086: Audience

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May 28, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 281 words

After the Second and Eighth Armies returned to the capital, they were each given two days of vacation. However, I got summoned by the King.

I’m currently kneeling and lowering my head before the King. He enters and sits on the throne.

“Viscount Patrick von Snake, raise your face.” Prime Minister Bendrick

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“Ha!” Pat

I look up now.

“If this had continued to stay hidden, it would have turned into a large problem for the Kingdom. You showed good judgement in discovering and reporting the issue. Therefore, you will be given a reward.” King

“Prime Minister, please read the inventory.” King

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“First, Viscount Patrick von Snake is appointed to the rank of Count. Second, the remainder of former Viscount Harter’s territory will be given to Count Snake. Finally, Count Patrick von Snake is awarded the rank of Lietenant Colonel. That is all!” Prime Minister Bendrick

“Thank you for this kindness, I will continue to devote my power to His Majesty the King and the people of the Kingdom.” Pat

The King nodded at the proper response.

“Also, Patrick. This is a reward from me, personally. Take it.” King

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The Prime Minister brings me a small wooden box.

“Yes, your Majesty.” Pat

“Hm, good work! Also, you have yet to submit a family crest? I had something drawn up for you, enjoy it!” King

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The King grinned as he left the audience chamber.

Oh, I’ve been targeted. I’m sweating inwardly from the stress.

When I got out of the audience chamber I sat down on a bench in the castle courtyard and opened the lid of the box.

“What is this?” Pat

I was looking at a snake-shaped bracelet in the box.

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