057: Judgement?

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May 15, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 562 words

The battle is over for now.

The rebellion is suppressed and the Imperial invasion force has been eliminated. The rebellious noble families are completely crushed and their territories have been confiscated by the royal family.

Well, one house is still in limbo.

“Now, brothers, I’m guessing you have nothing to offer, but just in case, is there anything redeeming you have to save your skins?” Pat

I ask that question to the two brown-haired blue-eyed fat men in front of me. Unfortunately, they’re my brothers. They attempted to escape the fortress in a wagon, but were captured immediately.

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“Patrick! Untie me, now! Who do you think you’re talking to?” Second Son

“That’s right! Untie me first! I’m the next head of the barony!” First Son

They really have no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.

“Second Lieutenant, are they feebleminded? Worms ate their brains, maybe?” Lieutenant General Simon

“Hey, old man! Who do you think you’re talking to?” First Son

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“Shut up! Idiot brothers! Ugh, it disgusts me that I’m related to you swine! Fine, listen you little worms! This person is Marquis Simon, a Lieutenant General of the kingdom you rebelled against and a high noble as well! A mere heir to a former baronetcy doesn’t have any right to open your mouth to him! Shut your foolish mouths!” Pat

At this point, I decided the best course of action was to kick my oldest brother in the fucking face.

“I’ll leave Patrick the benefit of the doubt here. His Majesty has let me know that the punishments for these two is left to you. I’ll just follow whatever you recommend. I would guess that your future reputation will depend on what you do here.” Lieutenant General Simon

“Hah! I understand!” Pat

“Then, I leave this to you.” Lieutenant General Simon says as he sits down in a chair

There were also the Marquis of the Secretary of Justice a few other senior military officers.

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“So, before I hand over your future dispositions, I’ll let you know this. Our father and the pig that was your mother were killed after I returned them the kindness they showed me so many times.” Pat

“What? What!” Eldest Son

“Oh my god!” Second Son

“So, for your charges, the eldest son was not only unable to stop his father from entering a rebellion against the state, but also actively participated in that rebellion. The sentence for that will a beheading after a public shaming where the citizens may throw stones at him…” Pat

“After a cross-examination by Kingdom soldiers, the second son will be sentenced to quartering by axe followed by hanging upside down until death. That’s all!” Pat

After that, the two screamed at me for a short time, but my expression was radiant.

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“I’m not sure what to say, I guess I really do hate the other members of my paternal family that much.” Pat

“Well, if your claims are true, it makes complete sense. You’re still quite ruthless. I’ll send the sentences to His Majesty, you two can leave.” Lieutenant General Simon

I left the room alongside the Marquis for Justice, leaving just Lieutenant General Simon there. A little while later, the King arrived with an escort as well as Sergeant Josh (Patrick’s Inspector General).

“Your Majesty!” Lieutenant General Simon

“Good, Simon. Well, sit down, and let’s hear the report.” King

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