011: Wayne

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April 17, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 256 words

My name is Wayne, Wayne Kimble.

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I started out as a sergeant in the army, the lowest rank for an aristocratic soldier. I volunteered for the army, joined the Kingdom Army after passing training, then met a certain man. He was named Patrick, and was from another aristocratic family. He had unusual black hair and eyes, an unremarkable face and a slender build with a below-average height. He seemed to be the picture of mediocrity.

That being said, I often have trouble locating where he is, it’s like his presence is nonexistent, rather than what you might call weak. When I go to the cafeteria to eat, if I’m not with Patrick, I’ll never be able to find him, even if he is in the room.

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If we were in the woods, I can hear him, but I can’t spot him until he gets right next to me. He’s scared me badly several times by doing that unintentionally.

His martial skills are average, at least against other soldiers. When it comes to monsters, he excels. I wonder if it’s a conscience issue?

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I really think it was my friendship with Patrick that has benefited me so much. I’ve experienced actual battles, yet I’m still around. If he hadn’t made that breakthrough against that orc king, I would be gone from this world.

I don’t want to lose to him! I wish I could improve myself by hard training or something…

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He was just here, now where did he go?

Has he disappeared behind a tree again…

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