(Sorry for no chapter yesterday! Was Busy)

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The woman's voice wasn’t loud, it sounded ethereal, and her "hello" is so standard and well-rounded that those who don't know will assume she is the host of a national television station's news channel, which of course astonished Li Shushan.

With a surprised expression on his face, he glanced at her and asked curiously, “How can you speak Mandarin?.”

The corners of the girl's mouth lifted slightly, her demeanor was reserved, she tidied her clothes slightly, and asserted, "This is the power of magic. As you can see, my name is Olivia and I am a mage from another world."

Olivia was still cautious, didn't disclose Li Shushan her full name, and didn't want to divulge her true status as a princess. In truth, she was never proud of herself as an imperial princess and rather that others respect her as a mage.

However, even if Olivia didn’t tell her, Li Shushan knew everything about her. He couldn’t help but feel a little excited when he heard Olivia’s fluent Mandarin. He didn’t expect that the heroine in his novel could continue to use magic when she came to reality.

Then, is it possible for him to learn magic!?

As an internet novelist who enjoys fantasy, it would be fantastic if you could make your concept come true!

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"My name is Li Shushan, and I am a novel author," Li Shushan said, suppressing his eagerness. "May I ask how you came into this world?.”

Of course, Olivia would not say that she was caught in the turbulent flow of space and was on the verge of desperation. Fortunately, she came to this world after positioning herself in this world through Li Shushan’s chair. 

Instead, she maintained a charming superiority and continued, "I am a mage skilled in space magic. Traveling between realms is as effortless to me as eating and drinking water. So, out of curiosity, I decided to visit this realm using space magic."

Hearing her answer, Li Shushan was speechless. He felt that his question wasn’t answered. Of course he knew that Olivia was a mage proficient in space magic, but the problem was that she was clearly the heroine in his novel.

How did she escape from his novel? Why did that spatial distortion appear in his room by accident?

Li Shushan suddenly felt that this question he didn't understand was like trying to entangle why the protagonist in an online novel was able to obtain the system. 

Well this was actually irrelevant, using the system to improve himself is the kingly way. 

When he becomes strong, he can naturally figure it out. 

That is the truth behind it, so what he really should do now is how to get Olivia to teach him magic.

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Olivia saw Li Shushan's quiet and contemplative demeanor and continued, "Of course, I can travel to this world safely, but because you treated me with civility and I always remember the hospitality extended to me, so if you need anything in return, you can tell me," 

This is Olivia; she will never be unrequited, and she despises owing favors to others.

Li Shushan knows too much about the heroine in his story to treat her without prejudice, and without concern for the other party's character, he responded as follows: "You take yourself far too seriously. Everything I had done previously was only a question of effort. It is not to expect anything in return. It's an honor for me to have the companionship of a skilled mage like you."

It can only be assumed that Li Shushan would use his knowledge of Olivia's personality to further assure her stay.

His words nearly warmed the royal princess' heart. Olivia, from the other hand, maintained the same serene and quiet demeanor.

She was unconcerned, but upon hearing the compliment, she felt proud and formed a new favorable opinion of Li Shushan, who appeared more appealing to the eye.

Therefore, sometimes you can get the greatest return without asking for something, and those are the most genuine and precious.

 "It is not easy to get my friendship. I have few friends, but they are all very reliable." Olivia said proudly.

If you don’t know Olivia, you might be misled by her arrogant attitude, but Li Shushan wouldn’t.

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On the contrary, he believes the heroine he has created is really cute and spoke sincerely, “I will use my actions to prove that I am reliable. I think the knowledge I have is enough to make you interested."

When Olivia heard the word "knowledge", her eyes gleamed, as she’s a very eager mage. 

Knowledge is power to them. It is not an incorrect statement. A mage who can convey information by the most direct ways, becoming her own strength, and in a world where there is no universal education, the preciousness and rarity of knowledge are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Of course, the renowned magician Olivia, who is rather proud in her bones and secure in her own knowledge, does not believe that this remote plane with no understanding of the language can have any wisdom that she can respect, but she wanted to wow Li Shushan and demonstrate her superiority.

However, Li Shushan seemed to have seen through Olivia's thoughts completely. As a sophomore mathematics student of Jiangcheng University, he directly took out the textbook of the "mathematical analysis" class he was going to take and handed it to Olivia. 

For those unfamiliar, mathematical analysis is an upgraded version of high mathematics.

Olivia, who had taken the book, smiled at Li Shushan, since useful knowledge is far more important to her than money, and now Li Shushan was allowing her to read his book, proving his reliability.

In fact, the "Mathematical Analysis. Fourth Edition. Volume 2" has better paper quality than her own magic book, and she no longer appears arrogant in the face of it, but feels extremely shocked.

The continuous effect of the "Language" magic is still there and she couldn’t wait to read this book... 

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However, in this modern era, her vaunted grasp of mathematics is equivalent to that of a junior high school student.

So, one can imagine her wondering about life when she discovered the book's limitations and continuity, particularly the differential calculus of multivariate functions, and it was actually the fourth edition series, and so on.

Her thoughts appeared to pause for a second after skimming over the pages.

Who am I? Where am i? What am I doing?

The pride of a legendary mage, at this moment, was crushed to pieces by a university textbook called "Mathematical Analysis!”

When Li Shushan saw this, he just smiled. Obviously, everything was in his expectation, and he didn't worry that Olivia would be beaten to death. 

She has always been more obstinate and bold, and the more knowledge she doesn't understand. the more motivated she is to master it.

So, he can use the knowledge that Olivia doesn't understand to exchange what he wants—magic.

But, at this moment, the breakfast Li Shushan ordered was finally delivered.

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