065: Baron Canaan 2

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May 17, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 268 words

My Cousin Dekose is similar to Uncle Trolla. Until two years ago, he was also a member of the Royal Guards, just like his father, but now he is in training to become the next Baron Canaan. He was given a Reserve Discharge in order to undergo the training.

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The Kingdom Army has four method of discharge, Formal, Dishonorable, Honorable, and Reserve. Formal Discharge is also known as mandatory retirement. A Dishonorable Discharge is a firing for misconduct or similar reasons. An Honorable Discharge dying while in battle. A Reserve Discharge is where you aren’t active, but can be called back in an emergency, or you may return in the future.

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Dekose is ten years older than me and when I was a child, he and his mother would practice with me when I was visiting. I would often go to visit them, until my mother passed away. He’s more of a brother than my half-brothers ever were. He’s big and strong with a kind heart.

Aisha is a two years younger than me and a a little chubby, but a lovable girl with a lot of energy. She missed seeing me as much as she misses her brother, maybe more.

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“Pat, come visit us again! My brothers miss you too! I want to hear about the war. I want to hear about your territory!” Dekose

“Dekose! Honestly, consulting you would be a big help! I’m in a bit of a difficult spot, suddenly becoming head of a noble family!” Pat

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He smiles and laughs, I’m glad I have people in this world that I would call family.

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