006: Soldier's Job 1

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April 17, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 523 words

A soldier’s day starts early.

Well, not only soldiers, most people’s morning in this world starts early. With no technology like electric lights, the only way to light up the night is candles or firewood. Candles get expensive quickly, so common folk often use firewood. Even firewood costs money or time, though.

Therefore, common people get up with the sun. Soldiers, without exception, also wake with the sunrise. We start out by running as the sun rises. Then on to carrying heavy luggage on our backs while running around the training ground.

Then we get breakfast: hard black bread and bean soup with bacon in it. That’s all! I’m happy we at least get bacon.

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After eating, we start on our work. There’s a variety of work that soldiers undergo, but the most common activity is patrolling the royal capital to be ready to respond to trouble. Much like a modern police officer.

The next most common is acting as the gatekeeper for the city. This discourages criminals and the smuggling of illegal goods. We inspect the carriage contents and bed for secret compartments while checking for criminal persons.

Finally, you could be assigned to patrol the land surrounding the capital. This world is what you might call a sword and bow fantasy world. Of course, there are orc-like monsters, as well as the classic goblin. Weak as individuals, but dangerous because of their propensity to form groups.

Even more powerful is the ogre, which is stronger and smarter than an orc. There’s also a variety of dragon and dragon-like creatures. Wyverns exist as well as the more classical styles of dragons, but I don’t want to get too deep into the fauna of this world.

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Patrols work to detect and eliminate the aforementioned threats.

In more rural areas, adventurers will work odd jobs to defeat monsters or collect herbs. The orc herd mentioned at the beginning of this story was discovered by one of the top medicinal herb collectors.

“Will we see any goblins today?” Soldier A

“It seems that three were spotted yesterday?” Soldier B

“Seriously? So we should expect to see some.” Soldier A

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The soldiers on patrol walk while complaining.

Goblins nearly always exist in a large flock. When you find one, there’s probably three more nearby. That’s how goblins are in this world.

“They may spring out anytime, so stay alert.” Wayne

Wayne is currently serving as my platoon’s deputy captain.

“Yes! I understand” Soldier A

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“What’s your take on the situation, captain?” Wayne

“The goblins were only spotted yesterday, I feel like they’ve got to be around here somewhere.” Pat

Since I was promoted to Master Sergeant, I was given a platoon. A platoon is three squads, each of which is made up of three soldiers. In addition to the squad members, the platoon leader makes up the tenth member. I’m a Master Sergeant, serving as platoon captain, Wayne is a Sergeant and the deputy captain, then two Corporals to command the other two squads, then Privates and Private First-Class’s to fill out the squads.

“Why don’t we go a little further?” Pat requests of the platoon

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