041: Raid?

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May 3, 2022 - 4 minutes read - 651 words

There are only two major roads from Marquis Westin’s mansion to the fortress. The eastern road has already been captured by the Kingdom Army. I was assigned to oversee the western road.

“Inspector General, please pay attention as I display my resolution through my actions.” Pat

“Yes, I’ll observe and report to His Majesty.” Sergeant Josh

“Then let’s go, Mirko and Colton, escort the Inspector General.” Pat

I run towards the moving carriage that just appeared from the forest.

An arrow stabs into the carriage with the Baron Riggsby crest.

“Is it an enemy attack?” Coachman

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It seems just one arrow flew, and there’s no obvious enemy presence…

“Hey, what’s wrong? Are there enemy soldiers?” Baron von Riggsby

“Well, an arrow came at us, but I don’t see any more coming, so I’m not sure what to do.” Coachman

“Ugh, ignore it! All speed to the fortress!” Baron von Riggsby

“Yah!” Coachman

At this point, the coachman whipped the horse to resume the journey, but the metal fittings that connected the carriage to the horse separated. The horse ran off while the carriage was left sitting there.

“What?” Coachman

That was the last words the coachman would utter.

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“Hey, what are you playing at? We’ve got to get going!” Baron von Riggsby

“That’s impossible, you don’t have a horse.” Pat

I’m standing in the leather armor of the kingdom, with my emblem of a second lieutenant on my chest. I’m holding a hatchet in my hand.

“Pat, Patrick?” Baron von Riggsby

“Hey, it’s been a while, you asswipe of a father.” Pat

“What? Where did that tone come from? How dare you say that to your father! Shame on you! What do you think you’re doing? Wait, aren’t you in the Kingdom Army…” Baron von Riggsby

“Yes, I’m currently a Second Lieutenant in the Kingdom Army.” Pat

“A second lieutenant? You can’t make second lieutenant in less than a year! You’re a thief, you stole a rank badge! No, you must have deserted! Get out of here with your bullshit! Do you think you can come crawling back to the family? Hah, your home is now part of the Empire… Augh!” Baron von Riggsby

I got tired of his tirade, so I cut it short by lopping off a few of my father’s fingers.

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“You have an annoying mouth that doesn’t know when to shut itself.” Pat

“You!” Baroness Riggsby

“Oi! Pig! Are you being transported to a butcher?” Pat

At my words, Baroness Marianne Riggsby’s face turned red.

“Patrick! Why is a ill-fated child like you talking to me! I won’t forgive this!” Baroness Riggsby

“Who cares? Your guard is currently lying dead over there.” Pat

“Well, fine. Leave this place now! I’ll forgive you this time. Disappear immediately!” Baroness Riggsby

“Are you insane? Has your brain been eaten by moths? I’m a member of the Kingdom’s Army and you all are rebels. Do you think I’m going to let you go?” Pat

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I walk over to my father, kick him in the stomach as he’s rolling on the ground, then kick him in the head for good measure. So he can’t run away, I stab my spear through his thigh, pinning him to the ground.

“Now, you sad excuse for a parent, thanks for nothing. Are you aware of the situation you’ve gotten yourself into?” Pat

“Wait, wait! I was in the wrong, please stop! If you keep going, I’m going to die!” Baron von Riggsby

“So, who was the one who killed my mother?” Pat

“Oh, that was Marianne, all Marianne!” Baron von Riggsby

“You! You’re selling me out that easily?!” Baroness Riggsby

“Ugh! You were the one convinced that black eyes were cursed!” Baron von Riggsby

“Ugh, shut up, you’re too noisy.” Pat

After saying that I shoved their shoes into their mouths to shut them up. I made sure to tie up Marianne with a rope.

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