“Is that the dungeon?” Johann asked

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It was after about 10 minutes of walking on foot. She’s reached the entrance to the Dungeon of Insects. By the way, she’s changed her gear back to her original for now. Her reason being that when she wears the Chaos Apocalypse set, all manner of people stare at her

The other players are only interested in it because it’s unfamiliar equipment, but Johann seems to misunderstand that she’s being watched because she’s dressed so strangely.

So she’s planning to wear beginner’s clothes outside and change once she enters the dungeon.

“It looks like an ancient ruin… huh? There’s someone at the entrance.”

When she hid and examined the situation, five players were standing at the entrance of the dungeon, and it looked like they were about to enter it. All of them are elementary school boys, and you can tell that they are probably playing as a group of friends.

“Today is the day we’re getting past this and stepping into the second layer!”


“Hold up, Boss!”

Johann smiled and watched as they enthusiastically entered.

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(It’s like they’re going on a field trip and it’s so cute,) Johann thought. (I wonder if my nephew will be like that in a few years.)

And as she imagined it, she felt a strange presence behind her.


“Uggh… a monster?!” Johann gasped.

When she turned around, there was a monster in the shape of a pill bug that was about 1 meter long. Displayed above it was its name, “Dangoron.” It’s a monster with high defense. Johann quickly takes out a portable toy-shaped summoning stone.

“Summoned Beast Call! Hinadora!”

A small black dragon emerges from a geometric magic circle.

“Mokyu!” Hinadora squeaks.

“Go, Hinadora, protect me!” Johann yelled.

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She steps back and uses the motivated Hinadora as a shield. But, the enemy moved first.


It rolled into a ball, charged, and rammed into Hinadora. When Hinadora shines red, the HP bar its head dropped at tremendous speed.

“No way… one hit… no, still alive!”

Hinadora managed to endure with only 1 HP left.

“Fufu, not good enough, Dangoron. My Hinadora has the ‘Guts’ skill!” Johann yelled.

She looked smugly at the enemy monster. “Guts” was a skill that allowed its owner to survive damage that would drop their HP to 0, leaving it at 1 HP instead, and then granting “Invincibility” for 10 seconds. It’s a skill that turns a crisis into an opportunity.

“Now, Hinadora, counterattack with Black Flame!”

“Moukyuuu!!” Hinadora cried.

It attacked the Dangoron with its fire-breathing skill, “Black Flame.” As Dangoron was weak to Fire attacks, its HP was gone in an instant, before the rest of it disappeared in a show of particles.

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Then, the level-up BGM played, and Johann learned a new skill.

“Shift Change”

Swap your position with your summoned beast.

Acquisition Conditions

Win a battle using summoned beasts.

“Sight Sharing”

You can see what your summoned beast sees.

Acquisition Conditions

Win a battle using only Summons.

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“So this is the Summoner’s essential skills that Zekka-chan told me about,” Johann said as she read the pop-ups. “I’m lucky to get it so quickly.”

“Moukyu!” Hinadora called out.

When Johann looked up to check, Hinadora was fading for some reason. It seems it’s used up all its HP in that last battle.

A summoned beast will disappear if its HP is reduced to 0, but it will disappear even if its MP becomes 0. MP gradually decreases by using skills and even just appearing on the field.

Hinadora has a powerful attack skill called Black Flame, but it consumes a lot of MP and it will disappear with just one cast of it. And it took a whole day to be able to use a summoned beast again.

“Good work today, Hinadora. Thank you,” Johann said, gently seeing off the fading Hinadora.

And when she put away Hinadora’s summoning stone, one that imitated a portable game console, she takes out a different Hinadora summoning stone.

“Ufufu,” Johann chuckled. “I can still call you 6 more times. It’s great.”

It was a system that didn’t bother Johann, who had seven copies of Hinadora. Johann killed about 30 minutes so of time to not run into the elementary school students who entered, then equipped the Chaos Apocalypse set and entered the dungeon.

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