Derakal also giggled and then said,

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[I’ve felt it for a long time, but the Devil is really not like a Devil. Other humans are plain, so why is the warrior so special?]


I will have to explain the original game, so that’s too complicated. Instead, I just threw something out there.

“He is handsome.”


Ah, my eardrums. When I said that, Tina began to cry again.

“You’ve never said this about another person… you didn’t say…”

“That’s because there’s no good-looking guy around.”

“Men are all wolves!”

Tina’s remark silenced her for a moment, and Derakal slowly opened his mouth.

[…I’m a jaguar.]

“Be quiet, puppies.”

[Technically speaking, a cat would… eup.]

Derakal quickly stopped talking when he noticed Tina’s visibly cold expression. During this, Deran came to his senses and spoke.

[Then what’s the good opportunity you’re talking about?]


I mumbled softly.

“… Persuasion?”

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[What kind of persuasion?]

“Don’t come to the Devil’s Castle…”



[…He won’t really come in.]

Sagna’s sarcastic remark chilled the air.

What, why, what.

Why is everyone looking at me like that? Why are they sighing?



In the end, everyone reluctantly nodded to my plan. Tina had a really hateful look, but she eventually nodded and said ‘Yeah. I’m no longer a child anymore… so I can’t whine’. She smiled, but she was still a child in my eyes.

“Wait. You have to reveal your business from here. What brings you to the lord’s castle?”

When I reached the gate, the guards blocked me.


I pulled out the letter of recommendation from Haron to the security guard. When the soldier saw the red letter, he shuddered and ran to the other guard next to him. They whispered among themselves, so I couldn’t hear anything. But I could feel their wary glances.

What kind of recommendation letter did they think this was? After their long conversation, they walked towards me and bowed slightly.

“I’ll show you around.”

“Oh… yes.”

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He just doesn’t want me to go in alone. I’m not naïve to think ‘Oh, he’s so kind to show me around’.

The guard was very rigid considering the way he’s treating a maid who came with a recommendation letter. It was also a little weird where he’s taking me. We were climbing a very high and luxurious staircase towards the center of the castle.

“Excuse me, may I ask where we’re going?”

“You’ll find out in a little bit.”

He didn’t give me a clear answer. As I pretended to follow him, I was memorizing the geography in here. The lord’s castle was not very spacious inside, but the hallways were quite complicated. Before I knew it, we were in front of a very luxurious door. This was probably an important room.

Chief of the knights? Or…

“We’re here.”

The guard stood in front of the door and pointed his hand there as if saying I should go inside. I guess he won’t mind if I just go in then. I hesitated for a while and then put my hand on the doorknob.

“Wait a minute.”

Someone grabbed my hand.

“Don’t go in.”


It was a familiar voice, and I immediately turned my head.


“Really… I’m glad you’re here.”

He blushed slightly and gave a clear smile. The guard beside me showed a sign of embarrassment as his sudden appearance. Haron looked at the guard with a cold look.

“When the person with the recommendation letter arrived, I was told to bring that person in.”

The tone was cold, and his words had brutal energy. I thought he was just gentle, but he is a warrior, and he has different attitudes. I thought leisurely in the meantime. The guard, who was directly threatened, did not seem to be able to relax.

“Well, that, so…. Oh, my lord…!”

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“The lord? Didn’t I tell you to bring the person to me first with the recommendation letter?”

“Ah… so…”

The guard couldn’t answer properly and mumbled. Now that I see it, I think the room that I almost entered was the lord’s room. He called me because he probably thought I was a close friend of the warrior.

For Haron, it was unpleasant enough that he tried to steal his guest first.

“Why aren’t you answering?”

“Oh… No! I don’t think…”

The guard looks like he’s about to collapse and cry. I can’t really do anything. Haron, who was looking at the guard with cold eyes, whispered in my ear in a sweet voice.

“Was he being rude to you?”

“Um… not really.”

The guard was wary of me like I was a strange monster, but he was afraid to disobey the lord’s orders, so I could understand. When Haron heard me, he smiled as if saying he was glad.

“…It would’ve been easier.”

…I decided to pretend I didn’t hear him. Haron stared at the guard and then sent him down. I’m not sure what happened afterwards.

“I’m sorry. I almost made it worse because of the recommendation letter.”

With only the two of us left, he shook his head as if thinking he caused me damage. I’ve felt it since last time too, but he always blames himself for my problems. I couldn’t tell if it was a normal warrior responsibility, or he’s got some trauma left behind in the process.

“You don’t need to be sorry. It’s not your fault.”


“The lord was just the middleman.”

I turned around, but I still felt my hands were warm. Come think of it, my hand was still being held by him. He should let go first since he was only stopping me from doing something, but he seemed to have no intention of doing so and blushed.

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“…The hallways here are a bit complicated.”

He said as if trying to convince me the reason why he won’t let go, and then guided me to his room. Unlike the lord’s room, which was decorated splendidly, the warrior’s room looked more plain. It’s not that it looks old or anything, but anyone who passes by wouldn’t dare guess that this was the warrior’s residence.

It was just a normal bed, sofa, and desk for work. There’s also a small pot by the window. If it weren’t for the famous sword lying on the table, it would’ve been hard to differentiate between this and a common village inn.

“There’s not much to do, and I’ve told the lord already. You don’t have to do anything other than my room.”

“Oh, thank you.”

As soon as I answered, I glanced down at my hands. He was surprised and then let go of me quickly.

“I apologize if I had offended you.”

“It wasn’t unpleasant. It’s okay.”

Haron’s face, which had been restless, brightened at my words. Seeing his expression changing every moment, I thought of Tina. I can’t tell if there’s a similarity between the princess and the warrior or all humans have a variety of expressions. Either way, I don’t hate it.


He said I won’t be doing anything big. Really, I had nothing to do. Every time I tried to do something, Haron came and dissuaded me.

“You don’t need to clean here.”

“If you touch that, your hands will get damaged. Let me take care of it.”

“Oh, that’s heavy. I can move it for you so you can sit comfortably.”

…Who the hell is the maid and who’s the warrior?

I had no other place to go considering I’m Haron’s exclusive maid. All I did was go to work, think about what good snacks there are today, eat them, and leave work.

“…I’m in trouble.”

I murmured softly as Haron worked on paperwork over by his desk.

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