrification resistance.

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“Master, isn’t it time to go?”

“Are your legs all right?”

“Yes. This medicinal herb is great.”

I made something like a wet compress out of a vitality herb, and had Hikari try it. I can’t test on myself by just walking. Then again, I could’ve ran, but I don’t really feel like it. There’s a chance that I wouldn’t be able to check its effect because of Natural Recovery Boost anyway.

We start moving again, and don’t see the caravans. Is it because we took our time preparing food and eating?

When caravans are in a hurry, they have simple meals centered around preserved food. The less time they spend preparing food, the more time they can spend on the road.

We finally catch up to the caravans when the sun is setting.

They’re already ready to camp, and the wind is blowing the smell of their dinner towards us.

Separate caravans join together like this mostly for safety reasons. The more people they have, the easier it is to deal with attacks. It’s the most effective countermeasure against bandits.

“We should stop for today too.”

We stop in an empty space not too far away, and get ready to camp too.


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