(3rd person pov)

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“The Duke came himself?” Carl asked.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Sheesh. What’s so good about him that he had to go all the way from the Duchy just to see him?”

Carl grunted while leaning against the back of his carriage. He was almost one step ahead of the Duke and was on his way out of the manor.

Carl never thought that the Duke would come down here using the wizards from the tower.

If he hadn’t planted an insider at the tower in advance, he’d be in quite a bit of trouble from the Duke. Like what happened to the lord.

‘It’s definitely worth the money.’ Carl thought.

Carl flicked his tongue while looking at the crystal ball in his hand.

This transparent crystal ball was a magical item called a communication tool developed by Matop, and it was a very useful invention.

(t/n: Matop is what the wizards called their organization.)

To be able to communicate with anyone from a distant place real-time just by showing his face in front of the crystal ball.

Although it’s an excellent product, once it’s used, it completely consumes a lot of mana and has to be recharged afterward; and the materials to make it are very rare, so there were only a few Matop wizards who had it and it was not recommended to be commercialized.

It was only given to VIP customers and used for their communication.

Carl is one of the most important clients that the Matop had.

He was a man who spent hundreds of gold every month to support them. And of course, the wizards value money more than status or fame.

“In the future, if there’s anything that the Duke requested from the Matop, report it to me first. Especially if it’s related to the warrior.”

“Okay, got it.”

After saying that, the light in the communication tool went out. Carl unthinkably untied his cravat.

His assistant next to him opened his mouth cautiously.

“Would that be alright, my lord?”

“What is it?” Carl asked.

“If the lord or the warrior ever brings out the story of the burglar…”

“Ha, that wouldn’t happen.”

A smile spread across Carl’s face.

He had already shut the mouth of the lord about what happened on his estate last time.

If things get bigger, the lord will definitely be quiet because Carl has made it clear to never mention his name, and that he will help him with anything that he needed in the future.

And there’s no question on Haron’s side because he will definitely cover up the maid’s crime.

“On second thought, I think it’s funny. I should’ve seen that maid’s face.”

“I have told the Matop’s to insinuate the maid’s personal information to Duke Blake.” The assistant said.

“Really? Good job.” Carl was happy to hear it.

Now Duke Blake will be more interested in controlling Haron by using the maid rather than knowing what went behind the incident.

It’s a pity that he couldn’t make a good deal after coming all this way, but considering the rumors about the warrior spreading outside, he felt pretty good.

“Get on with it.”

Carl looked out the window leisurely.


“You’re here.”

Lucia guided the Duke to one of the VIP rooms.

“Would you like to take a rest first? If that’s the case, then I would inform the Lord not to disturb you.”

The Duke looked at Lucia as if analyzing her, seeing how capable she is as she already knows what to do next even without telling her. And the way she looked at Duke Blake without any fear made the Duke wonder.

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‘I guess she has the eyes to see people.’ Duke Blake thought.

Her attitude, which was a lot different from what he thought, made him quite satisfied.

It was yet to be reported that she had rejected his offer, but during their conversation, the Duke was able to guess it from the way Lucia acted around him.

He had hoped that Lucia didn’t take his proposal lightly.

“Then I’ll go back now. You can call me when you need anything.”

Lucia then turned around and walked herself out of the room.

“Are you going to see him?” Duke Blake suddenly asked.

His follow-up question made Lucia stop in her tracks, she slowly turned around and faced the Duke.

He momentarily felt the intense gaze from her red eyes. Duke Blake, who’s known for the famous warrior in the kingdom, was now shaking on his knees.

He felt like choking just by looking through her eyes.

“If you have nothing more to say, I will take my leave now,” Lucia said.

“Yes, do that.”

The Duke’s calculations about Lucia are faster than other people’s.

That’s a very poisonous flower.

Anyone who tries to know her will be deceived by her innocent looks. She’s no doubt a real beauty, a strange personality, and a mysterious aura.

Those who become addicted will sink and won’t be able to get out.
(t/n: to be honest I’m not sure why he’s describing her like this. )

Everybody is just the same, once you’ve had a taste of that poison, you’ll be addicted until you go crazy.

It was a shame that she was born to become a maid. If Lucia was a noble, she would definitely play the hearts of those small noblemen within her hands.

The Duke, who was merely trying to see Lucia as a means of controlling the warrior, quickly changed his mind.

For that reason, Lucia will be considered as a threat to him if she’ll be staying close to the warrior.

At first, the Duke decided to have her on his side, but after today, he decided not to.

He didn’t want a dangerous snake to bite him afterwards


As soon as Lucia finished talking to the Duke, she went over towards Haron’s room.

She was so upset that Haron, who was innocent, took the punishment for what she had done.

“Haron,” Lucia whispered.

Haron was already taking a rest after the treatment while she was still with the Duke. Lucia tiptoed inside the dark room.

Haron was laying down on the bed.


Haron felt her presence, he called her name in a hazy tone. His eyes seemed to drop down soon.

“What happened?” Lucia asked.

Haron hurriedly pulled her hand towards him as she tried to reach out to wipe away his sweat.

“Ahm… Haron?”

While holding her hands, Haron started rubbing his face then he suddenly changed into a desperate persona and started kissing her hands so desperately.

“Oh my, warrior. Please wait a second…” Lucia said.

“Please, please.” Haron pleaded.

He looked insane. Haron showed signs of a person that was intoxicated by drugs, it must be the medicine that was given to him for his wounds.

His face was red, and his eyes were rolled up, Haron seemed to be struggling between his dreams and reality. But he managed to stop himself from kissing Lucia’s hand.

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“…I’m sorry.”

Haron didn’t forget to say how sorry he was, even if he’s struggling from his illusion.

“I-It’s because of my greed. I shouldn’t have done that, because I wanted you to stay by my side, and now because of that I’ve made Lucia’s life in danger.”

Haron’s voice cracked, while tears ran down from his face.

He was a man who didn’t show tears when he was left alone in the forest, or when he struggled to death by the pain from his wounds.

Then Lucia carefully wiped his tears with her fingertips.

Haron’s face was extremely hot from the side effect of the drug, and suddenly, he pulled up her hands again and buried his face in them.

His hands were trembling while holding hers. It was like a baby keeping a hold of his mother’s touch.

“Don’t worry. I won’t leave you, I’ll be staying by your side.” Lucia said calmly.


The answer, which came out in his quivering voice, was unexpectedly a no.

“It’s okay to leave Lucia, you don’t have to pity me. I’ll be okay.” Haron whispered.


“I won’t resent you. I won’t hold onto you as well.” Haron continuously said

Lucia bites her lips.

How could Lucia believe those words, when he looks like he’s about to cry.

After that, Haron was intoxicated because of his high fever and the medicine. He fell asleep right away and Lucia stayed by his side.


Lucia called him softly, to see if he’s still awake. She wanted to make sure that he was already asleep.

“Actually, I’m a little scared,” Lucia whispered.

The sound of Haron’s breathing echoes inside the room.

“Is it alright for me not to kill you?”

She wiped his forehead with a dry towel. She felt rage on one side of her when she saw him bleeding out and being carried away by the soldiers.

Lucia felt sorry for him for taking the fault for her sins, but then she was furious as well because of the Duke.

But at the same time, she also thought about it.

‘What qualification do I have?’

Technically speaking, Lucia is also deceiving the warrior, she’s much more dangerous than the Duke.

If the time comes that Haron discovered her true identity, she might even try to kill him.

“I don’t know if you were better off without me,” Lucia whispered.

If everything is just the same as the RPG.

Since the Demon King was originally a bad guy and was defeated by the warrior, the warrior will be married to the Princess and they will live happily ever after.

That might have been the best ending for Haron.

Lucia looked at him and buried her face by the bedside.

She hoped that he doesn’t get hurt too much on the day he finds out who she really was.

It was only her selfish thoughts.


(Lucia’s pov)

The warrior’s body was really resilient.

He was able to recover faster, unlike me who has the devil’s body, which is not as resilient as Haron.

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I couldn’t forget it when blood spilled from his wounds all over his body. Some were just minor abrasions while the rest were deep wounds. Yet, he’s still able to recover in just a day.

“I don’t know if I can say this to you Haron…”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“Maybe your body has a healing potion instead of blood.”

I talked to him while applying medicine to those small wounds that were not treated. Even though it didn’t need it, I still wanted to make sure that no scars are left.

“Since I was a child, I’ve had a body that recovers quickly. So, when I was in the nursery, I often heard that I was like a monster.”

He said it as if he’s contagious or something.

There was a bitterness mixed in Haron’s words while he smiled and spoke softly.

It didn’t make sense, there’s no such thing as a handsome monster.

I finally wiped off the blood from his wounds and finished the treatment.

“It’s done,” I said.

“Thank you.”

It was my usual routine, however, there was a strange feeling of awkwardness flowing between us.

We didn’t ask about anything that was related to what happened yesterday.

I talked to him first while I organized the items that I used to treat him.

“Oh, the lord came to your room this morning.”

“…What did he say?” Haron asked.

“He has already resolved the problem, so you don’t have to worry. He also said that he’ll take action so that the bad rumors wouldn’t spread anymore.”

The lord looked so pale in just a day.

He looked so haggard that he had bags under his eyes, he even lost a lot of weight, but even so, he didn’t look sad at all.

He must’ve been involved in what happened yesterday. That’s why he became like that in front of the Duke.

Maybe he was nervous because things got bigger than he thought.

“The Duke must have used his methods. In just a day, all of this happens…”

Haron’s expression darkened when Lucia mentioned the Duke. While looking far away in deep thoughts, he then suddenly looked at Lucia.

“You know what, Miss Lucia?”


“Oh…it’s nothing.” Haron suddenly said.

He bit his lips while trying to prevent himself from continuing whatever he wants to say.


“Yes, Lucia?”

“There are two ways to make a person angry. The first one is to stop talking…”

“I see, I’m sorry.”

“…And the second one is always saying sorry to your maid.”

Lucia crossed her arms and glared at him. Haron laughed lowly while looking at Lucia.

“Don’t worry Lucia, I’ll be self-reflecting.”

He replied with a smile, and got up from his seat, he then started picking up his things.

“I received a new mission from the Duke yesterday.”

Most of his things were very basic items, such as swords and clothes. But for him, his greatest luxury was his sword since he was not interested in anything else.

As soon as I had possessed the devil’s body, the first thing I did was stashing away the devil’s money.

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“It may not be tomorrow, but I’ll be leaving for a very difficult task. I may not be able to go back right away.”

“What? You can’t even refuse, can you? And you’re not even well yet.”

Haron suddenly looked into Lucia’s eyes. And then their eyes met for a brief moment.

The answer, which she thought would come, was unexpectedly answered with silence.

“I don’t think it’s possible for me to refuse.” Haron’s voice lowered.

‘I’m sure you can go through with it. For the meantime let me do my part for what you have paid me for.’ I thought.

“What kind of mission is this…?”

With a knowing smile, Haron continued to organize his things.

Now that I look at it, it seems like he wasn’t just organizing his stuff, but rather putting all of his things into his luggage. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to leave any traces of himself.

‘What? Why aren’t you talking to me?’ I wondered.

Somehow, I felt uneasy through my chest. I suddenly grabbed his arm as he organized his luggage.

“What kind of mission is it? Can’t you even tell me the details?”

“Even if I don’t tell you, you’ll know soon…”

‘I’ll find out? That means it’s a huge mission. What the hell is it?’

Meanwhile, Haron continued to organize his luggage one by one.

As I looked at him, I suddenly spilled out impulsively.

“Can I wait?”

It was so sudden.

My mouth moved faster than my head.

“I know you’ll be back. That’s why I’ll wait for you.”


Haron looked blankly at Lucia.

“I’m sorry if it’s over the top. But right now…”


He breathed a sigh of relief.

“…How could I refuse when you said it like that?” Haron said while smiling.

Throwing away everything he was holding, he quickly approached me.

Haron’s blushing face suddenly began to distort little by little.

“You know. What if, what if.”


“When I return after completing my mission safely, then…town.”

“Wait a minute.”

I suddenly put my finger on Haron’s lips.

Perhaps it was unexpected, for his breath suddenly stopped and his body became stiff.

“I don’t know what it is, but why are you setting up the flag in advance?”


His eyes were baffled at the sudden words that he heard. I quickly added the following words to quickly cover up what I unintentionally blurted out.

“I know that you can do it. Since you are the warrior, you can accomplish any mission.”

I’ll be waiting, so please tell me next time, the story of your mission.

I smiled with my eyes slightly closed.

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