Chapter 11

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Translated by Wook
Edited by Wook


In the unexpected commotion, Hyun pulled his head out wondering what was going on. Wei Jeokmyung frowned, but then spoke in a soft tone as if he didn’t care.


“Don’t worry about it. Why don’t you keep eating? Isn’t it delicious?”




Nevertheless, Hyun’s gaze did not depart from there. It was because the main character of the voice pushed the waiter and strode to the place where they were. No, he came, but later stopped as Wei Jeokmyung pulled out his chopsticks and lifted them up and shot them quickly towards the person’s feet.




“If you cross that line, I will not forgive you.”


At the cool warning, the strange man, who almost had a hole in the back of his foot, flinched. After that, a few people who had gathered there also opened their eyes wide at the wooden chopsticks that were deeply stuck on the floor. Most of them were unaware that the wooden chopstick was shot by someone.


‘How could anyone have such great martial arts skills,’ they thought. Looking at his appearance, they thought of Wei Jeokmyung as a rich man, and quickly put their hands on their weapons with nervous expressions.


“I am Mok Gilchun, the 15th disciple of Jongan Clan, and I would like to ask you a favor.”


“Say it.”


“How about being generous so that us swordsmen can use one side of this floor?”


“What if I don’t feel like it?”


At Wei Jeokmyung’s answer, the swordsmen frowned. If it was a lowly swordsman, he would have given up his position after they threatened him with a little martial arts. However, their opponent was a master several ranks higher than them. Even if they attacked at once, victory could not be guaranteed.


“… Then, may I ask you a question?”


“What if I don’t feel like it too?”


The atmosphere in the place turned sharp at the disrespectful remark. Hyun swallowed dry saliva at Wei Jeokmyung’s callous attitude. ‘Why do you keep taunting them?’ Frustrated, he looked at Wei Jeokmyung with worried eyes.


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What if this becomes a fight? All the strangers had weapons, and they were large in stature and had the numbers. What if they get angry and rush in all at once? It was a thought that could be made because he did not know the weight of the name ‘Danguk’s First Sword’.


Wei Jeokmyung didn’t seem to notice Hyun’s worried gaze, and focused only on the fact that he stopped eating.


“Why don’t you eat more? It looks like you’re hungry.”


Hyun was restless at Wei Jeokmyung’s attitude of ignoring his opponent. At this point, Wei Jeokmyung’s guards should have appeared to help their master, but what are they doing? One can’t even see their shadows. Hyun himself was weak and helpless, unable to help Wei Jeokmyung. It would be lucky if he wasn’t a burden.


“Iiik! Seeing that he couldn’t reveal his affair, he must be a bastard of Sapa! Are you also aiming for the treasure of Golden Ears?”


The man who introduced himself as Mok Gilchun screamed and drew his sword, and those standing behind also drew their weapons at once. Shreung! Several swords were pointed at Wei Jeokmyung.


Hyun looked at Wei Jeokmyung with a face that was blue because of the sharp, flashing sword. At this point, he had to reveal his identity and let them back down, but Wei Jeokmyung calmly pulled Hyun into his arms. He gently caressed Hyun’s shoulders, which were trembling with fear, and said in a whisper.


“Why are you so scared? There’s nothing to worry about.”


“Looking at your lack of answers, it seems like you’re truly that!”


They exclaimed with enthusiasm, but did not rush to step forward. It was because they found it scary to make the first move towards Wei Jeokmyung. Nevertheless, their triumphant expression did not fade, because they had one thing to believe in. They didn’t dare to face the man before them, but the person who’s going to be here soon will be able to scold this guy. Because he is the greatest master and sword genius the sword has ever produced.


Wei Jeokmyung grinned as if he knew them well. At the same time, he swung his sleeve around the bowl of chopsticks lying on the table, making them float in the air. Tung- When he lightly flicked the bowl with his finger, the wooden chopsticks in it were shot in all directions.




The men swung their swords in confusion, but the result was unsatisfactory. Even if they used a clever move or sometimes raised a sword to block it, the power in the chopsticks is so great that they often dropped their weapon as it is.


“What is this!”






Mok Gilchun, who dropped his sword, tried to retreat quickly when the last chopstick shot aimed at his forehead, but it was too late. As he was wondering if his forehead could be pierced by it, someone pulled the nape of his neck back and blocked his front. Tung- A dull sound erupted from the wooden chopstick that hit the sword.


“Young Master, have mercy on your hands.”

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The people of the swordsman group gathered at the man who suddenly appeared with great remorse. He was a young man who looked like he had just turned twenty, and was a handsome man with a cool-looking face.


“I have no intention of seeing blood here either.”


At Wei Jeokmyung’s words, the young man took the initiative. He only blocked the wooden chopstick attack, and his entire palm was tingling. He was very fortunate to hear that the master in front of him said he had no intention of using any more hands in a situation where he could cause serious damage.


“Thank you for your mercy.”


“But, Senior!”


“That’s enough! Unless you want to get everyone killed, then back off. No more rude behavior.”


Everyone frowned at his resolute words and picked up their swords. They felt dissatisfied with the attitude of their senior who backed away without knowing the reason.


The man asked Wei Jeokmyung in a polite tone without hesitation.


“I am Seol Chimsin, the 9th disciple of Jongan Swordsmanship School. On behalf of these juniors, I apologize for their disrespect. If you allow it, can we just step back?”


Wei Jeokmyung didn’t want to cause any more commotion in this store. So he allowed it in a sarcastic tone.


“As you please.”


“Thank you.”


Hyun couldn’t take his eyes off because it was so strange that so many people were stuck at Wei Jeokmyung’s words and left. Wei Jeokmyung was empty-handed, while the enemies were holding swords, but they couldn’t even get close enough to get hit. The newly appeared handsome man also showed a low attitude toward Wei Jeokmyung and dared not attack, and only left after asking for his permission. Hyun looked at their backs and Wei Jeokmyung alternately with his eyes wide open.


Hyun then realized why Wei Jeokmyung was so casual. This is what he had heard so many times before. This is the person who is called Danguk’s First Sword.


‘They were not joking. He’s so great!’


He thought he was watching a scene from some movie.


“Wow, that’s so cool!”

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He’s been here for two years, but today is the first time he’s really seen Wei Jeokmyung’s in action. On their first meeting, he was hit too hard and he couldn’t afford to see how Wei Jeokmyung saved him. Even his memory is fuzzy.


Wei Jeokmyung smiled a little at Hyun’s, who was looking at him with bright eyes, gaze.


“Now you’re not afraid.”


“Before, there were so many scary people…”


“So, were you worried about me?”


Naturally. If Wei Jeokmyung gets hit, he’s sure he’ll suffer too. Hyun nodded.


“Right. It is natural to be afraid of the Moorim. Hyun ah, if you run into people like that, you must avoid them. They’re outlaws who know no law. They’re dangerous.”


It was a bitter and cold review. Hyun realized that Wei Jeokmyung didn’t like the Moorim and tilted his head. Wei Jeokmyung also learned martial arts, so it’s not that he’s doing anything different than them. But why does he hate it so much?


Come to think of it, didn’t they mention that a lot of Moorim people have come to the capital these days? The other day, one of the servants working in the Wei family said that he was scared to death because of the evil of the Moorim people.


“There are still a lot of scary people out there.”




“There have been a lot of Moorim people lately. Do you want to know why?”


Wei Jeokmyung gently reached out to Hyun who was sitting next to him. Hyun naturally got up and walked over to his arms. He had gotten used to this gesture in the last two years. Wei Jeokmyung lifted Hyun, placed him on his lap and made him rest his back against his chest.


Wei Jeokmyung usually read various miscellaneous books or told stories in the name of telling Hyun to write. Hyun pricked up his ears in Wei Jeokmyung’s comfortable arms.


“A month ago, a lieutenant suddenly collapsed and died, and a piece of old parchment was found in his arms.”


The man whose life was on the verge of death shouted loudly as if he wanted everyone to listen to him before he died.


“I found the location of the treasure hidden by Golden Ears, but because of those wicked people, my dream could not come true. Alas, I’m filled with regrets.”


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His will was enough to catch the footsteps of those passing by.


Golden Ears.


A colossus known to have accumulated more wealth than the Emperor of Danguk a long time ago. He was so rich that rumors circulated that he could build a country with his fortune.


During his lifetime, he took an interest in many rare objects and collected them frantically. He also had a wide variety of books, porcelains, martial arts secrets, medicinal herbs and famous swords, treasures, and so on. He wore it all his life, and before his death he hid it in a secret place known only to him, without the knowledge of his family.


It was so tightly hidden that even his descendants could not find his treasure chest. So now, it has come down to folklore like a legend.


But the man was talking as if the treasure of Golden Ears was real. It was enough to arouse everyone’s curiosity, whether it was true or false.


The people looked into each other’s eyes, trying to see from a distance the parchment the corpse was holding.


An instantaneous tension enveloped everyone. If someone moved, it would explode like a fuse.


The one who broke the tension was Thousand Li Flying Demon (千里飛魔), who happened to pass by the road. Renowned for his outstanding ‘flying’ skill, he jumped out in an instant, slashed the corpse’s wrist with his sword, and fled with that parchment. With his skills worthy of his Moorim name, he easily outran those who were pursuing him.

[T/N: I believe this is his alias Moorim name. The latest hanja 魔 can be translated as ‘magic’ or ‘demon’ but as a title/name, I find demon makes more sense.]


Of course, it wasn’t long before he lost the piece to someone from another faction, but that was enough time to figure out the truth of the map. He made it clear before his death.


“The map of Golden Ears is real. However, that piece is not the finished version. You need to collect the last piece to get the treasure. The first piece is just a clue to the location of the second piece.”


All of the treasures of Golden Ears have tremendous value, but none of them are as good as ‘Water That Has Received the Spirit of the Moon’. This is an elixir that has only been passed down in legend, and it is said that if you drink it, it will cure all ailments, become a material for immortality, and give the warrior the strength to conquer the world.


“Thousands of people have gathered to find the treasure of Golden Ears. Moorim people in particular are very interested in the martial arts secrets and elixirs in his treasure chest.”


Wei Jeokmyung burst into laughter at the sight of Hyun’s twinkling eyes at the word “treasure”.


“What? Are you also interested in the treasure of Golden Ears?”


Hyun nodded his head eagerly. He couldn’t help but be excited that someone had hid enough wealth to buy the country in an unknown place. It’s also interesting that the way to find it is via the treasure map. It’s like watching an adventure movie or novel. Well, the martial art secrets and elixirs inside would be useless to non-Moorim.


Wei Jeokmyung asked with a smile.


“Then, do you want me to find it?”

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