024: Get a Vacation

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April 18, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 284 words

I slept soundly in a bed under a roof tonight, and I woke up feeling quite refreshed. It is so much better than a tent or carriage.

I had breakfast and talked with the happy soldiers of my company.

“Then, Marquis, Kevin, we will be returning to the royal capital.” Pat

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After salutations, the company left to patrol the road back to the capital.

We encountered a few orcs on the way back, but no more bandits. It seems the large bandit group must have absorbed or pushed out the other bandit groups in the area.

“The cleanup mission for monsters and bandits has been completed with all reasonable speed.” Pat

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I’m reporting the situation to my commander, though I’m keeping Kevin a secret. It’s a matter of saving face for the Marquis. The gold coins count as part reward and part hush money. It’s an unwritten rule.

“You’ve had a rough time! Your soldiers must be tired. I’ve approved two off-duty days for your company.” Commander

“Ah! Thank you for the consideration. Excuse me!” Pat

It happened! I’ve got a vacation!

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“Hmm? Has Second Lieutenant Riggsby’s company always been this effective?” Commander

“They should have been competent, but there was no personal selection or particular requirements to their incorporation. I wonder if Second Lieutenant Riggsby and Master Sergeant Wayne are particularly good commanders?” Adjutant

“Well, this clear up any issues for His Highness’s (the Prince) visit to the Marquis” Commander

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“Yes, if His Highness hadn’t wanted to move with such few guards, we wouldn’t have needed the cleanup.” Adjutant

“His Highness has always disliked moving with a large number of escorts.” Commander

“That preference of his has always been troublesome.” Adjutant

“Indeed” Commander

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