“…..I feel like a fool.”

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Luon did not miss the sight of the ponytailed eyes staring at the necklace, gleaming with lust for a moment.

From his past experiences he knew better than anyone what people with those eyes could do.

For a brief moment, the eyes of the two entangled in the air. The moment Luon slowly brought his hand under the table towards the sword handle in the strange atmosphere.

“Now, did you say that you killed the banshee?”

The innkeeper ran over with a gasp. He was in such a hurry that he didn’t even realize he had a dry towel and a glass of beer in his hands.

“You must have been very lucky, customer, yes!”

Luon returned his hand to its original position as the strange atmosphere was evoked by the unexpected appearance of the owner.

The owner, who had no idea what kind of situation he had barged in, asked in an excited voice.

“Did you run into it last night?”


“Can you tell me how you killed it?”

“Cut it down with a sword.”

The ponytail, who had been silently watching the conversation between the owner and Luon, stood up from his seat.

“Congratulations. The reward seems to be quite high, but since you are going to swallow it alone, it’ll taste great. Okay. Enjoy the rest of your meal.”

The ponytail returned to his companions and said some words.

“See you again.”

Luon answered wistfully.

“Is that so?”

Ponytail and his party immediately left the inn since there was no reason to stay any longer. Noticing what kind of conversation they had, they left through the door and threw sharp glances at Luon.

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Luon, who finished his meal calmly as if nothing happened, went straight to his room and fell into a deep sleep.



The tendons on Luon’s forehead stood out. When his muscular arm lifted the rock that was blocking the drainage channel, he heard someone exclaim “Wow!” around him.

An old man with sparse age spots approached him, wiping his dirty hands.

“Oh my God, it is said that a strong warrior does the work of ten men. You are just that.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

Without minding anyone the old man laughed happily. In his view, Luon was a rare young man with both humility and skills.

“Did you say you were leaving today? Hobson seemed very disappointed.”

“I have been around for a longer time because of that man’s pie. I have to go now.”

Luon answered, gently pulling away the clinging children.

“I see. Thank you for everything.”

“Well Then.”

After bowing his head briefly, Luon walked towards the inn. As he opened the door, he saw Hobson putting down the pie and milk with a smile.

“Listen. I took special care of it because it was your last.”

Luon looked at the deliciously baked pie. He ate all week, but still couldn’t get enough of it. This pie was also the last one for today. It was a little disappointing.

It has been a week since he had breakfast in this small town where he had no intention of staying for more than a day. It was no exaggeration to say that more than half of the reasons were due to the pie in front of him.

“Did you really not add any drugs?”

Hobson chuckled when Luon asked.

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“Did you know that it’s already the third time that you’ve asked about it?”

“Because it’s just as addictive as a real drug.”

“Haha, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

Hobson, who was sitting across from Luon, looked at Luon, who finished the pie in an instant, with satisfaction and asked.

“Isn’t it too early to leave?”

“A week for travellers is like a month for ordinary people. I’ve been around for a long time.”

Hobson, who had been silent for a while at Luon’s answer, slowly opened his mouth.

“Thank you. We are all relieved thanks to you for slaying the banshee. Now that there’s no reason to hide the kids in the house before the sun sets, it’s going to be noisy until quite late. That’s not all. I’m really grateful for the big and small things that you’ve helped in the town with.”

Luon shook his head at Hobson’s words.

“No, I did it for my own safety. I helped the village because I felt sorry for eating such a delicious pie for free every day. That’s all.”

The banshee that Luon killed a week ago was a notorious monster that had roamed the forest for quite some time and attacked nearby residents, and it was also the same banshee who brutally ripped and killed Hobson’s son, a hunter.

Luon looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He was well aware that this skillful cook saw him as a benefactor for avenging his son.

That’s why Luon drew the line even more clearly. He didn’t want to be treated like a hero through a monster he accidentally killed. Instead, he replaced the free pies and lodging costs with dedication to the small town. The past week was Luon’s own consideration for Hobson to ease his burden, and leaving was because he thought it was enough now.

“I’m treating my benefactor, and this pie is nothing.”

“What benefactor? I’ll get a hefty amount of reward anyway. That’s my compensation.”

After speaking, Luon got up from his seat. After checking his condition for a moment, he extended his hand to Hobson.

“Thank you for the delicious pie. I think I’ll remember it often.”

“Goodbye. Luon.”

Hobson grabbed Luon’s hand.

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Luon turned around for a moment and captured the sight of the village moving away. A town with an amazingly delicious pie. A village with people who do not hide their gratitude for even some small help. It was a place to keep as a good memory.

It was a group of men who stood in the way of Luon, who was rushing his steps. A familiar face stepped forward. It was the ponytailed man he met at the inn.

“It was so hard for you to come out… I thought you were going to settle down in the village.”

“Because Hobson’s Strawberry pie is delicious.”

It’s funny that his hair wiggled after hearing him.

“Is it? Anyway, I’m glad. If you didn’t show up today, I was going to break into the inn.”

“Why? Did you have something new to propose?”

The man shook at Luon’s blunt words.

“I have a proposition. If you cooperate, it will be very easy.”

Before he knew it, the ponytail was lowering his body. Is he?

As the ponytail raised his hand, the people standing behind raised their weapons at once.

“Just drop the necklace and go. Then I will spare your life.”

‘What? I expected it, but it’s a very childish line.’

Without hearing Luon’s answer, the men gradually narrowed the distance. Judging by their vicious looks, it didn’t look like he was going to be let off simply because he gave them the necklace.

Luon smirked at the sight.

Yeah. It was so sentimental. This is the world we live in. A damn world that wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone for a few pennies.

Luon put his hand in his arms. Luon gently reached out his arms as the ponytail, who thought he was taking out the necklace, grinned meanly. A dagger that was shot along the trajectory was buried deep in the neck of the largest man standing at the front.


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The large man’s eyes turned white, and he fell stiffly to the side. It took less than a few seconds until the movement of the big man, who was shaking as if he had been struck by lightning, stopped completely. Luon said coolly to the men who were hardened by the sudden development.

“If you leave now, I will spare the rest of you.”

As if those words had touched his self-esteem, the ponytail shrieked in a convulsive manner.

“Shit, damn it. Kill him!”

At the call, two men came running from both sides of Luon. It was not an organized movement, but reflexive according to the command.

Luon greeted them with a gentle turn of the wrist.

Avoiding the sword from the left, his fist broke the opponent’s neck. In the meantime, the other hand pulled a sword from his waist and cut the man’s chest running from the right.

In an instant, two people fell to the floor. Only then, realizing that something had gone wrong, the ponytail pushed his only remaining subordinate at Luon and began to run away.


The subordinate stabbed the spear with a scream that he did not know whether it was a scream or shout. After lightly blocking the attack, Luon blew the subordinate’s neck and looked at the man who was moving away.

He didn’t bother to go after him. Luon, who grabbed the bow from behind, put the arrow on the bowstring and pulled his arm back without hesitation. A momentary concentration. The finger holding the tip of the arrow opened slightly.


The man’s head exploded with the sound of watermelon bursting.

Turning his head, Luon stabbed his sword into the hearts of those who were still breathing. It took less than a minute for the quiet forest road to fill with the smell of blood.

Although he killed five, the experience gained by killing them was far below the level of the previous Banshee.

‘Shit, even in the midst of this, I’m checking my experience points.’

A self-sacrificing smile descended on Luon’s lips as he looked at the road that had been strewn with corpses.

It was hard to think of a 26-year-old college student checking his experience even after killing a person, but Luon didn’t want to make a fuss. He is just living through the day in this damn game.

Luon threw away the creeping thoughts and rummaged through the arms of the fallen bodies. There was no sense of shame.

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