121: At the Northern Fort

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The Third and Eighth armies drew near the Northern Fortress, bringing along with them a large amount of food, spears, and arrows. We can see the many Northern tribespeople camped in the area.

“Lieutenant Colonel Snake!” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Yes, Lieutenant General” Pat

“The Third Army is heading to the fort, forcing any tribespeople away that we run into. What is the Eighth Army planning?” Lieutenant General Ganache

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I thought for a few seconds before replying.

“I’m going to leave my supply unit with the Third Army. The core of the Eighth Army will wrap around the tribespeople, so we’ll split off here. Please take care of my supply unit! I will raise black smoke as the signal for when I’m about to launch my surprise attack.” Pat

“Yes, sir. I wish you good luck.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Eighth Army! The supply unit will continue on to the fortress with the Third Army, so get the supplies you need for the next few days before they leave! The Running Dragon and Cavalry group fall in with me, we’re going to sneak behind the tribes on the road and ambush them! Get moving!” Pat

At my command, the army packs food and other essentials into their backpacks from the supply carriages.

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“Ok, we’re ready, Eighth Army, depart!” Pat

The Third Army attacked the back of the tribes that were camped around the rear gate of the fortress. The tribes seem to have not considered potential reinforcements, so the Third Army was able to enter the fortress pretty easily.

The Northern Army has been resupplied with food and armaments.

“Where is Major General Fisher?” Lieutenant General Ganache

“He’s at the observation platform next to the main gate!” Soldier

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Lieutenant General Ganache moved to the observation platform.

“Major General Fisher, what’s the situation?” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Oh, Lieutenant General Ganache, thanks for the reinforcements. Currently, we’ve suffered no major damage from the siege, but we do have some injuries from the enemy archers. There were so many enemies, I chose to hold within the fortress instead of an aggressive strategy.” Major General Fisher

“I see, that’s good to hear. Of the reinforcements I’ve brought, the Third Army and the Eighth Army’s supply corps have entered the fortress. The Eighth Army combat corps are skirmishing with the enemy.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Oh, the newly created Eighth Army is here? I haven’t had the chance to see them work, but I’ve heard some rumors about them. What do you think they’ll do?” Major General Fisher

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“Their training is vigorous, it wears out the Third Army and even the Royal Guard. You can expect some interesting things from them.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Is that so? Then, is it safe to stay on defense for a little longer?” Major General Fisher

“Yes, we should stay on defense until we see movement. We’ll wait for Lieutenant Colonel Snake to make the first move for the Kingdom.” Lieutenant General Ganache

Editor Note: Right now, I'm heads down on wrapping up the last chapters for Volume 1 (translation and images). Then I've got to tweak the combined chapters to make them cohesive and so on. I've never tried to edit a book-length text before, it's... interesting.

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