“This program is sponsored by the ‘Colorful Laundry Detergent’ that says ‘Whoever uses it knows, it will make the world clean’~”. The camera shifted to a shelf of detergent supplies, gave the sponsor three seconds, and then switched back to the stage, and it was the host again.

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  He snapped his fingers, and four stage lights cast light, revealing four chairs, on which sat four people, all smiling awkwardly but politely, and the scene suddenly became a sea of joy.

  “Before I went on the show today, the chief director told me earnestly, Yinggou… Bah, Yingqing, treat the guests better today, they have a lot of fans, and you will be stoned if they go out. Can I be such a person who succumbs to power? Do you think I am?”

  “No!” Everyone cheered for the host.

  “Yingqing! I will buy you a huge amount of insurance!” There were also countless supporters on the Internet.

  “Just kidding, I actually saw the live broadcast, and when the iron rod was swung down, my heart was raised. I have to give a thumbs up to the guests and staff present at that time.”

  At this time, the camera was aimed at An Yinong, and they were slapped face-to-face. He was wearing a black uniform, with jet-black hair, and the three colors of black, white, and red constituted an extremely strong visual impact. Netizens couldn’t help but sit up straight: Whose brother was this, why was he so good-looking?

  “Now welcome our guests today, Mr. Tao Ran! Mr. Lai Qing! Mr. Jin Zhe! Mr. Ke Yinong!”

  The four guests flashed in front of the camera one by one and then took a big group photo. The effect was very tragic-some fans couldn’t close their eyes and couldn’t brag about how beautiful their idols were to kill me.

  “One thing to say, the black hair really has a sense of great beauty.” One fan looked at that face, almost drooling.

  “I heard people say that you are stars, can you introduce yourself? For example, honors and masterpieces. It is the kind that everyone can remember after listening to it. After all, everyone is a star, and they speak by their work, right?” The host threw out the most ruthless pit with the most gentle expression.

  If they really were the kind of powerful faction who relied on their works to speak, how could they come here?

  “I’m…” The squinting guest, oh, gray-haired Lai Qing opened his mouth to introduce himself. With a relaxed expression and a smile on the corner of his mouth, he was obviously prepared and full of confidence.

  “Wait a minute,” the host interrupted him, and showed a bit of a mean smile, “This is too simple, there is no difficulty at all. You are stars, and you rely on this for a living, so…”

  The gray-haired artist Lai Qing started to have a bad feeling, but the audience couldn’t think of the big deal, they cheered loudly: “Make it more difficult, it’s too easy!”

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  “How about this, at the request of the audience…How about a guest performance? You can perform the characters in your works, or you can sing a cappella. Everyone will know who it is at a glance.”

  Oh dear, this show was about to ascend to heaven, and they actually let them sing a cappella without any physical performance on the spot without any preparation?

  Lai Qing’s smile withered visibly to the naked eye, and they don’t know if he can still think of his ‘work’ and copy it.

  “As expected of you, Yingqing.” The audience before the live broadcast gave a thumbs up excitedly.

  The completely unprepared guests trembled. This program had no script at all, it was a real test, if they have the ability, they can go on, if they can’t, they can get off. Audiences who hadn’t seen it before feel very fresh, especially after they are told that “there is no script”, the sense of anticipation was even stronger.

  “Why do we only see such a fairy show now?”

  “Don’t say anything, how can I sign up? I am the first to recommend Ruan Hongling! (A famous actor who ruined dramas tirelessly)”

  “How could it be Ruan Hongling? The first one must be Zheng Jinhao! (Famous lip-syncing player)”

  The general manager watched the video on his mobile phone at the airport, which was also connected to a power bank. The ‘Ke Yinong’ in the camera always had a gentle and decent smile, restrained but not weak.

  “Like a piece of polished jade.” The general manager thought to himself.

  In the past five years, he just used the entertainment company as a cover-up, and never managed it seriously, let alone planned a career for any artist, including ‘Ke Yinong’. The poisoning of ‘Ke Yinong’ was accidental, but it was also caused by the company not paying enough attention to him. 

After watching too many ups and downs in the entertainment industry, he didn’t take this matter too seriously. But now, the general manager suddenly had some regrets. If his voice was still the original clear one, the road ahead will be smoother.

  “It’s the third brother, why are you here?”

  The general manager looked up and saw his father’s illegitimate son walking in a black windbreaker, followed by two dog legs. “Why am I here? You don’t know?” The general manager raised his hand to straighten his glasses and also turned off the phone.

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  “We don’t live together, how can I know about you?” Lu Yu smiled, and the villain was successful. “After your company is sold, are you going to go abroad and never come back?” Lu Yu stood there, looking down on him, just like Lu Yu looked down on him back then.

  “Are you proud?” The general manager asked back.

  “That’s why you think too much, we are brothers after all.”

  Lu Yu bent down and said in a low voice: “Will a monster who looks at his mother’s body without a trace of emotion cry bitterly because of this failure? Don’t worry, we are siblings after all, and we will leave you some leftovers, enough for you to live on. From now on… You are welcome to return to China to visit your relatives.”

  He laughed and walked away. The general manager was neither angry nor lost his composure. A long time ago he wanted to completely and completely flatten his biological father’s career, but it was obviously not an easy task.

  Their family seized the opportunity of the times, and the five brothers worked together to get involved in the underworld and formed a party at the top, and now they are a colossus that cannot be shaken by ordinary people. If he was in a foreign country, maybe he would choose to start a war to make the two black forces fight each other, but not in China.

  For the future, the general manager chose to follow the right path. He already had evidence of those people’s crimes, including collusion with foreign forces. And this evidence would soon appear in the mailbox of the Anti-crime Office.

  The general manager lowered his head and turned on his mobile phone. In the live broadcast, an artist came on stage to perform a killer, and the greasy smell of pork came across the screen.

  Occasionally, the camera showed the guest seats in the corner, and An Yinong in the corner lowered his head, tapped the armrest lightly with his fingertips, and immersed in his own world.

  The general manager has been paying attention to the guest seat in the corner, but other netizens in the live broadcast room preferred to watch the performance. Lai Qing, who was on the stage, swayed from side to side and came over with a toy gun in his hand. Theoretically, he should be full of murderous looks at this time, but everyone can only see a confident war god with a crooked mouth.

  Lai Qing didn’t even finish the performance before the audience booed.

  “These audience members are so daring, they actually booed.”

  “I booed at the scene, what kind of bullshit acting is this? Was he paid 30 million yuan for the drama last year? Just let me watch this for 30 million yuan? With acting skills like this, three TV dramas a year?”

  There was a sudden silence in the live broadcast room, and for no reason, everyone couldn’t laugh.

  The second person who came out to show himself was Tao Ran. Coincidentally, he was acting as a cannon fodder passer-by who made a cameo appearance in a certain movie, and there was only one scene where he was shot and fell to the ground.

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  Holding the mentality of “another eye-burning performance”, netizens watched calmly.

  The whole venue went dark, only the stage was bright, and Tao Ran, who had entered the younger brother state, came out from a corner. He walked without moving his upper body and looked straight ahead very decently, but when he came out this time, his steps were light and heavy, his eyes were moving wildly, and he looked like a fool. But this kind of foolishness was not exaggerated, on the contrary, it is very natural, at least it won’t make a show at a glance, and feel exaggerated.

  “Huh?” The netizen became interested, “I feel a little bit.”

  The little rascal just took a few steps, when suddenly his expression changed, as if he was frightened by something crazy, his whole body froze. Not just facial expressions, but all his limbs showed that something frightened him. The little gangster finally recovered from his stiffness, all his cells were mobilized, and he turned around, and ran away crazily.


  There seemed to be a collective auditory hallucination at the scene, and they seemed to hear gunshots. Halfway through the run, the little gangster’s body stopped due to some kind of violent force, his expression was terrified and dazed, and he hit the ground so firmly that the floor was shaken.

  The barrage in the live broadcast room was also a mess, and it took a long time for someone to make the first comment: “Wow.”

  “I’m Tao Ran, an actor.” Tao Ran stood up and bowed to the audience.

  An Yinong clapped his hands, he didn’t say anything, but comparing the ‘indifference’ before and the ‘joyful smile’ at the moment, one can know his true evaluation. Tao Ran turned his head, and the first thing he saw was An Yinong, and his thumbs up.

  “Can I ask a question?” Yingqing came up from the side.

  “En.” Tao Ran nodded.

  “Should passerby characters be represented? Compared to other supporting roles with names and surnames, this character didn’t even have a name, and he didn’t appear for more than ten seconds.”

  “This is the first role I received,” Tao Ran recalled when he first stepped into the set. “To a certain extent, my acting career started with this role, and it started well and ended well.”

  The host felt that the idiom “beginning well and ending well” was a little problematic, but the doubt was only fleeting: “You must have practiced for a long time.”

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  Tao Ran nodded, but he didn’t mean to say more. The efforts he had made for it were all due and insignificant in his own opinion. Time was limited, and he bowed once more before exiting.

  When Tao Ran stepped down, An Yinong handed him a tissue: “Here.”

  Tao Ran grabbed the tissue, his eyes were reddened by the pain and unwillingness hidden in his heart. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to An Yinong, but in the end he just patted him on the shoulder: “You also have to work hard.”

  The audience didn’t know the interaction of the guests in the corner, they were still discussing the clip just now.

  “After today, I don’t know how many people will remember this young actor.” The industry insiders mixed in with the audience remembered the name, Tao Ran.

  The size of the character was not important, but whether you use it carefully or not was very important.

  The third guest performer was Jin Zhe. He was self-aware. He knew that his acting skills were not good enough, and he was making a fool of himself when he came up. He simply sang the debut song of the boy group back then. How was the singing? He didn’t go out of tune, and didn’t forget the words, it was not bad.

  “Our elder brother dances better, and he hasn’t sung for two or three years, so he has regressed.”

  The host Yingqing came up with a microphone: “In your opinion if you can only choose either singer and actor, who would you be?”

  Jin Zhe was silent for a while: “Singer.”

  The host probably understood, and the audience also understood that the monetization ability of the music industry was not as strong as that of the film and television industry: “I hope you can find a path that suits you in the future.”

  Jin Zhe was still a little ashamed, so he withdrew after saying a few words, leaving the stage to the last guest – Ke Yinong.

  “I heard that Ke Yinong had undergone two operations, can he still sing?” In the darkness, the auditorium was also whispering.

  A beam of light hit the middle of the stage and the man in the middle, and the auditorium suddenly fell silent. An Yinong stretched out his hand and held the microphone.

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