Chapter 142: Time of Turmoil 4

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July 22, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 538 words

A while after Patrick and the other armies left the Royal Capital…

The soldiers of the rebellious aristocrats have been moved into camps, watched over by various soldiers of the Kingdom armies.

“Why are we being detained like this?!” Soldier A

“Yeah, we fight for the same Kingdom, just like you!” Soldier B

“Don’t start trouble! It’s orders from the General! I’m only doing what I’ve been told.” Kingdom Soldier

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Soon, a certain person arrived…

“What’s all this?” Henry

Henry, the Second Prince of the Kingdom has long silver hair and blue eyes. He came to visit the captured soldiers today.

“Your Highness Henry! What brings you to a place like this?” Kingdom Soldier replies as he kneels

“Nothing in particular, I was just sick of walking the same path in the castle. I wanted to walk a different path today.” Henry

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“Maybe that’s so, I wouldn’t know.” Kingdom Soldier

“That’s fine. I have an order for you: Release the detained soldiers!” Henry

“Your Highness, I can’t do that. My orders come from General Andretti, and only the General or your father can overrule them.” Kingdom Soldier

“Hmph, if you had better wisdom, you might have seen the dawn of a better Kingdom.” Henry

At this point, Henry stabs his sword into the kneeling soldier. The two nearby Kingdom soldiers look askance at his action.

“Friends, soldiers, countrymen, lend me your ears! I come to overthrow my father, not to praise him! I am prepared and ready to become the master of this Kingdom, I, Henry Mental! Those who listen and act today will find themselves rewarded for their heroism.

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Your masters planned to rebel against the crown for dubious reasons, and yet, their soldiers, who had no idea of their actions, will be enslaved or executed?

What kind of nation can let that happen? What kind of Kingdom allows evil to infect the innocent, while their good deeds are forgotten and buried? I do not want to see the good you have done disappear!

What are you to do?

Follow me! We will right this wrong! Even if it leads to the death of my father and brother!” Henry

“I am loyal to His Highness!” Soldier A

“Me too!” Soldier B

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One after another, the detained militia members raise their voices in support. Soon, the effect spreads to some of the guards from the Second Army.

Unfortunately, the guards cannot detain the prince, even when he openly declared rebellion against his father. Only the King can issue such a command.

Instead, a few of the loyal Second Army members run away from the camp to alert either General Andretti or the King.

Editor Note: Henry’s speech is not very inspiring in the source, so I punched it up a bit. I’ll leave the original below.

“Ok! I, Henry Mental, will become the master of the castle starting today! Today I will kill my father and brothers! Those who follow me will be treated well. Detained soldiers, your families and relatives are being held captive by the Royal Guards at this moment. All for the crime of potentially rebelling?

At best, you’re going to become slaves, but you could also be executed. Now, what will you do?” Henry

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