029: Before the Preparations

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April 22, 2022 - 1 minutes read - 206 words

The meeting continued, with Patrick still there.

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“Now, Second Lieutenant Riggsby, you must carry out the your new orders! I’ll leave the selection of soldiers to you. Everyone else, stick to your original orders! Will we drive the empire out and the traitor will meet their end!” General Andretti

At this point, everyone in the room stood up and saluted the general (except the king, of course).

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I’ll need to move quickly.

“Wayne! The General has given me a royal edict, so I’ll need to move independently for now. You will take command of the company in my absence.” Pat

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“What?” Wayne

“So, I’ll need you to lead the company…” Pat

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“Whoah, uh, wait a minute! Royal edict? General? What happened? By Royal edict, do you mean the General issued it to you? On behalf of His Majesty the King, right? What? Huh? I’m taking command of a company while I’m still a Master Sergeant? Why can’t you lead the company?” Wayne

“I can’t give you all the details, but I’m grabbing two specific people I’ll need. Don’t worry too much, I’m sure you’re qualified to handle it. Fight hard!” Pat says as he runs off

“What’s going on?” Wayne mutters to no one in particular

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