After giving Cheng Hua a meaningful look, Ying Qiao said.” I will go to take a look.”

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Jiang Lan was a little worried. It was true that the snake race was good at swimming. But Ying Qiao didn’t look capable enough to handle this job. So he quickly shoved the gadget Cheng Hua just gave him into Ying Qiao’s hand, just in case.

Looking at the worried looks on Jiang Lan’s face, Cheng Hua thought all the money, time, and efforts Ying Qiao spent on him were not wasted because the Little Monster was obviously worried about Ying Qiao.

So he reassured him.” Don’t worry. Nothing would happen to him. He would be the last person in this world to die in a job like this.”

Ying Dragon was the pioneer of all water sports. If he can cause endless headaches to those high monsters on land, you can imagine what he was capable of underwater.

Cheng Hua’s only concern was that Ying Qiao might scare off those Jin Pos if he wasn’t careful.

Hearing those words, not very thoughtful, but intended to be reassuring, from Cheng Hua, Jiang Lan became more worried. But he knew he couldn’t accompany Ying Qiao on this mission and watched him dive into the water with a worried look.

That Jin Po had just been beheaded by me, it might take a while before that thing returned. 

Ying Qiao dived into the lake under their gaze.

He kept going down until he could be sure no one could see him from the surface. Then he let his dragon tail come out. The Ying Dragon clan was famed for their powers underwater. He was no exception. After swinging his tail gently and feeling the reaction of the surrounding water, he moved north.

The Gold Dragon tail swung gently but didn’t generate even a slight current. The nearby fishes and shrimps did not appear aware of his existence and continued their life undisturbed. 

Ying Qiao swan north across the area where Jiang Lan met the Jin Po. He continued until he was well out of Qing Yang Lake and entered a tributary river of Xun Yang Lake, where he found a place where the undercurrents were strong.  

The lake gave way to a river. The space was more confined; more unpredictable undercurrents and rocks could be detected at the river’s bottom. Moving became harder in this part of water, which also offered a natural hiding place.

Ying Qiao could sense that one area had much lower temperature among those rocks, which contrasted sharply with the surrounding areas.

He sharpened his senses, and with the help of rocks, he concealed his approach to that area.

The closer he got, the more intense the feeling of cold became. He could feel the subtle waves generated by the movements ahead.

The waves were so subtle, but Ying Qiao picked it up. His stealth was so complete that he seemed to blend into his surroundings. Three Jin Pos ahead of him appeared entirely unaware of his silent approach.

In an empty slot among rocks, three Jin Pos with long hair and dressed in soft white clothing gathered there.

Their bodies were unquestionably perfect with shapely figures and pale white skin. Their hairs gently waved with the movement of the surrounding water. If not for the white skeletons underneath them, the whole scene had a bizarre sense of beauty.

Ying Qiao didn’t make his move right away. Instead, he remained hidden and observed them.

After the Police thought this case was extraordinary, they transferred the case to the Monster Bureau. Before he took charge of this case, the preliminary investigation had already been conducted to verify the facts. It was established that there must be more than one Jin Pos, based on the traces left on the corpses.

But no one would expect to find three Jin Pos in a single tributary river of Xun Yang Lake.

Jin Po lives in the South Sea, and most of the time, they were active only in South Sea Province. They are neither monsters nor ghosts, but a strange creature born out of fishes consuming too much rotted flesh and the essence of hatred. They don’t have human intelligence. Instead, they kept the beastly instincts. And they don’t live in a herd, preferring to live alone. As far as Ying Qiao knows, Jin Pos were vicious cannibalistic creatures who even ate their own kind if food grew scarce.

So it was extraordinary that they suddenly appeared in the rivers and lakes of Jiang City and moved about in herds.

After close observation, Ying Qiao could see that even though they all took the form of beautiful women, they were not the same. A clear class divide existed among them.

One of the Jin Pos appeared to be relatively weak. A very deep wound could be seen on its neck, and half of its face was rotting flesh. Compared with two other Jin Pos whose face remained intact, it was ugly.

And the other two Jin Pos seemed to be communicating with it. Instead of human speech, they made a snake-like hiss sound.

After a few moments of this hissing, that weak Jin Po suddenly attacked them with waving hairs. But the attack looked like a feint to gain time for its escape.

The other Jin Pos were not surprised by its attack. One of them pulled its hair, and easily ripped its head from the neck, and threw it away to a pile of rocks as if it was garbage. The headless Jin Po didn’t die right away. Instead, its eyes stared at them with intense viciousness while the two Jin Pos circled around its body, then they knelt down and started to eat its flesh and blood.

They were consuming their own kind’s flesh in a wild and bloodthirsty way. The dark, blood-like liquid was spreading with the currents. Ying Qiao could smell the stench coming from it. Furrowing his brow, he controlled his impulse to act now.

The behavior patterns of these three Jin Pos were very different from what he had learned from the files.

He sensed something unusual about these Jin Pos and decided to let them live a while longer to wait for their next move.

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Those two Jin Pos greedily consumed all the flesh but chose to leave the chest intact. After that, they straightened up and wiped clean their bloody faces. One of them made a string of short sounds, and then its pointed fingers pierced the chest…

Ying Qiao noticed the expression of the discarded head had changed from viciousness to fear and pain. Apparently, the chest was its most vulnerable part.

A Jin Po dug out a dark heart from its chest. But it appeared to be more like a pile of dark rotten meat. That pile of meat seemed to be still alive, shaking slightly while the discarded and forgotten head had already died the moment the heart was dug out.

These two Jin Pos then left with the pile of meat, carefully holding it in its hands.

Ying Qiao looked at the head with its eyes still open, and then he wrapped it up and took it away with a disgusted look.

This head might prove to be something of interest for the Research Department.

He followed those two Jin Pos through the tributary river of the Xun Yang Lake and crossed into the northern part of the Xun Yang Lake.


Jiang Lan and Cheng Hua had been waiting by the lake from morning to nightfall.

After nightfall, there were no visitors left in the park except for them, waiting in the darkness.

Cheng Hua was not worried about Ying Qiao. To while off the time, he tried to start a conversation with Jiang Lan.

Gradually the topic moved to Ying Qiao.

He knew how much Ying Qiao cared about this Little Monster. In the thousands of years since he first met Ying Qiao, he had never seen this fussy dragon make many concessions for a monster. Now he was even willing to conceal his identity to be an ordinary snake monster and started to take charge of cases he considered beneath him.

Ying Qiao was the deputy director of the Jiang City Monster Bureau in name only. In the years since he assumed this position, the number of cases he handled personally hadn’t exceeded a single digit.

It was not because he was lazy. He just didn’t hold the humans in high regard.

In the years since Cheng Hua started to work for him, a kind of deep friendship had developed between them, which went far beyond mere colleagues. He knew that because of Geng Chen’s death, Ying Qiao was angry at humans.

Despite Ying Qiao’s accusation that Geng Chen had been obsessed with being a saint for humans, Cheng Hua knew Ying Qiao respected and loved this uncle who was not much older than him, even though Ying Qiao had never called Geng Chen uncle, preferring to address him directly with his name.

Now to indulge the Little Monster, he was willing to let go of his prejudice against humans. Which everyone loves to see.

At one point, Cheng Hua even suspected that Ying Qiao would act on his anger towards the humans, and he even had the evidence pointing to this likelihood. But considering their fragile friendship, he didn’t call the Police.

Luckily, Ying Qiao didn’t do anything unpleasant to the humans. Instead, he stayed in his villa with his gemstones, not caring what happened to the world.

Thinking about his gemstones, Cheng Hua felt his lingering friendly feeling towards Ying Qiao had vanished.

Our friendship was just that fragile.

Couldn’t even withstand a blow of wind.

With jealousy in his heart, Cheng Hua still tried to extract some nice words praising Ying Qiao from Jiang Lan, which would be useful to gain some advantages from Ying Qiao.

He began by telling some stories about the high monsters in the Special Service Branch. Then he returned to his main topic.” Do you know the story about the establishment of the Jiang City Monster Bureau?”

Jiang Lan nodded, then shook his head. “I only heard a thing or two.”

Hearing this, Cheng Hua’s smile became wide.” The Jiang City Monster bureau was organized not long after the Central Monster Bureau was established in Peking. Peking is the capital. On the other hand, Jiang City is located in the center of the central plain. Linked with nine Provinces via railway, motorway, and airway, Jiang City is the main traffic hub of Hua Nation. [1]. With a sizable population, this city is restless.”

The bigger the size of the population, the more the undesirable elements chose to hide among it. There is no shortage of unruly monsters here.

“There was a heated debate on who was the perfect candidate to lead the Jiang City Monster Bureau. In the end, the Auspicious deity Tai Feng was chosen to be responsible for Jiang City Monster Bureau.”

Cheng Hua was watching his face intently while telling this story. Seeing his curiosity was piqued, he continued.” Despite Tai Feng being an ancient high monster, he wasn’t a good fighter. Because of that, many high monsters weren’t satisfied with this choice.”

Jiang Lan was curious.” But I see now everyone respects Director Tai Feng.”

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Cheng Hua.” The situation is different now; everything is in place and properly organized. When the Monster Bureau was still in its infancy, most monsters were preoccupied with power struggles and fighting for turfs. Only the powerful had everyone’s attention, and no one followed the direction of the Government.”

“How were they made to follow the direction of the Monster Bureau?” Jiang Lan asked.

Looking over the silent lake, making sure Ying Qiao would not appear anytime soon, Cheng Hua continued.” It was Ying Dragon who made them obey the rule of the Monster Bureau. Ying Dragon was Tai Feng’s old friend. So Tai Feng invited Ying Dragon repeatedly to assume the position of Deputy Director. Those high monsters always lived in awe of the Ying Dragon. It was natural that they chose to obey after that.”

Then he closely watched Jiang Lan’s face.

But Jiang Lan didn’t show admiring looks or the look of fear. Instead, he had a quizzical look, not what Cheng Hua had expected.

Then Jiang Lan said in a hesitant voice.” What I heard seems to be a little different from your story…….”


TL’s note: Jiang City is Definitely Wuhan



“What I heard is that when Tai Feng asked Ying Dragon to help run the Monster Bureau, Ying Dragon chose to attack the homes of several high monsters and robbed them of their treasures, which led them to fight back, and the sky above the Monster Bureau became a battlefield…….”

He saw the frozen looks on Cheng Hua’s face and paused, but Jiang Lan chose to finish the story.” I heard that they fought in their original forms and caused the destruction of many public facilities. The ordinary people almost saw their fight, which was narrowly avoided……in the end, the Director had no choice but to pay for the damage caused by this fight. That’s why the regulations forbid any monsters whose original forms exceed a certain size to return to their original forms in the city, and the airspace above the city is now off-limits to monsters except in an emergency. “

Cheng Hua.”…………”

This version of the story is now forbidden and long out of circulation. Where did the Little Monster hear it?

He said with a frozen smile.” Where did you hear it? It is far from the truth.”

Jiang Lan thought to himself: My fourth brother told me!

After Bi An and Ying Dragon got off on the wrong foot in their trip to Guang Province, Bi An collected Ying Dragon’s many dark histories. While idling in the Dragon Palace, Jiang Lan listened to all the stories his fourth brother told him.

“I heard these from a friend of mine. This might not be true.” He recalled that Ying Qiao adored Ying Dragon, and he suspected Cheng Hua might be the same. So he hurried to add.” Actually, I think the Ying Dragon is not as bad as he is made out to be…….”

The last part, he said awkwardly.

Cheng Hua originally planned to recount Ying Dragon’s legendary exploits and, in doing so, get Jiang Lan to warm to the Ying Dragon. After accomplishing this, he can request an extra reward from Ying Qiao.

But he didn’t expect this Little Monster to know this much about Ying Qiao’s dark history.

Suddenly he sensed a chill coming from behind and heard a splashing water sound. He turned to face the cold stare of Ying Qiao, who at that moment was walking towards them from the lake.

Cheng Hua.”……”

Why do you look at me like that?

It is not me who badmouthed you and how do I know this Little Monster knows about your dark history?

Cheng Hua guiltily hurried forward with a dry laugh.” Xiao Ying comes back, are you hurt? Jiang Lan and I were worried sick about you.”

Then he threw a look at Jiang Lan: Hurry, say some nice words.

But Jiang Lan didn’t pick up the hints. Instead, he wondered why he didn’t sense Ying Qiao’s presence until the last moment. Perhaps he was too preoccupied with the story.

While he was thinking this, he was slow to react to Ying Qiao’s return.

In Ying Qiao’s eyes, he interpreted his slowness to mean that the Little Monster suddenly didn’t care about him.

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But he was so worried about me before I dived into the lake.

How come he was utterly changed during my absence?

Ying Qiao stared coldly at Cheng Hua. His gut feeling told him that this miscreant must have a part in this.

He moved his lips to Cheng Hua, so he can lip read: Forget your bonus.

Cheng Hua.”………..”

I made a mistake. Forgive me.

But Ying Qiao was not paying him any attention now. After dried his body, he said to Jiang Lan.” I just saw three Jin Pos underwater. One of them was eaten by the other two. I got its head; I think you will know if it was the one you met.”

Then he brought out a Jin Po head with a pair of dead eyes open!

Jiang involuntarily took a step backward, not out of fear, of course, but out of guilt.

He widened his eyes, thinking to himself that his luck can’t be so bad that Ying Qiao had already known it was he who ripped off Jin Po’s head and was here to demand an explanation.

As he was thinking fast to make up a story, Ying Qiao threw the wet Jin Po head to Cheng Hua and said to him in a soft voice.” I am sorry, I have scared you.”

Jiang Lan was relieved that he didn’t seem to demand an explanation.” This is the one. But the last time I saw it, its head was still on its body.”

His expression was so genuine and convincing to the point where he almost wanted to hold Ying Qiao’s hands and told him that he didn’t lie.

Ying Qiao nodded.” Its own kind pulled its head off.”

Ying Qiao didn’t doubt Jiang Lan’s words.” I followed the other two Jin Pos to Xun Yang Lake and discovered that they were feeding a gigantic egg at the bottom of the lake.”

He proceeded to tell them what he saw at the bottom of the Xun Yang Lake.

“There are around a dozen of Jin Pos at the bottom, and they were feeding that egg with human bodies and even the bodies of their own kind.”

He didn’t know what was inside that egg. But those Jin Pos were feeding it with their own blood piously, together with the dark heart they just dug out. Ying Qiao also saw several human remains in their caves.

He didn’t know what those Jin Pos were up to, but it can’t be good.

He didn’t make his move then and there because there were still some Jin Pos roaming out in the lake, unseen.

“They appeared to be preparing to move the egg to another location. If our timing is right, we can catch them all.”

He turned to Cheng Hua with a grim look.” Boss, we better go to Xun Yang Lake tonight.”

Cheng Hua let out a dry laugh.” There are many Jin Pos. Maybe we need a little reinforcement.”

With Jiang Lan here, Ying Qiao would definitely stay behind to protect the Little Monster while he fights. So he had to handle more than a dozen Jin Pos alone.

Even though he was perfectly capable of handling them alone, he might get bitten if he was not careful, and it was very expensive to have his skin mended!

Ying Qiao appeared to be trying to persuade him. In fact, he was threatening him.” We don’t have much time. Jiang Lan and I will help you. If we let even one vicious Jin Po slip away, it will be very hard to find it again. Now we have a perfect opportunity to catch them all while they are together in one place.”

Cheng Hua’s smile froze and cursed this dragon a hundred times, and then he forced a smile.” Then let’s go.”

The three of them left the park and hurried towards Xun Yang Lake.

Xun Yang Lake is different from Qing Yang Lake because it is located in the countryside with acres of farmland surrounding it.

After they got off the car, they followed Ying Qiao to a place facing the open water.

This place was in flat farmland. They chose a wooden shack built by farmers as their hiding place. Cheng Hua cast a spell to insulate the shack to prevent the sound and smell from leaking out. From an opening in the shack, they could keep an eye on the open water.

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Ying Qiao pointed to a place he had marked.” They are just under the surface of that part of the lake. They most likely will try to move the egg to the lake surface.”

Then they waited in silence.

It was a little past eleven o’clock now. Jiang Lan raised his head to watch the sky. A full silver moon hung in the dark sky. And silver moonlight was reflected in the peaceful lake.

They were very patient, waiting in silence.

When it was twelve o’clock, a ripple appeared on the tranquil surface.

Jiang Lan saw patches of dark hair floating on the surface. Next, one by one, shapely shadows rose from the lake. They formed a circle with their backs to the shack.

Looking from Jiang Lan’s position, these figures seemed to be copied from the same model. Same height, same hair. The scene of them forming a circle in the silent dark lake was bizarre and scary.

He counted them, 18 in total.

It’s a pity they were not edible.

He could smell the decaying scent mingled with the strange fragrance.

Those Jin Pos appeared to be protecting something with great care. With their eyes wide open and fixed on a spot, they were waiting for something.

Under their gaze, a giant white egg rose to the surface.

The white egg was floating on the surface. Under the moonlight, the egg looked like a transparent white jade. Jiang Lan could even see a curled body inside. That body had the most perfect shape, with dark hairs spreading on its naked body. The half-concealed face was very delicate, and a black horn protruded from its forehead.

Judging by the pious way these Jin Pos acted around it, they thought this Jin Po with a black horn must be unique and powerful.

They began to hiss.

And the fragrance grew more intense.

Cheng Hua gave a Fu to Jiang Lan.” Ying Qiao and I will handle these Jin Pos. When they are not paying attention, you attach this fire Fu to the egg and burn it.”

This egg didn’t seem dangerous when compared with other vicious Jin Pos. Ying Qiao consented to this assignment and advised Jiang Lan to be careful. Then they moved towards the Jin Pos to start their attack.

Cheng Hua wielded a long sword, but today he chose not to use it. Instead, he shed his human skin as if he just took off a piece of clothing and folded it with great care. Now he was a white skeleton with a tint of dark red.

It was the first time Jiang Lan saw a painted skin monster’s original form, and he was interested.

In Jiang Lan’s presence, Ying Qiao paused for a second, and then he conjured up a snake tail from his body. With that, he moved deftly into the lake with the black snake tail splashing around.

Their ceremony was interrupted, and those Jin Pos turned to look at the two intruders.

Eighteen pale faces and eighteen pairs of vicious eyes without whiteness were on them.

Cheng Hua shook his bones and smiled.” Now those ugly creatures don’t get to bite my precious skin.”

Glancing at him briefly, Ying Qiao swung his tail towards the nearest Jin Po.

With the two in the fight, the scene became chaotic. As the most powerful Special Service Branch high monster, Cheng Hua took the lead, and his pointed claw started to rip off the flesh from a Jin Po’s body.

Ying Qiao remained behind, feeling constrained from exerting his full power. He had to show his braveness in front of the Little Monster while taking care not to exceed an ordinary snake monster’s power.

This balance was very tiring to maintain.

When Jin Pos was preoccupied with the fight, Jiang Lan silently dived into the water from the other side and swam straight for the white egg.

With an excited look in his eyes, he had the feeling that this white egg must taste good.

He must have a bite.

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