Chapter 1 – Finally, I Took Off The Women’s Clothing

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I stared at the dust scattering throughout the air and the faint rays of light emitted through all the smoke and dust.

I stayed expressionlessly and looked at my hand. My mind was at a loss.

Was that it? Is it already over?

Did it end this easily?


At this moment, you could hear the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground from afar, accompanied by a blood-curdling shriek:

“You brat!! You’re ruthless! Do you want to kill your dad?”

It was without a doubt my father’s voice.

Just a moment ago, I used my recently attained ‘Military Killer Fist’ to send my father flying… it seems he crashed through three city walls.

My heart didn’t waver at all when I heard the shrieks of that old bastard.

I even want to laugh.

It’s because ——

“I’m finally fucking free!”

I jumped with joy, then I escaped the dark room from the hole in the ceiling.

Five years! A whole five years!

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I can finally leave this dark and humid basement!

I looked at the blazing sun suspended on the horizon along with the blue skies and white clouds.

My heart was pumping with excitement.

“Ow! It hurts! Son of a bitch, hurry and help me up!”

I quickly ran next to my father when I heard his persistent moans.

Then ——

I raised my fist!

“Rebel’s Punishment!”

My iron fist adhered with a crimson light dropped ruthlessly on this old bastard’s stomach like a bomb!

“Pfft —— “

After being struck with my heavy hit, he foamed at his mouth, and his eyes bulged out like it was about to burst from its sockets!

I still wasn’t satisfied, so I quickly stepped on his face after retracting my fist.

After being struck again, my father pointed at me with a trembling finger while lying on the ground and said:

“You brat!!! You… dare hit me!”

“Hit you? That’s exactly who I’m hitting!”

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I ignored my father’s anguished howls and once again stamped on his stomach.

Damn old fool… if he wasn’t my father, I would have ripped him to shreds!

At this point, you might be wondering, why do I have a grudge against my own father?

Of course, there’s a reason.

My name is Lin Deng Tu… I’m considered to be the eldest son of the Glamorgan family, at least for the time being.

And this curled up scoundrel under my feet is my father —— Lin Deng Wan, a decommissioned revolutionary, a suspicious man who claims to be a ‘transmigrator from another world’.

Five years ago, this old fart used the ‘harem king’ story to deceive me, he said he would train me to become someone like the one in the story.

At the time, I was young and easily bought into his nonsensical crap. I was carelessly trapped by him in the dark basement… and I was locked away for five years.

Over the course of approximately one thousand eight hundred days without daylight, I suffered inhuman abuse in the hands of this old fart. Sometimes, my villainous younger sister would also help the old bastard torture me.

It’s really hard for me to try and recollect those memories!

By the way… in what world will a father force their own son to wear female clothing!

“Black pantyhose, leather shoes, and a skirt… you could change your posture a bit more… yeah, that’s more like it. Son… you’re becoming more and more like your mother… it’s making me stiff…”

“That’s right… lift your skirt up. Don’t be shy… your dad likes it… hehehe…”

“Come here son. Dad will take you… no, I mean read you a story. Come, sit on my lap. Dad will tell you a story about a father’s love…”


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Even now, I still can’t forget his disgusting tone and gaze… how can such a sick father exist! I’m your fucking biological son!

I have never seen such a shameless person!

Did… you think he only tortured me by forcing me to wear women’s clothing?

Then you’re greatly mistaken!

In reality, this old bastard is a huge pervert!

Even though he usually goes and chats with the farmer uncles, and the bakery aunties, and occasionally go to taverns and scholars and harangue about liberation, all virtuous like.

But this pervert loves to collect various books and works… as time passed, he actually collected up to thirteen thousand ‘special books’ in the basement!

Whether it was light tastes, heavy taste, pure love, or night attacks… this old bastard had anything you could think of.

Ones such as ‘Euphoria‘ or ‘Josou Sanmyaku’… were all a part of this pervert’s collection.

In short, my father… is a pervert lost in lust!

The scary part is not only is he a pervert… he also wanted to turn me into a pervert like him!

During the five years in the dark basement, he would force me to wear female clothing while making embarrassing poses… he would stay at a spot where he could see under my skirt, then open a book and reading a disgusting story out loud.

He even used the book as a textbook to ‘educate me as harem king’. He even forced me to read and memorize it.

“You can’t accomplish anything without a firm theoretical foundation… in other words, how the hell can you even talk about spreading your seed across the world if you can’t even fucking unhook a bra!”

Thus, under the tutelage of this old bastard… I was forced to read his entire collection.

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To be honest… it was the only part I didn’t dislike.

After all, as a youth in puberty… how could you resist the allure of those books?

But back to the main topic, reading is fine, but the important part was the process of ascending to a ‘sage’ afterward.

But under that old bastard’s surveillance… it’s impossible to become a sage.

It’s not because he didn’t allow me to ‘ascend’, but because he forced me to wear female clothing at all times.

“Hehehe… son, hurry up. When I think about how you’re soon going to soil your beautiful skirt and black pantyhose… I…. hehehe…”

I completely erased any thoughts to ‘ascend’ in the basement when I saw his vulgar smile.

It’s fine… how can I become a sage as a normal person? Please find someone else! Boo hoo hoo…

But from now on, these memories will solely belong as mere memories.

That’s because I finally overpowered that damn old pervert!

Right now, he’s can’t fight against me, and he cannot restrict my freedom anymore.

The world is my oyster.

I’m going to enjoy the wide wide world!

I let go of my half-dead father and ran towards the world I have been separated from for a long time.

I recited a line when I stared at the wide horizon:

“Life’s what you make it.”

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