Dawn Of The Second Day

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「Wake up, Wa-Ke-Up-」


My body shakes.


「Just a little longer Alicia…」


However, the shaking doesn’t stop, rather, it increases.


「Onii-chan. I’m not Alicia-, Wake up-」


I uncomfortably began to open my eyes.


The face of my imouto, Yuna, is in front of me — Apparently Yuna was laying beside my body as she was shaking it.


A soft feeling was transmitted from Yuna’s close skin, one that I had never felt before, along with a sweet smell that reached my nose.


— I jumped up from the bed in a hurry.


「Ah, you woke up… Good morning onii-chan.」


「… Wha, Wha, What are you doing!?」


I ask my imouto with tears in my eyes. Even if we were close siblings, to sneak into your older brothers bed is too much. It’s fortunate that there was no longer anything to react to her. If it had responded to my imouto the only thing left for me would be self-hatred.


「It’s because onii-chan wouldn’t wake up at all. Even though I said I would get in to the bed if you didn’t wake up, you didn’t reply.」


「Even so, isn’t this going to far!? We’re brother and sister.」


「No, since onii-chan and I are sisters now, this much is fine. You need to get up and eat breakfast before mom puts it away. After that, I would like to talk with Alicia for a while!」

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「…yeah yeah」


I got off my bed and cast the telepathy spell.


『Good morning, Alicia.』


Yuna immediately greeted Alicia.


『Good morning, Yuna-san』


『… The name.』


『I’m sorry… Yuna.』


『Yes, that’s good.』


Has Yuna already became friends with Alicia?


It’s probably because of all the time they spent talking yesterday.


I’m honestly glad that Yuna and Alicia are getting along.


「What are you looking at onii-chan? Hurry up and go to the living room!」


I quickly left the room to get away from Yuna, who had raised her voice.


… This tsundere.


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Following Yuna’s advice I made my way down stairs to the living room, only one meal remained on the table. The current time is 9:40, so it seems that I overslept because of how tired I was yesterday.


「Good morning mom… Sorry, I overslept.」


I greet my mom who is standing in the kitchen.


My mom replies without stopping her hands in the sink.


「Good morning, Ikutari, Alicia. Did you both sleep well?」


『Yes, thanks to you we both had a good rest.』


「I slept soundly.」


「That’s good. Well then, go ahead and eat… We’ll go shopping once you’re finished.」


Incidentally, she had mentioned this yesterday.


Looking back on when I went shopping with them before, I always ended up being dragged around endlessly and was forced to carry all the bags.


Although I won’t likely have to carry the bags with this body, knowing the purpose of the shopping honestly made me feel a little troubled.


「Don’t make such a face, isn’t most of the shopping for you?」


My former clothes didn’t fit Alicia’s body after all. Although I could get by with some of Yuna’s handmedowns it was overwhelmingly insufficient for everyday use. In addition, I’d like to get my own underwear… In this case, I had already conceded to wearing women’s underwear.


Therefore, although going shopping can’t be helped, I’m nervous about getting turned into a dress-up doll by these two girls.


「We won’t force you to go if you don’t want to. Me and mom will buy a bunch of cute clothes for onii-chan.」


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Uu… That also gives me a really bad feeling. If I leave it to these two girls, there is a high probability that they will only buy clothes meant for super cute girls. At the very least I want to get a comfortable pair of jeans and a T-shirt.


「… I get it, I’ll also go.」


I made up my mind to go to the battlefield in order to protect my peace of mind.


「In that case, eat quickly then go and get dressed.」


「I’ve prepared a change of clothes in your room!」


『I’m looking forward to the clothes Yuna prepared! Ikuto-san!』


Contrary to the excited Alicia, I only felt anxiety over what clothes Yuna had chosen.


Finishing the meal of miso soup, bacon, eggs and rice I made my way back to my room, I shuddered at the clothes that were lined up.


『They are very cute Ikuto-san!』


『Y, Yeah.』


On the bed was a pink jacket, a white blouse, a red and brown checkered skirt, black over the knee socks and a white camisole.


Then, there was a brand new matching pair of pink panties and bra, both decorated with a small ribbon.


Apparently, Yuna went to buy them after dinner yesterday. Since I’m not having to wear my imouto’s underwear anymore, I felt I was saved.


『… What’s wrong? Everyone is waiting, so change clothes quickly.』


『… That’s right.』


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I tried to find a way to avoid wearing it, but couldn’t think of anything and gave up and decided to change clothes.


The buttons on the blouse gave me some trouble, but after a while I managed to get them all done up.


As I finished changing into the prepared clothes, the first thing I noticed was the skirt. Wearing it felt like I wasn’t wearing anything. In addition, if I wasn’t careful then I would end up flashing my panties.


After changing clothes and returning to the living room, I was met with cheers from the two ladies.


「Ara ara, it looks good.」


「It suits you so well onii-chan… As expected!」


I stand in front of the full-length mirror as I listen to the two voices.


Because my room doesn’t have a mirror, I couldn’t confirm what it looked like prior to this.


There was a cute little girl dressed in warm colors standing in the mirror.


The small area of skin between the skirt and the over the knee socks is dazzling.


If such a girl was walking down the street, she would definitely draw peoples eyes.


The girls uneasy gestures stir up something inside me… I began to think, then noticed that the person in the reflection was myself.


… I’m an idiot.


The me in the mirror had a ridiculous expression.


However, even with that expression, it still looked good.

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