“Oh my gosh! This is so delicious!”

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Tina said as she moved her spoon with a big smile on her face. I think she liked not only the chicken but also other dishes too.

“Tina, is it good?”

“Yes! I love it!”

Her immediate answer made me smile without realizing it.

“Tina, Lucia. Long time no see!”

“Hello, Mr. Allon!”

The owner of the restaurant and Tina greeted each other. My name is Lucia. Originally, the name of the Devil was Ludelikfronen Eberac Pl… it was too long and it was shortened to just “Lu”. I changed it to Lucia by combining it with my original name: Sia.

“Just call me old man. Tina, you’re so polite.”

“He-he. I think Allon’s food is very delicious! You’re the world’s best cook!”

Tina’s smile made everyone else in the restaurant smile. Since this is the closest area to the Devil’s Castle, we often come down here. As a result, people here knew Tina, and whenever she came, everyone would be happy since they all love her.

“Tina, have this. It’s on me.”

“Here’s a special drink from that table over there.”

“Make sure you eat a lot!”

People in the restaurant, especially men with flushed cheeks, began to buy us all kinds of food. All we ordered was grilled butter potatoes, chicken, and soup. But before we knew it, the table was filled with all other kinds of foods. Rather than simply receiving free stuff, it felt nice that Tina was loved by people.

“Everyone really cares about you.”


“Look, everyone likes you and brought you this and that. Right?”


Tina looked back and forth between the food and me, then she let out a smile.

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“…I don’t think it’s just because of me.”

“Huh? Tina, what?”

“It’s nothing. Devil… no, Lucia.”

Tina’s face turned dark. She clenched my hands and said in a serious tone.

“Men are all wolves.”


“Just because someone brought you food doesn’t make them a good person. Okay?”


I stared blankly at her words. Regardless of my response, she continued sternly.

“I will never let anyone take Lucia away from me.”

“Tina… I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“I will lock him up all day and sing him a song of destruction!” (Tina’s powers come from her singing.)

“Now wait a minute. You’re not doing that!”

Her will continued to flare up at my dissuasion. At this point, I think I need to seriously reevaluate my parenting method that I had used for the past 10 years.


After a hearty meal, we went out to buy some necessities. As the sunset approached, the area around the pub which was originally loud became noisier than usual.

“It’s so loud. Did something happen?”

“Well, maybe someone tried running away without paying for their drink or something. Let’s not get involved and just go back.”


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I took Tina’s hand and walked.

“I’m saying a warrior is coming to this town!”

That sentence made me stop.


I naturally turned my head at the noises. There were already a few drunken soldiers wandering around the bar.

“Are you sure that’s true?”

“One of my friends that works in the castle told me a warrior has arrived!”

“Well, this is the closest place to the Fortress. He’s here to save Princess Christina.”

The men shouted loudly. Tina, who was next to them, also flinched at the words ‘Princess Christina’ that came out of their mouths.


“It’s okay Tina. No one knows your face because you have grown. Plus, the warrior is on your side so he won’t hurt you.”


“Should we postpone shopping until later? I think I need to go back today.”

I grabbed Tina’s hand and walked. I said the words calmly but I was a little nervous.

‘The warrior came earlier than I thought.’

Originally, the warrior came after Tina turned sixteen, but it’s not even her birthday yet.

‘First of all, let’s go back and think about the future.’

We quickly left the village. There was a place in the forest slightly behind the village where I planted a teleportation device that connects to the Devil’s Castle so I could get there immediately.

“Lucia, if you go slower… ugh!”

I was moving very fast because I was in a hurry while thinking about other things. Tina, who had been struggling to follow behind me while holding my hand bumped into someone in the dark forest and fell.

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“Ugh! What the hell you girls!”

At the same time, a rough voice was heard from Tina’s side. I quickly approached her and examined her condition.

“Are you alright Tina?”

“Ugh, yes. Rather…”

She got up and rubbed her hip. A group that looked like bandits were starting to fumble around us.

“Oh, you’re a beautiful lady, aren’t you?”

“Where were you going in the middle of the night, you sweet girls?”

“If you bumped into us, you should apologize right?”

The bandits made dirty jokes and swung their clubs threateningly.


“Don’t worry.”

I soothed her gently. If it had been before, I would’ve been embarrassed and scared by this situation, but not anymore.

“…Deran, Derakal.”

As I murmured quietly, the sound of growling was heard among the shadows in the forest. The bandits stopped and paid attention to the sudden growls. Everyone started to falter.

“What’s that all of the sudden?”

“Hyeok! Brother! Is there a wild animal nearby?”

“Don’t be frightened, you bastards. You all have weapons!”

One of the bandits who said that could no longer open his mouth. It was because he was attacked in an instant by a black-haired animal.

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“Argh! Argh!”

“Ah, save me…!”

The rest all ran away in fear without even thinking about fighting back. Some of them tried closing their eyes and swinging their clubs, others abandoned their colleagues and ran like crazy, but they were all bit in a flash. While Deran and Derakal were dealing with them, I covered Tina’s eyes with one hand.

“Tina, where did it hurt when you fell?’

“I just slightly sprained my ankle… but I can still walk.”

“Let’s go back and get you healed. Come on, lean on me.”

I helped her and looked around for Deran and Derakal. The forest, which had been clean until now, has become a sea of red blood.

‘I’m used to it, so I don’t care.’

I put a hand towel over Tina’s nose and mouth because she was becoming nauseous by the smell of blood. After a few minutes, Deran and Derakal came back. I reached out to pat them. But the next moment, I was blocked by a man who suddenly appeared.

“What, what is this!”

I didn’t feel any trace of a person. Where the hell did he come from? He turned his head around and looked at me while holding a silver-edged sword at Deran and Derakal.

“Are you all right?”

“… Ah.”

I immediately recognized that appearance. Bluish black hair, sharp jawline, elegant eyes, and a low voice. I didn’t recognize myself when I first got here, but there’s no way I didn’t know what he looked like.

‘… The warrior.’

He was the main character of this game.

‘Except he’s real.’

I stared blankly at his face. It was 10 years ago. The game I played 10 years ago, which I couldn’t even remember what it looked like because the illustrations were so lame. Nevertheless, he was still recognizable at the first glance.

I remember spending all my pocket money while playing him as my character. There was no known strategy in the game, so I had to figure everything out myself from start to finish. He was really an unforgettable protagonist in both a good and bad way.

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