053: Escape

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May 12, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 217 words

The officers and aristocrats quickly pack their luggage. The soldiers nearby pick up on the actions and start to flee themselves.

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Demoralized soldiers are difficult to handle. Even one panicking soldier running away can trigger a stampede, it’s like an infectious disease.

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“Let the soldiers escape! We just want the rebel aristocrats and the Imperial Army leaders! Stay sharp!” Lieutenant General Simon

Following his order, the Kingdom Army soldiers concentrate on the carriages attempting to escape. Most aristocrats are weak physically, excepting the rare ones that are also serving in army positions. The fat nobles don’t move further than room to room in their mansions, and when they do leave their mansion it’s on a carriage or a horse.

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The Kingdom Army catches carriage after carriage of rebelling nobles.

An arrow is fired at someone who is running off on a horse. The back gate leads to the main force of the Kingdom Army and the front gate is still closed, so the only open gate is the side gate the Kingdom Army entered from. It’s too small for a carriage to exit, and even horses would find it difficult since the gate is clogged with escaping soldiers.

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However, the Imperial Army leaders passed through the gate by riding their horses on top of the fleeing soldiers.

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