016: After the Attack

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April 18, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 221 words

“Report! Enemy, 51 bandits eliminated! 1 bandit captured! Allies, two people killed in action and three wounded. That’s all!” Platoon Leader

“Who were the two killed?” Pat

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“Private First-Class Ed, Private Carter” Platoon Leader

“Ok, what about the three injured?” Pat

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“They have cuts on their arms, not life-threating. All have been properly treated.” Platoon Leader

“Then, send Kyle’s squad to escort one carriage with the two killed in action and the three wounded back to the royal capital. The rest should stay to search the bandit’s stronghold after I question the captured bandit. They may have captured citizens to be liberated.” Pat

“Ha!” Platoon Leader

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Wayne approached me with a worried look on his face.

“Pat, don’t be so disheartened. Two killed in action with those odds is well above average.” Wayne

“Wayne, I know. That being said, I still think that perhaps I could have done better. I feel bad for the two families.” Pat

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Wayne pats me on the shoulder with a bitter look, then returns to the carriages.

The heads of the bandits were also piled into the returning carriage, to serve as a proof of subjugation. The heads will be exhibited at a certain area of the royal capital.

No one noticed the tall man with brown hair fleeing deeper into the forest at full speed.

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