Chapter 157: Knight

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Count Snake, the most talked about noble in the Kingdom right now.

Recently, a recognition ceremony was held at the Snake mansion in the Royal Capital. It was to recognize new Knights of the Snake family.

The first Knight was Lieutenant John Van Pelt, captain of the Eighth Army’s Running Dragon Battalion. He was a son of a Baronet.

The second Knight was Lieutenant Jack Wylie, captain of the Eighth Army’s Cavalry Battalion. He was a son of a Viscount.

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The third Knight was Second Lieutenant Mirk, adjutant to Lieutenant Colonel Snake of the Eighth Army. He was the son of a commoner and assigned as adjutant at my discretion.

The fourth Knight was the head of my territorial militia’s Viper Squad, Elvis. He was also the son of a commoner.

The final Knight was the head of the Snake house’s Dark Serpent Squad, again, the son of a commoner.

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Each was awarded a dagger bearing the Snake family crest, the sign of their Knighthood. I commissioned them from Count Abbott’s territory. Once the ceremony was over, the five and I headed to the Royal Castle to pay the knight tax and fill out the requisite forms so they will be certified as Knights.

I watch the five men fill out the necessary information on their documents. They all have complexions that are a bit flushed. I can see nervousness, excitement, and a little anxiety, it was showing up on their faces. Knights and Baronets don’t create a family crest, as there are no territory tax reports that would require a crest. Once all the applications had been completed, we all returned to the Snake mansion.

“All right, you are now Knights of the Snake house. Because you are my Knights, you are expected to work hard to devote yourselves to the house’s prosperity. I want to see you all complete even greater achievements and rank up to Barons. Just don’t be so foolhardy that you find yourself killed. Once you die, there’s nothing else you can do. Be careful when you enter into mortal combat!” Patrick

The five seriously consider my warning.

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“But right now, it’s time to party! Let’s enter the banquet!” Patrick

There were soldiers from the Eighth Army and my territory’s militia sitting in the party venue set up in my mansion, waiting for me to make a toast.

“Then, to our five new Knights!” Patrick

“Cheers!” Partygoers

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The banquet was a joyous occasion.

My house is rich in alcoholic beverages and many of the attendees got drunk on them. I had the servants remove the drunken people, but some would wake up and re-enter the hall, claiming they could still drink more.

Some got lost on the way and stumbled into the entrance hall instead, I could tell because they screamed after opening the wrong door.

That sort of thing is part of daily life in the Snake mansion.

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