Seeing the heartwarming sight, Anriche suddenly recalled the conversation she had with Jane.

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[ “I-I couldn’t even say thank you to the Miss…” ]

It was just after she had told Anriche that Meg was acting suspiciously. Jane waited for a long time before carefully opening her mouth.

After hearing her words, Anriche painted her lips softly.

[ “Please give that thank-you greeting to Liliana directly later.” ]

That was what she said, but she thought it was pretty good advice.

Just in time, Jane, with tears filling her eyes, turned to Anriche.

‘Look, didn’t I say that Liliana would be happy?’

She mouthed the words with a gracious smile on her face so that Liliana couldn’t hear them.

At her words, a wide smile was seen on her face as Jane nodded happily.




After the sea of tears, Elliot and Liliana were dozing, clinging to Anriche’s side. Since they have been crying and sniffling all day, they were exhausted.

‘But…if we keep sitting squatted on the sofa like this, it looks like everyone’s legs will go numb soon.’

Above all, Anriche herself was very uncomfortable.

Narrowing her eyes, she decided to wake the children crouched under her arms by tapping them lightly.

“Our little carps, go back to your room and sleep.”

“…Who is the carp?”

“Eliot, Liliana. You two.”

As Elliot rubbed his eyes sleepily, Anriche shrugged playfully.

“You both have swollen eyes, don’t you?”

“Tsk, but it’s not like a carp.” He replied and pouted his lips.

Moments later, Elliot quietly sneaks a look towards Anriche. It seemed as though he had something to say.

“What’s wrong, Elliot?”

“You… you know.”

Even after rushing out like that, he was still hesitant. Finally, he said, wriggling his little fingers. “…Well, can I sleep with mother today?”

What…what is he saying now?

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Anriche opened her eyes wide.

Always glaring at her was Elliot, who had been ranting away like an angry kitten. However, now, that child is saying that he wants to sleep together?!

As her heart was breaking by the little boy’s abrupt request, Elliot quickly turned his head away.

“If you don’t like it, then it’s all right.”

“No, you punk. Why don’t you even listen to the answer and think whatever you want?”

He messed up his hair with a spiteful look.

Elliott, who became depressed, touched his head.

“Mo, mother! Really!”

“All right.”


“I’m happy that I can sleep with my son, too.”

At that sweet voice, Elliot’s ears turned bright red.

Liliana, who just woke up, clung to Anriche with her drowsy face.

“M-me, too!”

“I want to sleep with mother as well!”

Even though she couldn’t even open her eyes properly, it was cute to see her digging into Anriche with tight arms like this.

“Yes, let’s sleep together with Liliana.”

Anriche stroked Liliana’s hair fondly. At the same time, Elliot slipped his body on her side. He said, “You know, mother…”


“I want to drink cocoa today.”

He even wanted himself to be pampered, which was totally out of character. Anriche stared at Elliot with a frosty, surprised look. Somehow, now… ‘Me and Elliot, were just like ordinary mother and son.’ She fell in love with that short thought.

After a while, she responded mischievously.

“If you drink cocoa, you know you must brush your teeth?”

“Mother can check if I’ve brushed my teeth later, then.”

“Is that so? Okay, be prepared. I’ll check the teeth thoroughly to make sure they are well cleaned.”

The two who were talking to each other burst into laughter, not knowing who started it first.

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Eventually, Elliot, glancing at Anriche, opened his mouth.


‘Huh, mom…?’

Anriche was dazed for a moment. Elliot was also embarrassed and had flushed cheeks. But nevertheless, he did not avoid her eyes.

Rather, he continued his words.

“Thank you so much today.”

“Well, of course.” She answered with a bewildered voice.

As he stopped and was finished with his words, Elliot just looked down on his toes tenaciously and avoided her gaze.

Elliot… he thanked her.

And he called her, not ‘mother,’ but ‘mom.’


The depths of her heart were tremendously moved. Her nose seemed to be getting tingly as well, so Anriche hurriedly raised her hand to cover her face.

To the children, how could she even show her face that was going to cry

“Why are you doing that, mom?”

“Uh, mother! Are you okay?!”

Two startled children worriedly clung to her.

Oh, no.

Anriche, who hurriedly blinked her eyes that were shedding tears, swiftly shook her head toward the children. “Ah, that… I’m okay.”

“Yes? Still, mom, you seem to be crying right now?”

“I-Isn’t it because I yawned?”

She pretended so.

On her lips, there was a bright smile that she couldn’t hide.




And the next day.

As soon as breakfast was finished, the butler came to Anriche in person, and she personally offered tea to the butler.

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“Butler, thank you so much for this job.”

She meant it.

The butler’s assistance was crucial for Meg’s incident to be resolved safely. However, even with the steaming tea in front of him, the butler’s face seemed very serious.

What happened?

As she tilted her head curiously, he finally spoke. The heavily closed lips opened. “Yesterday… There was such a situation, so I would like to apologize to the madam now.”


After his words, the butler fell onto his knees. Seeing this, she was surprised.

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t I doubt the madam the other day?” He replied in a subdued voice.

‘Oh, that?’ Remembering the incident a few days ago, Anriche grew a little embarrassed. In fact, she had already almost forgotten about it.

“I have really committed an indelible sin.”

Regardless, it appeared as though the butler would seriously remain in that position until the word ‘yes’ came out of her mouth.

At the moment, Anriche’s eyes sparkled with playfulness.

“Yes, you have committed an indelible sin.”


When she answered as if she had heard him, the butler stiffened his shoulder tightly. Even though she was just trying to make fun of him, it was more amusing that he responded that way.

Anriche pretended to be anxious and lowered down her voice.

“The butler is so suspicious of me, it hurts so much…”

“…I’m really sorry.”

The butler couldn’t even glance at her eyes. His head was so low and his forehead reached the floor.

“I have no right to ask for forgiveness.”

“Hmm, really?”

“Yes, so… I will follow any punishment you give.”

Listening to that earnest voice, Anriche barely suppressed her laughter about to burst out. “All right, then, the punishment you are getting…”

Pu, punishment?

Her words caused the butler to swallow his dry saliva in the tension.

At last, she spoke in a strange voice.

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“If, after today, there is a disagreement between me and the duke…”

At the unexpected words, the butler peered at Anriche with a puzzled face.

“Just once, choose to be on my side.”

“…On the side of the madam?”

“Yeah. Actually, I’m thinking of changing all the maids in the townhouse.”

With that said, the butler’s pupils grew a little. ‘Certainly, it seems that the madam has changed a little…’

Unlike in the past, she couldn’t care less about how the townhouse operates, Anriche was not acting actively. Like now, she is directly involved in the management of the employees.

“At this opportunity, I’m thinking of getting rid of all the maids involved in Liliana’s incident.” She continued, lightly shrugging her shoulders. “But I am so notorious.”

At that mischievous tone, the butler started sweating yet again.

He couldn’t agree with her or even refute her.

“The duke might think that I punished the maids too much.”

“Well, um…”

“So… the butler should stand by the duke and tell my story well, all right?”

He stared at her with a frown. Anriche then directly reached out her hand and raised the butler from his place.

“And when I know that you have decided so, the butler should also cleanly forget the previous incident as well.”

“Ma, madam…”

“Because I know how much hard work the butler has put into the duchy until now.”

Finishing her words, a smile filled her eyes as she gazed into his eyes.

Everything she said was sincere.

Not too long ago, as Anriche neglected the duties of the mistress, it was the butler who put himself in her place and successfully managed the Valois townhouse to thrive as much as it is today.

How could she neglect such a valuable person?

“So, I look forward to your kind cooperation in the future.”

“Th, thank you…”

The time when the butler’s eyes were filled with emotions.

“Well, I don’t think I’m going to misunderstand my wife that much, though?”

A calm voice rang, piercing through the silent room.


This voice?

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