Chapter 148: Time of Turmoil 10: Breaks

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Wiley and Van Pelt twist and push their spears into the weakening Royal Guard commander, making his defeat inevitable.

“This is the end of your run, Henry! Give up. Surrender now and you’ll live.” King

“Hey! You guys, charge!” Henry orders

“But, those are the fierce guys who just defeated the Royal Guard commander…” Soldier

“Just buy me enough time to escape! Do it!” Henry

“Bufo” Henry spits as he is blown away

“Did you think I wasn’t going to do anything?” Patrick

I had taken the place of Henry after I attacked him.

“Eh? Why did Henry get blown away?” King

“Henry was struck by Patrick, well, it was more like a flying kick.” Sonaris

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“Oh, did you see it? Patrick was moving just a little bit ago?” Prince William

“Yes! I’m his wife!” Sonaris

“No, you’re still his fiancée…” King murmured

“Now, finish taking out the rebels! Don’t kill the rebel aristocrats if possible. You can kill the others if they don’t surrender!” Patrick

I ordered my troops to finish the job while I moved towards Henry.

“So, you chose to ignore the King’s words a minute ago. Can I take that as you wanting to die in battle?” Patrick

I’m looking down at Henry, who had just finished rolling around in pain.

“What, what impertinence? Who do you think you’re talking to, you upstart Count! I want to die? Perish the thought, I’m not defeated yet! I’m going to get up and kill you all!” Henry

“What part of your rebellion hasn’t been defeated? You’re the last remaining piece. If I only had His Majesty’s permission, your head would be rolling on the ground right now. You’re completely disconnected from reality!” Patrick

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“Shut up! If only you didn’t exist, everything would have worked! Anyone who can hold the castle and capital has won their fight for the throne! My foolish father who gave my weaker brother Crown Prince is shameful! If I had another hour, I could have killed them all and been crowned King!” Henry

My forehead twitched as I got really angry. Angry enough that I released all of my murderous aura.

The surrounding people are immediately cowed by the deadly atmosphere emanating from me. Nobody says anything and Henry’s mother and sister collapse to the floor. The rebel soldiers fall to the floor and piss themselves.

Even the Eighth Army trembled a bit.

Henry, who was right near me, spewed bubbles from his mouth and fainted. I couldn’t suffer him to sleep through everything, so I kicked his belly until he woke up.

“Fucking twice, you said you wanted to kill them all…” Patrick

“Ugh” Henry

“So, I’m guessing you intended to kill His Majesty, who I am indebted to, as well as Sonaris, who is my wonderful fiancée, right?” Patrick

“Bugh” Henry

“Definitely includes Crown Prince William, my future brother-in-law and his wife, Princess Elizabeth.” Patrick

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“Gofu” Henry

“Pissant Henry thinks he is better than His Highness William? How? Where? Don’t pretend that you’re not gutter-trash that only looks out for himself! You’re unfit for any place but hell!” Patrick

“Garrr” Henry

“Personally, I cannot suffer anyone who targets my people.” Patrick

“Gurgle” Henry

“I’d love to kill you right now, but I have to put up with your nasty, cowardly, reprehensible acts because I don’t have His Majesty’s permission.” Patrick

“Pssh” Henry

“Does it hurt, Henry? Of course it does. I’m only trying to engrave the hurt you tried to visit on others onto you. Feel the pain you selfishly tried to cause.” Patrick"

“Gufu gufu” Henry

“Do you think you’re dying now?” Patrick

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“Pfft” Henry

“Do you want me to end your life?” Patrick

“Mmph mmph” Henry

“Do you think death is going to be comfortable?” Patrick

I’m keeping calm, but I was engaged in a bit of rough work.

While I’m doing my work, a number of people have collapsed and lost control of their bladders. They’re too scared to say anything, so there’s no one to say stop.

Henry’s whole body is bruised, but he isn’t bleeding much. I bet a potion would heal him up like nothing happened.

“Crack!” Henry’s body

That was the sound of something snapping in Henry’s body, but it was somewhat drowned out by his screams, so not everybody heard it. That was the point when his spirit broke.

By me

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