Warui Ko no Susume

Chapter Prologue

Within the large and wide gym hall, only Kurumi’s scream could be heard.

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“I’m done trying to bottle up everything and following the orders of those adults who won’t do anything to help us!” She stomped on the ground and roared in fury.

It was a howl containing all her emotions. Matching with the vibrations this caused, the cat mask and spray can on the ground faintly shook.

“I hate you. I want to show you that our terrorism isn’t just some childish play. But at the same time, I want to save you. So, please…I hope you understand.”

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These words Kurumi uttered with a quivering voice undoubtedly were her genuine feelings.

“For your sake…For your own health, I want you to make a decision now. I beg you.”

All we want is to bring happiness. Our feelings seek to bring purity and joy.

“If not…you will die. Your vitality or heart, but nobody knows which will give in first.”

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Silence followed. Kurumi’s voice drowned out all noise usually heard around us. Ten seconds, twenty seconds pass…But no answer came. All that remained was a bitter silence filled with pressure, vaguely presenting a response of its own. At our back, we heard the creaking sound of the backdoor opening, telling us that the end had arrived. Waiting for her response was now out of the question for both Kurumi and I.

“…Let’s go, Kurumi.”

“…Yes. And…farewell.”

Using the route we had prepared, we escaped the gym hall.

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“Hey, Kurumi. You really sure this was the best option?”

Running down the path during the pungent heat, I asked Kurumi who was running ahead of me.

“I…think so, yes,” she said as she was gasping for air, but she showed a smile. “We should go back to being children. Be open about the things we dislike, clearly state what we want and don’t want to do, and punch those we can’t stand. We must become children who don’t know how to hold back and show restraint.”

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“…Yeah, you’re right.”

“Sure, she might only understand the meaning behind our words for a long time from now on…But, it will happen eventually. That’s all that matters.”

We continued to run. Kick off the ground without any clear destination. No home to return to. As the people we ran past looked at us like we were a band of monsters, I quietly prayed. Prayed that the divine punishment brought upon us, the bad end that will one day come to catch up with us…stays away for just a bit longer.

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