The lord, who was troubled, finally opened his mouth after a while.

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“…Go tell the warrior. I’ll move his room.”


“I’ll give him a much bigger and better room than now, so tell him to move to the nearest room that’s next to mine!”

The lord slammed the desk.

“I… My lord.”

The aid flinched as the lord turned around with an irritated face.

“It is said that Altor (t/n: In case you don’t remember, he’s the restaurant owner where Tina and Lucia go there to eat a lot) started to trade the Mahone Stones a while ago. It should arrive at the castle in a few days.”

“Oh, really?”

At that news, the lord’s face which was crushed suddenly brightened. That was the most important and joyous information to him for now.

‘If this deal ends well, the Altor family will begin to pay attention to me.’

Then his life at the country estate will end. If everything goes well, he may even be able to go to the capital and become a central nobleman. The lord was filled with such dreams. (t/n: nah I hope you rot in hell.)

“You know this deal is very important, right?”


“Then risk your life to protect the Mahone Stones. If anything unexpected happens…”

The lord continued to talk in a fit of excitement.

“It will be death penalty to whoever tries to take it away.”


(Lucia’s pov)

“This is the cake… is it?”

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I put the cake on the table with a slight smile. The shape of it was very ugly compared to the other tarts that were served as snacks. However, I wanted him to try the cake that Tina had bought. I feel like I was sitting and talking about Tina all day long, but Haron only nodded and lifted his head, showing no signs of getting tired from it.

“I’ve felt it before, but you really care for your sister.”

“Because she’s cute.”

Whenever I talked about Tina, I laughed. I hope everyone in the world knows her cuteness. Although it was ironic that her first target was the warrior since he should’ve fell in love with her.

Haron then took a bite of the cake with a fork.

“It’s good isn’t it? It’s a bit messy on the outside, but it still tastes the same.”

Haron closed his eyes and smiled softly. It was a pretty smile, but it also felt tired. I guess I’m talking too much in front of a busy person. I then closed my mouth, which has been blabbing.

“What’s wrong all of the sudden?”

“I think I’m talking too much. You look tired.”

Haron shook his head in a hurry. The movement was so quick the table shook for a moment.

“I’m tired, but it’s for another reason…”

Excuses came out of his mouth and I glanced at him perplexed.

“Do you happen to stay up all night working these days?”

“That, how do you know?”

“It’s obvious. You have black circles under your eyes every morning.”

His skin was white, which made it even more obvious.

“Is there really that much work? Enough to stay up all night?”

“There was originally only a small amount, but that didn’t mean the work load won’t increase. Recently, I couldn’t work during the day, so I stayed up all night and caused you trouble. I’m sorry.”

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“I don’t think you should apologize to a maid.”

“Oh, I’m sorry… er.”

Haron quickly covered his mouth with his hand. I wondered if any other silly owner and their arrogant maid have conversations like this.

I turned my head and looked at the pile of documents on his desk. If you’re a warrior, shouldn’t you just fight well? Of course, there might be many papers he needs to see for himself, but the lord might’ve secretly mixed in some others while forcing him to complete it all.

When I was watching him before, I said ‘oh my, why are all of these in here?’. Haron apparently knew about it but didn’t say anything for some reason. He just seemed a little resigned. Looking at his gentle eyes, I tilted my head slightly.

‘Even though he is a duke’s son.”

He was forced to do a lot of work because of his high position, but he always accepts it without being annoyed. Occasionally, when that does happen, he would just give them a cold look.

“But Mr. Haron.”


“You’re not working this afternoon.”


Haron looked down at his teacup.

Come think of it, at first, he was very busy because of the high work loads, but these days, he’s had more free time. Wait, is he really free or is he just neglecting his work? The only thing he did today besides a short trip to the training ground was to sit down and chat with me.

He seemed busier following me around and watching me than doing his own things.

I glanced at him with my arms folded.

“There’s a pile of work to do today.”


“You’re not doing it now, but you’re going to stay up all night doing it? This is why you’re tired.”

If you’re not going to do it, then don’t do it at all. I want to take all of the documents away from him. If there was a problem that the lord has to deal with, it’s his fault since he’s the one who mixed up Haron’s papers.

I suddenly got curious as I was drinking the juice. Haron doesn’t seem like a lazy person, so why does he put off his work like that?

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“Why do you stay up all night? Can’t you work on some of that stuff during the day?”


“Is there any special reason you can’t work on it during the day?”

“Special reason…”

His deep purple eyes stared at me without giving an answer. Even though I urged, he just sighed.

“Anyways, let’s make sure you work during the day and sleep at night.”


“I’ll be watching from the side.”

I spoke in a determined voice.

The warrior listened to me and headed straight to his desk, but a few minutes later, he sighed loudly.

“Are you really… going to watch?”


I replied while facing him. I sat on the chair right next to his desk.

“I… feel like I’m in trouble.”

“It’s okay. I won’t know what’s important even if I attempted to look at the classified documents.”

“I didn’t mean that.”

Haron fiddled with the pen in his hand. He agonized for a while and eventually started working. The papers started moving as his pen moved smoothly. I glanced and watched him work. Whenever he felt my curious gaze, he would flinch and stop moving for a moment. Sometimes he would even sigh.

Do you hate working like this?

I was thinking about just letting him go, but I shook my head. If I did that, then he won’t sleep well for the next couple of days. It’s better to make him work hard now so he can rest at night.

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I glanced at him as if I were a watchman, and after some time, I just started staring at the side of his desk.

When I first came into the game, I thought it was unfair that I’m in this RPG game instead of a harem-role game. But now, I don’t have that thought anymore.

I noticed that whenever he lowered his eyes, he had quite long eyelashes. Underneath that, he had a clear amethyst-like pupil. It’s amazing how this is the main character. While I was appreciating his eyes, someone knocked on the door senselessly.

“Sir, would you excuse me for a moment?”

It was my first time hearing that voice. But as soon as Haron heard it, he grabbed my arm and pulled me under the desk to hide. Ever since I’ve been here, he has refused to show me in front of the lord’s people. I didn’t want to stand out either, so I crouched down fast and hid. It wasn’t until I was completely out of sight when Haron allowed the man to enter.

“What brings you to my room?”

“Oh… that…”

“Stop glancing around and just say it, or are you looking for something?”

“Well, that can’t be true.”

I heard the voice of another person respond in a hurry. Feeling frustrated since I can’t see anything, I peeked out through the crack under the desk. There was a bearded man coughing in vain.

“But I don’t see the maid in charge of this room…”

“I’ll take care of my maid, so please don’t pay attention to that and just tell me what you’re doing here.”

The man looked embarrassed by Haron’s words. He seemed to be surprised at the way he spoke. To hide his look, he coughed twice before bringing up his original business.

“I’d like you to move to a different room.”

“Now? Do I have to?”

“Yes. You’re the warrior, and your room right now is too small.”

He accented the word ‘warrior’. Haron must have felt it, for the corner of his eye twitched.

He’s definitely a good talker, for I would’ve given Haron a good room from the beginning, not now. I snorted inwardly.

“I don’t need it.”

Haron shook his head immediately.

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