036: Match

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April 29, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 318 words

While the Kingdom Army was approaching the area, four figures were discussing something behind the fort.

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“For the time being, I’m going to sneak in and kill an enemy so I can take their clothing. I’ll be gone for a while, you three should stay here for now.” Pat explained before he started into the enemy fort

I moved behind a tent where I found a soldier, restrained him, then killed him with a dagger thrust into his neck. I dragged him into the empty tent.

“Ok, now off with the equipment” Pat

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I removed the equipment from the soldier. The equipment varies a bit from the Kingdom Army to each noble’s army. The Kingdom Army has the emblem of the Kingdom in a noticeable place, while the Westin equipment has their crest in a similar but different area. I’m changing my armor just in case I’m spotted.

“Well, I’m going. My running dragon is with those three, so it should be fine.” Pat

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Nobody seems to be suspicious of me, even though I’m not really greeting anyone by name. It seems I just fade into the background.

Do you know anyone who is especially indistinguishable? Someone who should be there, but you’re still surprised when they start talking? Or when everyone gets a slice of cake, they’re the one forgotten? A person who you would look past when looking for them? Is there a person like that?

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Well, I am that type of person.

“Is this it?” Pat

I step into a large tent near the back where I saw some carts laden with food leaving a few minutes ago. I see sacks of wheat, barrels of dried meat, and bags of dried fruits. I splash the oil I’m carrying over the sacks. I made sure to grab some easy-strike matches before I left the royal capital, so I light one and throw it onto the sacks.

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