044: To the Fortress

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May 5, 2022 - 1 minutes read - 202 words

“Are we still waiting on Karee and Riggsby?” Marquis Westin

“Their sons and soldiers have arrived, but we haven’t seen their carriages arrive yet.” Soldier

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“Even though everything else made it, they’re so slow!” Marquis Westin

Yes, everyone else but thosfe two family heads had made it to the fortress. Well, it’s more like they left late and they didn’t have the good sense to travel with their soldiers when they had joined a rebellion. That’s why Patrick had such an easy time killing them.

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“We should see the Kingdom Army appear very soon. Strengthen our defenses, we can’t let them burn our food again! Well, this is a secure fortress, so we should be fine!” Marquis Westin

The Kingdom’s Army was advancing carefully to the fortress.

“Lieutenant General Simon, we’ve spotted them! They’re holed up in the Western fortress! We can see archers on the ramparts!” Messenger

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“Yes, make sure to halt just out of the archer’s range.” Lieutenant General Simon

“Ha!” Messenger

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“Send word to the survivors of the Western Army and the Southern reinforcements, I want to meet up with them.” Lieutenant General Simon

“What? I’ll get on it!” Another Messenger

Two horses gallop off from the Kingdom Army.

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