Meanwhile, Countess Campbell was having terribly unpleasant days.

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She had been counting the days until she could present April to Marquis Gray, but running into him was not an easy task.


She had followed him to all the banquets he was supposed to attend, but each time the Marquis had excused himself on the grounds of “health.”


“The old man is going to die before he even has a child!”


The Countess rambled on with words that did not sound elegant in the least, and threw the flowers that filled the parlor angrily.


“When is the replacement doctor coming? It’s annoying that only useless dwarfs come and go in and out of the house. My head hurts because of the strong smell of flowers…”


April’s suitors were what she called useless dwarfs.


They were only able to leave the flowers at the door, because the Countess had never let them see even a strand of April’s hair.


Apparently, the story about Lochlan pretending to be Dominic one day was true.


“After a moderate period of mourning, your house will be lined with gentlemen with flowers. I guarantee it.”


 April put down the book she was reading and raised her head to the Countess, who continued to grumble as she tore off the flowers again and again.


“Mother, may I go to the memorial service this evening?”




The Countess looked back at April with an absurd expression on her face.


“Have you lost your mind? If you mourn a dead prince, does he get to go home alive?”


‘He came back, mother.’


April explained calmly, putting aside the urge to answer that for some reason.


“The memorial service is an important event led by the royal family for those who have given their lives for their country.”


“Whatever it is, it’s none of your business. We don’t have a lost one in our family.”


“But, Mother.”


April smiled.


“Didn’t the Marquis lose his precious son?”


The Countess, startled for a moment, opened her eyes wide. April was right. There was a very good chance that the Marquis would be present at the memorial service for his son.


It wouldn’t be a banquet, so they wouldn’t be able to have a good time talking and dancing, but at least April could make an impression.




But on the other hand, the Countess was suspicious of April.


“Are you up to something?”


It was suspicious that April was suddenly so cooperative in marrying the Marquis.


“Well, I…”


Hesitating for a moment, April replied softly.


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“Well, I just thought that if it wasn’t Prince Lochlan, it could be anyone.”




The Countess blew her nose with her handkerchief and nodded.


Thinking about it, from the beginning until now, April cared about nothing but “Lochlan”. 


In a way, it was obvious that a person who lost the only thing they loved would give up everything.


“I’m glad to see you finally came to your senses. I’m relieved that you’ve managed to pull off the role of Charlotte’s sister.”


Just in time, the maid informed that the doctor had arrived.


The Countess returned to her room, leaving April with a warning to be thorough in her preparations.



That night, April wore a black dress to attend *Count Campbell’s memorial service. (*April’s dead father and grandfather)


Actually, the Countess wanted to go, but she had a bad, contagious cold and was under doctor’s orders not to go outside her room.


The Royal Great Hall was filled with space for the families of the war dead alone.


Each was holding one candle. At the appointed time, all the lights would be extinguished and they would have time to greet the departed dead in the perfect darkness.


The Count* and April, also holding candles, looked around the interior. (*April’s uncle)


“Well, with so many people around, it’s hard to tell if this is a royal palace or a marketplace.”


Standing on tiptoes, the Count tried hard to find Marquis Gray somehow. Unfortunately, he was so short that it didn’t seem to work very well.


April also lifted her head high and scanned the area.


Of course, it was not ‘Marquis Gray’ she was looking for. It was just an excuse to get the Countess to allow her to go out smoothly.


Just as the Count and his wife were worried about not being able to see the Marquis, April has been worried about not being able to see Lochlan again.


Up until now, April had been eagerly following the Countess to the banquets in the hope that she would be able to meet Lochlan.


However, he did not show up at any of the banquets.


April later came to know through the newspapers and people she met at the banquets that Lochlan was always called to every meeting and gathering for the sake of domestic stability as well as foreign agreements.


Today, however, was the day of the official royal memorial service.


No matter how busy Lochlan was, he couldn’t be absent this day.


Honoring those who sacrificed their lives in the war was the most important thing for the royal family.


April’s prediction was not wrong as she saw the escort knights around the hall. 


They were the ones who had been guarding Lochlan and Dominic for a long time.


She could hear the music playing quietly, as the memorial service would soon begin, and the procession of priests and royal families holding candles began.


They stopped in front of a huge cross in the middle of the hall.


The cross was said to be made of gold, but the ribbons surrounding the outside of the cross obscured any trace of its original color. Each ribbon was inscribed with the name of the war victim.


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Soon the music stopped. The small voices of the people who had been making noise also stopped and the prayers began.


The prayers were read as one by people of different statuses and genders echoed beautifully along the high ceiling of the hall.


As if it was really going to reach the sky like this.


April stared at Lochlan as he stood beside the cross.


Up until now, she had left open the possibility that he could be Dominic, which confused the way she looked at him, but now it was different.


She was able to say it clearly.


The way his lips moved as he recited the prayer, even the way his fingers held the candle. Everything was just Lochlan.


It was so clear that she didn’t know why she was fooled by him into thinking he was Dominic even for a fleeting moment.



In the middle of the memorial service, Lochlan followed the escort knight Chad Allen to the waiting room for a while.



“Your Highness.”


In the dark waiting room with only a single candle, Chad bowed his head.


Lochlan nodded lightly.


Chad has long been guarding Dominic for a long time.


For this reason, at the last breakfast with his father, Lochlan had insisted that Chad should be given another position.


However, the king objected, citing that he was the heir to the dukedom, and as a result Chad Allen was still assigned to guard the Crown Prince.


Lochlan was still wary of keeping him around and had just given the order to check on Acreton for a while.


Since he had come back so suddenly like this, it was natural for Lochlan to expect that he had discovered something great.


“Get to the point.”


Lochlan urged him to report.


“You know that I can only hope that I can get out of the memorial service, right?”


 “Yes, I think I have to give you the bad news first.”


Chad reported that the search for the missing person in the Acreton  case had unofficially almost come to a halt.


“Apparently the Marquis is not paying attention properly.”




“And I got this… I found it.”


Chad looked at him and pulled out a metal ornament from the bag on his shoulder. When he held it close to the candle flame, he saw a lion-shaped metal decoration on the leather strap, which belonged to the royal family.


It was something that could be put on a horse belonging to a royal person. It was probably on the last horse that Dominic had used.


Because the horse disappeared with Dominic.


“This… where did you get this?”

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“In the forest, not far from the Acreton treatment center. And there was something like this stuck in a body.”


Chad pulled out an arrow.


“It’s a red arrowhead. …………… This is bamboo, a wide hunting arrowhead, and four feathers.”


Lochlan counted the features of the arrow one by one.


“The same one was stuck in a nearby tree.”


“ICan you identify the maker?”




Chad shook his head slowly.


The war had only recently ended. In those days, every blacksmith, large and small, made arrows, and when individual engineers were combined, the scope of the search was endless.


“ I understand it won’t be easy. I’ll look around, but I would appreciate it if you could find it for me.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


“Where did you find the horse?”


“It had fallen under a cliff. Maybe …….”


Chad slurred his words, and Lochlan nodded with a bitter expression.


“It must have lured the chasers to the cliffs while Lochlan fled in the other direction. It’s a smart horse.”


“…Yes, I think so.”


They remained silent for a moment.


This time Chad brought it up, and Lochlan nailed down the fact that what he had vaguely thought before was true.


Why did Dominic leave his assigned position? He was being chased by someone and his life was threatened. 


He probably didn’t have time to ask for help and would have had to run anyway recklessly. A whole day.


It was a long way to Acreton.


Why was it there? There was a hospital there where he could get treatment and protection?




Did the people who chased him drive him into a corner? Did they make him get caught in the explosion? No, that was too much.


“This is what I think.”


Chad quietly offered his opinion to the silent Lochlan.


“It’s possible that what they were really after was not Prince Lochlan, but the Crown Prince.”


“I think so too.”


“…… yes?” 


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Chad asked in surprise, to which Lochlan replied with a chuckle.


“I think it would be easier for me to go there first. I don’t have to strengthen the escort.”


“It could be dangerous.”


“I don’t care. I’ll welcome anyone.”


Chad seemed more than a little confused as Lochlan answered with strength in his eyes.


“Thank you for your time. As for the arrows, keep it a secret.”


 “Of course, if His Highness commands it, I will do so. But the escort… Are you okay?”


Lochlan did not say twice because the conclusion he had already reached.


“With all due respect, but Your Highness is now precious…”


“Thank you. You may leave now, and I’m sure you’re tired, you may rest for a few days.”


Chad shook his head as he was interrupted and withdrew from the waiting room.


Left alone, Lochlan swept his decorations and the feathers, remembering the last thing Chad told him.


That noble Dominic’s life had already been lost, and all that remained here was a fake resemblance to his shell.


But there were no eternal lies in this world. One day, Lochlan’s true identity would be revealed.


Therefore, he needed to know the truth about that night before reaching that day. To protect Dominic’s honor, he must.


To reveal the truth, Lochlan could offer anything, not only his own honor, but even his life.


He was going to give it all.




In the hall not long after, the priest’s voice of prayer stopped. Now it was time for everyone to extinguish their candles and say goodbye to the dead in the deep darkness.


As this was the most important moment of the memorial service, Lochlan tried to get back out there again.


At that moment, the door to the waiting room opened without a knock.


Lochlan looked up and tried to see who was being rude.


However, the cold wind that came in through the door caused the only candle in the room lost its light.




In the darkness that came suddenly, the door was locked and closed.




 A voice, almost a whisper, came from beyond the darkness where not a single silhouette could be seen.


“Prince Lochlan.”




*Just a reminder that Lochlan is now acting as Dominic, the Crown Prince, as the king ordered. So everyone, except April, believes that Lochlan is Dominic and Lochlan is dead. But the real one that died or missing is actually Dominic. So Lochlan is trying to find out how Dominic died, or if he did die or not. So all the conversation with others, like with the knights, they believe themselves are talking to Dominic. 

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